Content Update 3.16.0 -- Path of Exile: Scourge
" While you are giving people suggestions, it would be nice if you also tried to not sound so condescending and also like an apologist in half your comments. This person for example specifically simply had a question. You could of just said "there is a new spell suppression mechanic to mitigate damage for evasive builds" instead of your usual responses. Not everybody is going to sit there and read through the entirety of the notes nor do they have to and some that do also might miss something. Peace out. And chillout some. |
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N/m got it
Last edited by Brian9824#5074 on Oct 18, 2021, 9:58:13 AM
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RIP firestorm. Thanks GGG
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Scourge definitely has me interested again that much is for sure.
I'm not going to dance around all happy and amazed at the "buffs", they are practically a slight revert in terms of result. The TL:DR of all this in terms of balancing could really be something along the lines of "we pushed so hard on the nerfs in 3.15 and content buffs, that now we are pushing back to balance it back out and undo the mess we made, along the way making some mechanics simpler.... and also adding some overhauls to the entire game as we always do" That is pretty much the gist of it all. I would say, that in fact if 3.15 wasn't so bad that 3.16 might not have felt so great in its announcement. Not that I am complaining, it feels like a return to form but with some much needed added content changes. Maybe that was the idea all along, they had the new passive tree work being done and they knew some things will be changed going forward, that looks like a lot of work and they said they have been working on the passive tree since the PoE2 announcement. So they probably thought it was a great opportunity to nerf the game to the ground, and if it doesn't stick around as something people will love to revert it back slightly with the patch after. One solution has been something I and I assume others too have been saying since Metamorph. The new Uber Content. That is the solution to making the game "hard" again. Add extra content to further melt characters after the core end game content. I mean they kinda have been trying to do that, but not with success. Maven for example is a core Atlas mechanic. Making a 10 boss battle there is not something that should be the Uber Content of the game and in the end to balance out progression it can't be pushed as much. As a result, a lot of the harder content was actually hard for the 100 + creative builds people might try, sometimes undo-able, and easy for the 5 to 10 maximum meta builds each league. With 3.15 they tried to make the game hard again but took into account that 5% that are copying builds all day long using zero mind power to actually think of something on their own that ironically, having done nothing on their part, call the game easy. In other words, they scaled the difficulty to be good for those 5 to 10 meta builds. In the process destroying any notion of creativity and making the game unplayable outside of the meta. Uber Content. That is how you scale the game right. You have some builds that the game is easy? Give them 500% Delirium and let them juice maps 10x as much xD Nothing wrong with this. Feels like they shied away from just making harder versions of the content in fear of being like D3??? No need to go to that extreme that Blizz did, where the game is constantly adding hp and dmg to try and constantly scale forever. That is a bad mechanic. But nothing wrong with adding a higher tier of content for the 5% out there either. And everyone is happy. If my creative builds, some easier some harder, can do the core end game content, then it is completely ok to have characters that struggle even at 20% Delirium, others being able to do all current end game content will be ok if they can't do Uber content at all, etc. It is totally fine. The game was not as easy as some "flexers" pretend it to be. It never was. Learning the passive tree alone is an entire learning curve on its own. So I won't take such comments from people that never set out to use it on their own to figure it out and just sat there and copied builds online all day long or jumped on PoENinja every few hours to see what is working to reroll a new character and copy paste once again. Back on point. The main thing that has got me excited and is what will make or break this patch, is the new Passive Tree. Seems simpler, kinda streamlined, and at the same time has even more depth. That is what it seems like at least. And I love it. More options, more clusters, and if you want to get multiple aspects of a mastery you still need to plan your path around the tree to collect multiple aspects of the new Mastery System. And I think it simply looks like it makes more sense as well. The new look finally has the game feel fresh as well. I was very skeptical with any changes to the passive tree, always thinking "don't ruin it" because it is pretty much second nature at this point. But it seems like they went about it in the best way possible, making it fresh, looks better, more depth, and simpler at the same time, whilst maintaining its core that it was built on. Key word, "seems". Lets hope the experience pays off. Some mechanic changes are welcome too. Like dodge. Good riddance. It felt out of place, it really did. Eager to try the new defensive options and see how they work. Adding more defense to the tree is also welcome. At a point it felt like you are scurrying about to collect all the good defensive options, until you ended up just going glass canon half the time. Options, and more options, that is what the tree should give us, and it seems to be going in a really good direction. Fingers crossed it is as good as it seems. This is the primary thing that has got me excited for th4e new league. Hope PoB can make updates as well to accommodate, but I really don't mind seeing all the changes first time in-game as I am making my league starter. If anything, I prefer the first experience with the tree to be in-game. If PoB can have something earlier though, I sure wont complain and will jump on the chance to check it all out sooner and see what is what. Obviously. I will have access to something I am anticipating. Ofc I will PoB it out if that is the case. Just saying I wont be mad if it doesn't end up happening on time and will be completely cool with it. That guild hideout has got me also pumped. Gonna probably spend quite some time doing something there as well :D Yeah, Im also one of those. I know, its probably like one of the least important changes, but not to me :D Oh, and the demonic look of the league is also awesome. It is practically Delirium (which I also enjoyed thematically, more so on launch when it actually looked like a shadow-land before the toned it down) but with a position reset now. So practically an updated Delirium more or less. I kinda enjoy the whole "another layer to this world" approaches. As long as they don't happen too often and since they don't its a much welcome league mechanic. Really interested in the whole new corruption system as well and what we can do with it. For the most part, again, 3.16 has got me excited. And its been a while guys, so thank you. Don't think I enjoyed any league after Heist if I am being honest. I enjoyed core game changes and additions more (like skills, Atlas passives, etc), but the leagues? Meh, forgettable to me. Especially Ultimatum. Really don't get why people like it. It was a total waste imo and a reskin of Ritual but with gambling. Expedition looked good as a league mechanic, not amazing, but good, yet I barely enjoyed that as 3.15 was a complete mess all up and I just left. Fingers crossed, hyped up, and hoping Scourge can make me a believer again, and it has many things I am interested in checking out. So far, thinks are looking good <3 Hope performance gets better too? I don't see many patch notes on that. But I wont complain on the artwork improvements being made because yeah, I am that guy too. I want my PoE to look the best it can, and every visual improvement you guys add is something I definitely look forward to. Lets see how it all goes down, and GL with the launch. |
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The main issue POE has is the inaccessibility of the uber content for most of the players. Reading the last statements of GGG, doesnt give me much hope.
Because uber bosses in POE these days are more like mmorpg encounters, the best build won't help you, if you cannot see whats going on due to all of the effects or if you are just too old/slow/stoned/overworked to react properly to unfair mechanics like the labyrinth in the Sirius encounter. These Uber bosses also have some of the best items ingame in their loot table (exclusively), so skipping them feels like a heavy punishment. Hack & slay especially is all about character power. Hard content schould be more a character/gear-check and not a check of personal player skill. The possibility to make your own difficulty of the game in POE is only a theoretical one. In praxis, players want to be able to clear everything because otherwise they feel bad and punished. And noone plays a game to feel bad. And almost noone plays a game for the challenge alone. Last edited by Zottelfisch#6506 on Oct 18, 2021, 12:24:03 PM
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" It is, time to start reading before posting, isnt it? Spell suppression has nothing to do with no hit effects. I'll lend you a hand, drop the arrogance. " Yes it is (too powerful) Also, Seems like they also changed some of the effects (like wind dancer) for: "If you haven't been hit by an attack recently". So these effects are still easy to achieve apparently. Last edited by wildz217#2630 on Oct 18, 2021, 1:15:16 PM
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So it says
" But then lists it as being changed from 10 to 15% damage reduction which seems underwhelming considering its ALL about blind and nothing else. Is that the final change or still subject to tweaks? Really seems like it needs some extra benefit, perhaps bringing back its increased damage to blinded enemies it used to have? |
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" Ain't my fault if you ask for something thats already written in the first post, guess that backfired badly against you. Last edited by Riverwind77#5126 on Oct 18, 2021, 2:00:47 PM
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Minion buffs when?
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" Minion damage reduced. Again. Even the SRS refresh node removed. The one spectre that was not fit only for blowing up was removed. |
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