Dads N Duds - NA Small - No Drama SC League

3.23 Affliction SC Trade League (We do not play SSF/HC/Standard)

PSA: If you will NOT join voice on a regular occurrence do NOT apply.

Looking to skip all the drama and childish stuff that comes with a 250-member guild?
Then come check us out. Our goal is a target of 25-55 members, currently rebuilding after life and a few bad leagues thinned our ranks.

WHO WE ARE: US based guild of experienced & casual players that have been playing for years and our average age is approximately 35. ALL US TZs, some night owls (myself included) and others who are on during the work day. Many of us are dads (hence the guild name) and we do not spend 15 hours a day playing the game. We still do all the content, group for maps/rotations, etc. Also, the Guild stash is mostly open (if it’s a locked tab, just ask an Officer). Lastly, a lot of us are US military veterans.

WHAT WE ARE NOT: We are NOT the guild for new players, we tried and we just don't have the time to teach people the game, PC items, explain why something made a loud sound on your filter, but is actually worthless.

WHO SHOULD JOIN: Anyone who is chill, uses discord/voice (mandatory), and wants to have fun playing the new content.

Send either a DM via Discord or a msg in game to (BiggAngry or SausageFinger). There is no interview/recruitment process, if you get along . . . you stay. (no politics/racism/homophobia/etc.) Jokes are jokes and we have a sense of humor, just be an adult, if that needs to be explained further . . . you don't stay.

Lastly while there is no age requirement, we are mostly in our 30's and early 40's, have families, etc.. If you're 20 and get along with us, great. If you're clearing all content or rolled your 6th character by day 7 (me), great.
Last edited by Robertthebob#7044 on Dec 14, 2023, 11:19:08 PM
Last bumped on Apr 2, 2024, 3:25:06 PM
discord server:
Last edited by BiggAngry#1028 on Jan 31, 2022, 2:58:56 PM
Just had some new people join, excited for new league
Last edited by BiggAngry#1028 on Feb 3, 2022, 8:34:25 PM
We are looking for a few veterans of the game to join us. Good solid core right now.
Bumpity for anyone joining season late and still looking for a home.
Your discord invite is expired, Can you shoot me a fresh one?
Se7enRea7er wrote:
Your discord invite is expired, Can you shoot me a fresh one?

Updated and sent msg
Bumpity bump, took the discord link out since it goes out of date every week.

Hit me up here, in game, or find BiggAngry
I am interested in your guild. Please send me a tell on LonekDU.

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