Content Update 3.16.0 -- Path of Exile: Scourge

Thank you GGG! HYPEEEE
GGG: poe 2 will not influence poe 1
GGG: settlers league extended...offline game to merge accounts
GGG: poe 2 is released but they haven't even started thinking about the next poe 1 league
GGG: bye bye Chris Wilson...
bye bye poe 1?
How can it be that there have been 80 "problems" in the first place?
I'm not a one-build kind of person, I don't get it with all the complains of builds dead.
I'm mostly happy that all the build that wasn't available to play is now playable.
Last edited by linghuchong9#4177 on Oct 15, 2021, 8:59:48 AM
Deliverme wrote:
Damn - removing some very popular farming maps..

Totaly unecessary step, totaly and completly out of touch, some other maps should be removed from game, why to remove Beach??? Coral ruins??? Promenade???

Why??? Why you keep making worst disicuons???i remember few years Ago, you were Far Far better, what's going in GGG???? Why you are só out of touch with us???? What is the problem????
Still no fix for Fanaticism. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
i cant wait, to see the Skilltree with its masteries.
Seems to be good work from GGG. I want to play it soon
The Veiled crafted modifier that provided Quality and Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence, no longer provides Quality. This is to keep the top end at about the same while bringing lower investment Energy Shield up. Instead, it now grants up to 25% chance to Avoid Ignite, Freeze, or Shock, depending on the Attribute, also providing another way to allow characters to solve their Ailment problems. This can no longer be crafted on Weapons.

does this mean that character that deal damage based on weapon are nerfed ? as quality boost the damage of weapon

Jedam81 wrote:
The Veiled crafted modifier that provided Quality and Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence, no longer provides Quality. This is to keep the top end at about the same while bringing lower investment Energy Shield up. Instead, it now grants up to 25% chance to Avoid Ignite, Freeze, or Shock, depending on the Attribute, also providing another way to allow characters to solve their Ailment problems. This can no longer be crafted on Weapons.

does this mean that character that deal damage based on weapon are nerfed ? as quality boost the damage of weapon


They said only the quality and stats were removed we probably still have crit/Qual and speed/qual
Can someone explain the new masteries? How would you unlock multiple masteries? Is it once you unlock mastery then you just put skill points in to unlock more masteries?
Last edited by Brian9824#5074 on Oct 15, 2021, 9:22:49 AM
SeaSkipper wrote:
Well, I can only speak for myself. With the gladiator ascendancy nerfed hard, I think I will be sitting this out. Block defence with same investment (4 ascendancy points) can get you to 85/0 block chance. No Spell damage mitigation. With more investment (+2 skill point on skill tree) a gladiator can get to 60/50, which is still inferior to the 75/75 block chance. And that's with more investment. I would be even ok with this, if the ascendancy got huge damage buffs compensating the loss of defence. Looked hard at the patch notes but could not see any. There might be an off chance that the dev team will tweak the ascendancy nodes numbers till launch but we all know what the chances are for that..

So, here I am sitting in front of my PC and staring at the screen and lamenting my options for 3.16. It's either sitting this patch out or just playing some other ascendancy class that has better defence and better damage than gladiator. Basically any other class.


You're not alone. In a supposedly "all buffs" league, they managed to destroy all the best defensive ascendencies, remove some great mechanics we had for years (dodge), destroy fortify (knowing GGG, it will be shit for fast attacking skills like cyclone vs endgame bosses), nerf atlas passives from total 80 to just 40, significantly impairing atlas farming strategies, remove some of the best open maps while keeping Cells and Dungeon. Stubborn as they ever were, they are introducing a new random armour quality and a stupid orb with it, even though it's hugely unpopular with players in advance. That's just off top of my head. Everything they did after 3.13 sucks and I lost all respect for them.

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