hsuchijp wrote:
Poor Elementalist
Poor Gladiator
Or maybe glad was just OP?
I like all the comments like "Why did you nerf glad, everything else is much worse" and don't see the irony in the post.
Posted byVitchy#3969on Oct 17, 2021, 7:23:49 AM
The more blood you have collected, the longer you can stay shifted into the parallel Wraeclast. But the longer you stay, the more damage you'll take.
Oh, great. Tower Defence 2.0 + yet another *beep*ing race against timers.
want to slow down the Game
Remember who and when said that?
After enough kills, your item is ready to transform. When it does, it becomes corrupted and gains a pair of Scourged Modifiers.
To what extent people can go just to avoid unnerfing Harvest...
I'm pretty amused by the fact that whole batch of remaining Exiles have to stick unnecessarily oversized Lotus Flower Plug into what was expected to be 'pants' slot but went way more intimate AND to stick something like two-handed axe or fishing rod ALONGSIDE it.
This whole affair puts infamous Reign of Kings to shame: they only allowed lockpicks and sharp stones in one's 'orifice' slot. . .
And the more you exercise your size - the more benefits you get... interesting logics... sorry, GGG gang, I will not install it (not mentioning running it) since in our lands it may put irrepairable stain on my reputation.
I planned to page through whole patchnote then to leave some highlights for most spectacular mistakes you all are about to made. But this... It is beyond redemption.
Loyalists, don't waste your breath on me. Waste it there:

Last edited by Mirror_Image#4481 on Oct 17, 2021, 7:48:26 AM
Posted byMirror_Image#4481on Oct 17, 2021, 7:48:01 AM
I like the problem/solution format, too.
I agree with a lot of GGGs changes and arguments.
However when it comes to Uber content difficulty and accessibility, I disagree with GGGs vision. Though I like challenging content, the difficulty should be more dependent on gear/build rather than on player skill. Saying, with a proper build and very good equipment after lots of time investment, it should be at some point fairly easy to defeat these bosses. But nowadays, some bosses have become complex like MMORGP bosses with reaction checks like this Labyrinth in last Sirius' phase that you can easily fail on a human level, regardless how strong your character is.
I know the argument that POE is a game where you can make your own difficulty. But let's be honest. A hack & slay is all about character's strength. If you invest weeks of your time to build your char, at some you also want to be able to defeat the very hardest bosses. Even if you are not a very skilled player with rather slow reactions. It is a hard way to get all the equipment for your character, there should be a perspective at the end to defeat the bosses with the best loot for everyone if they invested enough time.
Last edited by Zottelfisch#6506 on Oct 18, 2021, 11:42:24 AM
Posted byZottelfisch#6506on Oct 17, 2021, 7:52:16 AM
What happrn with Rain Tempter? Does it heal enemies on hit now?
Posted byHolaBola666#4924on Oct 17, 2021, 8:12:46 AM
Just wondering;
If you remove the dodge, doesnt it mean killing all the "If you havent been hit recently" effects?
No more ways to avoid spell hits?
Last edited by wildz217#2630 on Oct 17, 2021, 9:14:45 AM
Posted bywildz217#2630on Oct 17, 2021, 8:56:51 AM
It's time to post the passive tree.
Or Not
Posted bydantekanee#4683on Oct 17, 2021, 9:46:52 AM
My trickster :'(
Posted byTylerHikara#5729on Oct 17, 2021, 10:15:31 AM
wildz217 wrote:
Just wondering;
If you remove the dodge, doesnt it mean killing all the "If you havent been hit recently" effects?
No more ways to avoid spell hits?
Or you can just manually get away from attacks and/or kill enemies before they can hit you and/or recruit meat tanks to take the hits for you, etc.
Posted byPsaakyrn#4256on Oct 17, 2021, 10:19:35 AM
Glad to see changes to Delve, it's my favourite part of the game.
Sulphite is a bit boring though, it would be better to get rid of this and let people delve without needing to do maps for it.
Or... make it something you can find in the mine so that there's an incentive to re-do areas of the mine that you've already explored.
well a complete rng league and some good changes and some really bad a lot of nerfs hidden, nerfs to unique flasks so less chase itens, nerf to life regeneration uniques
Enchanted Fossils have been renamed to Deft Fossils, which now grant more Critical Modifiers, and no Attribute Modifiers (previously granted a Labyrinth Enchantment).
rip burial chamber, beach and iceberg maps and keeping maze, cells and bone crypt
60-65% Reduced Effect of Curses on you during Flask effect (Level 84)
so ignore curse maps till u can do tier 16
"Percentage based Life Regeneration has been removed from non-Unique equipment modifiers, and the Influenced modifier pool. This is now reserved for Uniques and the Passive Skill Tree"
Last edited by Mokurp#2464 on Oct 17, 2021, 11:46:00 AM
Posted byMokurp#2464on Oct 17, 2021, 11:20:28 AM