[3.16] Seismic/Exsanguinate Trap Build | Saboteur | Scourge | Path of Exile 3.16

It's not squishy, though as it's an evasion build, we'll die to one shots in e.g. scourge mechanic from time to time. In regular maps, I'm fine.

It's fine as a league starter. 21/0 exsanguinate is a good priority to get.

Exsanguinate is for packs. Seismic is for single target.

Edit: hurrah! 2nd time worked.
Last edited by NoImagination#6952 on Oct 24, 2021, 10:49:19 PM
NoImagination wrote:
It's not squishy, though as it's an evasion build, we'll die to one shots in e.g. scourge mechanic from time to time. In regular maps, I'm fine.

It's fine as a league starter. 21/0 exsanguinate is a good priority to get.

Exsanguinate is for packs. Seismic is for single target.

Edit: hurrah! 2nd time worked.

I'm not able to play a ton, so will very slowly chip away at maps and getting the build geared. I'm seeing that CIP is getting damn expensive now. Should I choose a different trapper build for now so I can get some currency or is there a good enough budget alternative?
I'm afraid I don't know other trapper builds, but although CIP is used in a ton of builds right now, it's quite a common drop, so I imagine the price will start to fall quite soon.

You can get +1 phys weapons relatively easily, even through a vendor recipe if need be. I went straight for CIP, but it'd probably have been more efficient to get level 21 exsanguinate + seismic trap first. I suspect that 2x +1 phys wands and those gems will do just fine in whites and maybe yellows too.

You can

Meanwhile, for my diary entry...:

I underestimated how good these kinds of gloves are:

But of course, adding two links there is better than adding one link to the earlier 5L chest.

Most my gear still terrible, but I don't have the DPS to kill A8 Sirus. Guardians and Conquerors are very slow to die too, going to need to at least double what I have.

4.9k life, 1.0k ES, 11.3k exsanguinate HO dps, 100% spell suppression, 24k EV.

Will get a large + medium cluster jewel tomorrow, should help with DPS.
Last edited by NoImagination#6952 on Oct 25, 2021, 4:01:59 PM
CIP is not worth the cost just buy a 100% spell dagger (or find one) it hardly even gives any damage from what i seen over that (only did one not both)

Also this build is not that good... dies to easy and the damage is not as good as it looked atleast without spending exs on stuff
Exsan on a 4l on trapper boots cant even 1 hit blue mobs in a t1 and takes forever to kill rares in yellow maps

Seismic trap seems like half the time it does ok damage then the other half it does shit damage so

Id say just play ele hit totems instead cause it feels better but also dies just as much and boss damage isnt great (i couldnt even do sirus least league ;p) but that build is not updated now
Last edited by Lynerus#6363 on Oct 25, 2021, 11:39:33 PM
A +1 physical spell gem, 109% spell damage prophecy wand is 5% less DPS than CIP for me, and would cost 1ex, so it's not particularly a saving.

I agree with the post to some extent, but if you want to be doing T16s without any investment, this probably isn't the game for you.

I'm one shotting most blue packs in T16s at the moment with seismic mine, and two shotting with exsanguinate. I am struggling for damage against e.g. elder guardians, and I don't think it'll ever be doing the 30 wave simulacrum.

It's not THAT squishy - it's just that it's an EV build, so sometimes you get one shot by stuff you 'don't think' should be killing you. But I see no reason why it can't farm guardians for 10-15ex investment, which isn't bad for a league starter.

Just a little showcase of Uber Elder so people can see what this build is capable of. Still Maven sucks hard with this build never had a worse build for her.

Last edited by reggie_gakil#4958 on Oct 26, 2021, 3:19:29 AM
NoImagination wrote:

It's not THAT squishy - it's just that it's an EV build, so sometimes you get one shot by stuff you 'don't think' should be killing you. But I see no reason why it can't farm guardians for 10-15ex investment, which isn't bad for a league starter.

That seems to be the point.
It's a good build, but not for t16 100% deli or simu20+.
That is the common problem with evasion-base.

I have ~7k life/es and 78% evasion, 100% spell suppression chance with 55% damage prevention.
So basically a nice defense on the paper, but i still get oneshotted in t15+
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
Last edited by Infarkt#5723 on Oct 26, 2021, 12:35:15 PM
Hello, can I start this build with low budget too?
yes, but dont think you can zoomzoom t15+ then.

Tinkerskin, 2 x cold iron point, shaper gloves with trap support, atziris step boots, all cheap to get, rest is filler for defense/resistances.
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
To some extent it depends what you mean by low budget: you don't need anything to start it with, and you can spend what you find to improve it.

Before you get to the items Infarkt correctly suggests, you can also get a 5 link evasion chest for 5c, and 21/0 exsanguinate & seismic trap. The latter are still 60c and 35c respectively, but are huge damage boosts compared to saving for a CIP, as you'll probably be on 19s or even 18s at the time.

Unrelated, but getting trap throw speed on my belt helped a LOT - it feels so much smoother now, though I gained some DPS at the same time. I'm on 16k exsanguinate & 57k seismic hideout DPS with only auras, and T16s aren't a problem, though I suspect you'll want 100k seismic DPS before guardians & Sirus are fine too.

Last edited by NoImagination#6952 on Oct 26, 2021, 3:17:12 PM

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