Path of Exile Hideout Competition

This is my hideout: The Rogue Encampment.
I tried to capture the atmosphere and aesthetic of the Diablo II Act 1 Town, featuring PoE NPCs as some of the old-time favourite NPCs from D2. Here's some shots to apreciate them:

Navali as Akara

Niko as Charsi

Einhar as Gheed

Alva as Kashya (and also the exit to the Blood Moor)

Kirac as Warriv & Cassia as Cain

Other Screenshots, showing the aesthetic of the hideout.

Thank you for this opportunity and GL to all participants!
My custom PoE League "The Lost Islands" -- /forum/view-thread/2296786

HideoutShowcase Pastebin

A tribute to Kurgal's arena. I've long wanted to make something Abyss themed. My PoE addiction started during Abyss league, so my nostalgia is strong in this one (even though Kurgal is a Delve boss).

Last edited by woozel on Aug 21, 2021, 7:32:33 PM
This is Managarm Mansion (Managarm is basically the Family Name of all my Characters and this is where they live)

I dont know if that counts as a theme but i post my stuff just in case ;b

Hideout: Desert Hideout

No One Escapes

There is a labyrinth in the sky where you find yourself. Can you find your way out? Will those that inhabit this foul place let you pass? Will your own wits betray you and let you fall to a trap?

I wish you luck, exile.

Album Link:

Thank you for your consideration and good luck everyone!

Grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
Last edited by Lucynima on Aug 22, 2021, 12:49:28 AM
The theme is an Oasis turned into a garden. This is MTX Free and fairly cheap to replicate with points which is another bonus.

I think my hideout is very practical and beutiful at the same time and because of the size easy; it's fairly easily navigated. This is the PERFECT hideout when you need to relax before muddying yourself with blood in another trivial massacre.

Obligatory Cock pick :)
Last edited by Jonathan460 on Aug 22, 2021, 6:56:51 AM
Theme: Decadence in the Forest
Everything is gilded with lovely purple lotus blossoms and candles setting the mood.

Last edited by Tayanalulu on Aug 22, 2021, 7:32:49 AM
The Last Map Device

A shore was captured by bandits. Near this shore there was an island with exceedingly green vegetation.

The Exile and their team on one of their missions followed a powerful energy eminating from this island through the bandit camp. The bandits did not want to let anyone near their home, so they fought with their lives with no success.

After capturing the bandit camp, the Exile unfolded the source of the energy on the island, which was the last working map device on this planet.

The island was cleared, and was treated saintly ever since.
The Exile and their team live in this hideout, plan their missions here, and use this map device to bring peace to their world.

Theme: Cave with mystic chamber of purple occultist.
HO: Brutal Hideout
I've been inspired by caves of skyrim and purple lotus which give pretty cool dark purple light.

Theme: War and Peace

As much as we would like to, we need to fight for peace.


Any discovery and knowledge can be useful both in war and in peaceful life.

Gardens where food is enough and the baby sleeps peacefully...

...where a thousand-year-old tree will shelter you from any heat, and the purest waters will quench your thirst...

...where everyone will find their happiness.

Blood-drenched wastelands that are tightly chained to the underworld...

..."four commanders of the apocalypse": Plague, Famine, War and Death...

...plague doctors who look after the living dead who are unlucky enough to meet a quick death...

...interrogators who are trying new methods of obtaining information and killing...

...brave warriors, cowardly deserters, cunning scientists and self-righteous generals, they are all fuel for the machine called War.

my hideouts -
Last edited by moonretealoud on Aug 22, 2021, 3:42:23 PM

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