Change the Scourge Shift Keybinding ASAP

Had a terrible experience dealing with Expedition which uses the same keybinds as Scourge. Please allows us to change the binds to other buttons. It's not fun or optimal in Xbox.
I have to agree, this key bind is not good at all.
Adding my vote. Current keybind is going to destroy people's equipped items real quick.

Id love to be able to bind it to a skill slot and l2 + r2 would be fine too.

Please please fix this asap
The new patches work great for me. Thanks for fixing the stash tab issue. Now this really needs some attention.

Levelling a second character. Interacting with the league via shifting just feels awful due to the shift command input.
I agree with this post as well, A lot of the buttons that we have to use is just so counter intuitive for certain things, it just makes no sense. Please strongly consider making some changes because this is really hurting the quality and enjoyment for the game, In some cases even performance. If you're dong Nem3 or magic find builds, Hitting L3 and the touchpad for league mechanics are so annoying because it shows all the unfiltered junk and causes some serious performance issues, even on ps5 with 1GB internet with an ethernet. Really hope for a temporary solution by allowing another button for scourge (preferably not L3 to show all the unfiltered crap) and have a more permeant solution later on.
+1. At the very least it may be worth providing us with the option to completely disable looking at hidden ground loot (it's hidden for a reason, right?) so that using L3 would be slightly less of an issue.

I personally enjoy the scourge mechanic but I've reached a point in mapping where I have to actively avoid shifting into scourge due to the massive fps drops (and unavoidable death) that occurs as the ground loot shows up.
please for the love of God, the league would be sooo much better if we didn't have to press L3. Ya, I'm magic finding but I find it fun this league and it's fucking cancer with the L3. With all the loot on the ground it DC's or takes 5 seconds to do. Just switch the damn buttons or something, it's horrible. Make a different button to show loot or something, that's really the only bad thing about this league.
Last edited by Anton__Chigur#9285 on Nov 17, 2021, 12:14:03 AM

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