Content Update 3.16.0 -- Path of Exile: Scourge

I was here October 14th 2021 7:18 pm EST.
Added a new notable, which replaces Ghost Dance, that provides "Every 10 seconds, take no Damage over Time for 5 seconds."

this is pretty much a dead node now
Please consider changing the position of this node with "Escape artist"
EngelsPOE wrote:
What's the point of killing Necromancers? Can't they make balanced changes instead of making it unplayable?

Elemental Equilibrium / Vengeful + Precise Medium Clusters / Syndicate Operatives shotgun / RMR changes

Good changes show an alternative instead of just removal:
>Elemental Equilibrium could instead have had it's values halved instead of moved somewhere where no one would use it.
>Syndicate Operative's projectiles could have been spread out more instead of only one projectile damaging enemies- requiring better positioning. Only one projectile from each Spectre would make them unusable. GGG hopefully buffs others to make a replacement or comes out with useable ones this League.
>RMR changes seem fair and I wish this same level of weighing options could be applies in all the balancing changes they do.

GGG should be asking players who spend thousands of hours into their game for suggestions / critiques but it's people who just look at numbers and don't even really play the game that's in charge it seems like.
Elementalist were the most played last league to one of the least played on 3.15 and they're doing the same thing to Necros. Necromancers in PoE has one of the most original classes designed in any game and it's sad that they don't seem to know how to nerf without destroying.

Not mad, the new content looks really good but at the cost of making an entire ascendancy unplayable. Hopefully GGG can maybe test out the new changes with all the things they are changing to Necros and see how they would perform with the new changes and adjust things accordingly.

Necros are able to do all contents but at the cost of a higher budget. Only played for 2 leagues and it has forced me to learn to craft things to make everything more affordable- and I'm thankful for that. As Necros looks now, it would just be better to throw exalts at another build for easier access to higher end contents. Reaper would not be the answer either, that just needs an overhaul.

Specter necro was my first character I played it on and off on standard for at least two years literally just invested 300ex into my build the last few weeks ( I play on xbox so GG items are extremely expensive) Im so upset its unbelievable I put all this time into something and now I doubt I can even do end game content with my character.
Last edited by NailnDabs#8849 on Oct 14, 2021, 6:22:55 PM
Rip sst
The changes to the gladiator ascendency, is confusing me, are they a buff or a huge nerf?
Be a LEADER when you see a path others have missed,and Be a FOLLOWER when you are shrouded in the midst of uncertainty.
Jumping in just to say terrible map selections to remove even if there's a rotation. Bone Crypt, Dungeon, Museum made the pass but Mesa, City Square, and Coves, Beach, and Belfry gone? I'd take even Factory over Museum every day.
Your game doesn't lend itself to tight narrow halls and door ways very well especially in group play. Let alone the backtracking you have to do on some of these terrible maps.

Edit: can you buff pack size on our old favorites like Race Course?
Last edited by LordMonarch#2965 on Oct 14, 2021, 6:37:21 PM
so whats about Ultimatum? :(
I really missed the sarcasm vaal guy

p.s. Great work, thanks ggg. Well as always.
REALLY important question about the Lifelinking skills.

Does "despawning" on a minion COUNT as dying for these abilities?
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
aelazing wrote:
Is the Poisonous Concoction mod that adds 3% of life recovery based on what you would recover from the flask (affected by passive tree, belt mods, etc) or the base amount of the flask?

Additionally, do flask effect nodes & or something like Bloodgrip work for the % damage calculation on Poisonous Concoction?
We survived the 3.15

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