Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

One most important topic has not been touched on here. Mostly gold sellers misuse aurabots and curse bots to gain currency and sell it for real money. One real player and the rest using the = bot program follows the goldseller, using the "Lightning Warp" skill. Of course, characters with auras that improve his dps and defense.

Is this one of the reasons for deleting supports from the game?
so sad ggg selected the complicated method to balance/nerf auras and rmr.

as an aurabot, I will just pretend that cluster jewels didn't exist but will still use them to stack efficiency (no choice) because of the change to old RMR. I will just adjust my mindset to pre delirium/cluster to adapt.

the Schadenfreude of these people can no longer hurt me because I have already moved on a long time ago when ggg nerfed the 6% increased aura effect in medium clusters to 3% increased aura effect.

Aurabot will stay they can whine as much as they want.
Ohh nyoooes how will people play the video game if they can't completely ignore every single mechanic that is in the game while doing an absurd amount of damage?

If you have been playing aurastackers for god knows how long then maybe think about why they need a nerf in the first place and look just a tiny bit around and ask yourself "Is it actually good to have that much power in a build that everything is irrelevant?"

If you think that there will be no other options to faceroll the game (in softcore)especially after looking at all 3 parts then the problem lies in you.

And don't ever try to convince me that anyone liked aurastackers for the skill use and not for the immense power.

Excited for next league even if I can only play with sub 10 fps in HC, bad pc Sadeg
AngryC00kieZ wrote:
I don't get why people are so happy about other people builds being destroyed.. and people wanting to quit.


If people quit the game, for whatever reason, on the long run we all have something to lose, a game that has a high number of players is dynamic, the company that produces the game has the necessary income to further develop the game, people have other people to trade with.. what do you think is going to happen if a lot of player quit the game... will you be happy in a game there are hardly any players to trade with.. or you will have a very good experience in a game where leagues are built on a shoe string budget?

Before posting comments like... "Ohh I'm so happy this build was destroyed and the pople that worked hard to get it suffer" think on it, before hitting that submit comment button, read the sentance again and see how small minded a person writing that realy is - don't be that guy.

And something else... someone able to farm 5-10 mirrors during a league to build an aurastacker, is going to be able to farm that currency in any league and build a very strong character, so before rejoicing in other peoples misery... look at your characters, notice that the max level you reached is 92 and your characters have 3ex worth of gear on them.. and you struggle to get past yellow maps and never killed Sirus - that guy, feeling sorry for his 10 mirror build being destroyed is a much better player than you are.

lol @ you preaching about not being "that guy" and then proceed to call everyone who doesn't do some braindead ez mode shit Trash. like come on, how did you write up all that garbage with enough cognitive dissonance to scramble the average human brain?

try to lay off the copium. it's just a game!
Do you guys think the devs realize that they nerfed aurastackers, but not aurabots?

Now, in a group, you just spread the auras over a couple characters and the group is similarly brokenly powerful. But solo aura stackers took a reservation hit.

It's weird because this seems to be the opposite of their intention.

Though, I really like how the changes apply to solo non-aurastacker builds who only reserve a few auras.
Aura finally rips.
Do you guys think the devs realize that they nerfed aurastackers, but not aurabots?

Now, in a group, you just spread the auras over a couple characters and the group is similarly brokenly powerful. But solo aura stackers took a reservation hit.

It's weird because this seems to be the opposite of their intention.

Though, I really like how the changes apply to solo non-aurastacker builds who only reserve a few auras.

I think that whole idea of "well, auras will just be spread over two or three people" is misunderstanding how aurabots for the most part worked. GGG did not intend to destroy group-play (contrary what some are screaming here). The issue is that aurabots are providing too much power, not that they are providing power at all. If you have to use two players to provide the same power that one provided before (and realistically it might be closer to 3 and still less power due to removal of aura-effect) that will be more balanced against groups that do not have dedicated aura-bots.

But those that cry most here are in all likelihood not aurabots in dedicated groups that always play with the same players. It is more likely that those are aurabot-players that sold their service, for example on TFT, taking an exalt per map. They jumped in with some group, provided enough power to do whatever and after some maps jumped out again. These changes will make that less profitable, lowering their currency-gain significantly. For the same effect as before you now have to fill two spots in the group, which also means that two players want to be paid for their aurabot-services and they also need to communicate more. They might also have to offer their services together with another aurabot that has synergies with their aura-choice. That whole market that has emerged around aurabots will change.

That is why there is so much crying around here: Because aura-stackers as well as solo aura-bots lost the easy way to generate currency.
and... that's all?
There is no Part 4? what about hp pools, damage spikes and tremendously buffed mobs? QoL treatment? offline trade maybe? no? I see...
impulze3 wrote:
rip aurastacking.

gz on ruining another build archetype.

How to kill another aspect of endgame and stomp a 10+ mir build into history.

I played this build for 5 leagues now, improving it bit by bit every league.
About 15-20 mirrors of stuff, soon to be obsolete.

Aura effect gone from clusters, clusters unuseable.
i'd need 588% increased reservation efficiency on my gear to run all my 16 auras, which is impossible with 2% on jewels.

this leaves a bad taste in my mouth, you disregard the time i spent on this build in one single patch because reddit crybabies are complaining about party play. again and again you kill things in collateral from multiple angles.

the solution was so simple, lowering aura effect on others and leaving reservation alone as it impacts other builds aswell. now you probably ruined a bunch of builds with those changes, not just aurabots and stacking.

we'll wait and see how it plays out. If 3.16 is not the ultimate bomb league mechanic to make up for this loss, i will quit this game

[Removed by Support]
Pictures of the rude pms i am getting. I guess you're allowed to be toxic in pms, but you're not allowed to show that to anyone.

Here is an accurate version without the name and shame

The balance team and chris being out of touch with their game isn't the only reason why this game is going downhill.
The community is more toxic than ever, more so than the community of eve online. Alot of people i play with in standard are chill, but this? I can't imagine what goes through your head that you gain joy from sending me those pms, does it make you feel powerful or that you received some kind of twisted justice? Does it statisfy your jealousy?

I just came back to poe aboot 1mo ago and recently started thinking abought making a top tier build like that by spilling in my league gear Example trying to mirror tier 1-2 pieces a league till its all god tier on standard. these changes nerf one of the main meta mechanics an honestly im afraid to make the investment now knowing how R.I.P. a patch can truly be. tbh this feels like more of a change for those who really only play a little and those who min max, play alot, and go the extra mile are the ones suffering.

I would also like to say Holy That's some nice gear (easily the best ive seen)

I to have noticed some major toxic behavior since coming back and due to this Avoided support builds
Why is there no test server in PoE? You should open a server for some people, or everyone, where they will be tested by players before implementing new things. It would have avoided a lot of mistakes before the game was released, and there would be standard characters from the main server on the test server.

Many games have servers that allow the player to show whether the change is serious enough for his character (build) and, after testing, the player can express an opinion if it makes sense.

AngryC00kieZ wrote:
I don't get why people are so happy about other people builds being destroyed.. and people wanting to quit.


If people quit the game, for whatever reason, on the long run we all have something to lose, a game that has a high number of players is dynamic, the company that produces the game has the necessary income to further develop the game, people have other people to trade with.. what do you think is going to happen if a lot of player quit the game... will you be happy in a game there are hardly any players to trade with.. or you will have a very good experience in a game where leagues are built on a shoe string budget?

Nowadays, trading is based on the fact that if you hit a bot, you will buy what you want. If not, you either see DND mode or wait 10-20 minutes to buy even an expensive item.
Currently, after making changes to the game and doing acts for a long time (recent changes). Trade is another factor that is currently extending the time to achieve what you intend to do. You are lucky you will manage to buy from a bot ... You don't have one, you can spend days trying to buy something.
Why not introduce a currency lifting system, even in the form of pets that we already have (everyone has dropped a pet from a free box at least once). Second, introduce an NPC that will allow you to purchase the item. Which next you need to put in premium stash.
It's easier to look for an item in the in-game market. Than on the website and copy a lot of nicks every now and then to buy anything. And this is not about the sentiment that the story knows about a friend who bought something after a few days and had tears in his eye ... it seems to me that he had them not because he bought it, but because it must have taken so long (time is important, let's respect it)
Last edited by knorpl on Oct 10, 2021, 9:39:11 AM

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