Content Update 3.16.0 -- Path of Exile: Scourge


interesting changes overall, you should do a vote on maps to bring back, so people feel invested in rotations

sorry man, they are quickly interested in voting only when they want to sell us a new MTX
Burial Chamber removed,

no new home for Doctor Card drops?

so spider forest is the only map to farm it for now?
GGG Streamer Interviews:

"We want to provide a means for players to play whatever content they want"

Subsequent GGG Internal Meeting

"Please provide a list of the top 46 maps that players have in their favourite map slots"

...list provided...

"RIP them all"

{Loud laughter}

MightyG_ wrote:
Wait , no seismic trap nerf ?)

This had me blinking for a while as well.

Not that I'm against doing 90% of end-game content and bosses on 3 ex budget but I was expecting like 50% damage nerf or something even more hardcore, lol.
you guys think burning arrow elementalist is playable as starter xD? Cannot tell for sure right now because of the missing skill tree changes.
Lily if you get here, stay cute!

I will just YOLO this league again. If you are undecided on what to play then see the following:

just flexing my badges
''The Skin of the Lords Unique Body Armour now grants “+2 to level of Socketed Gems” (previously +1). A Divine Orb would be able to update this on existing items, if they weren’t Corrupted already.''

Crangled div orb confirmed!
The individual and specific balance changes don't concern me. It's the frequency and amount of them I find to be very troublesome.

Some stability would be wonderful. I've been sitting on vast sums of currency since legacy league, and I am unwilling to spend it, because the game is too volatile.

I mostly flip currency and sell items. I don't really play the game itself that often. I simply sell the keys and maps for the high end content as they're gated behind substantial currency investment - which is NOT a problem. The most rewarding/difficult stuff should require substantial investment to conquer.

The issue that arises in my case is that substantial character investments is a losing proposition. Builds, Characters and Gear fluctuate in power too rapidly, so I don't believe there is a good "buy-in" point. The only consistent factor is the inconsistency, and that makes any sort of long-term character investment a losing proposition.

Please settle on some foundational mechanics so the playerbase can get their footing. 10%-25% swings in power are reasonable balancing adjustments that can slip by your Q.A. teams. But if you're being forced to redesign core functionality quarterly, or making 40%-50% balance adjustments, that is the fault of the development team, and should be addressed.

Thanks always for your product, but please, please...

...I'm begging you... let's get something stable established.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth#2793 on Oct 15, 2021, 2:16:16 AM
All I want is for the Socketed Spell craft to be changed back to what it was so I can actually play my VD character. But I don't think that's gonna happen.
Last edited by tUrNiTuP83#3267 on Oct 15, 2021, 2:15:02 AM

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