3.15.2 Patch Notes Preview

"Fixed a bug where the audio for exploding enemies on kill with Voltaxic Burst was too loud." - that's a crazy nerf... explosions go BOOM!
Fixed two instance crashes.
Fixed two client crashes.

probably blight crash?
Reduced the maximum cast range for long-distance skills on the following monsters: Baranite Thaumaturge, Unearthed Runecaster, Unearthed Urchin, Black Scythe Arbalist, Detonation Totem, Carnage Pillar, Stygian Revenant, Escaped Revenant, Mortality Experimenter, Flesh Sculptor, Hunting Party, Primal Chimeral, Primal Scrabbler, and Primal Rhex.

Ok, I hope that one day they will understand that the problem is in damage of those mobs, not in their range...Unfortunately by that time the game will be rather dead than alive... I understand that it is very VERY hard to make mobs be only affected by several effects/auras at same time, not by all of them
Last edited by Imperial_Hunter on Aug 16, 2021, 5:57:08 AM
Wow nice patch! Especially expedition tweeks, off-screen targeting by mobs and exsanguinate MTX.
the problem is in damage of those mobs, not in their range...
Just take less remnants, don't be greedy.
Can Chris do a casualistic league for normal people?
Diablo 3 is a casualistic game for normal people. You should try it, you'll love it!
Please sir, can i have more logbooks?
I hope to play with Vulkan now. These crashes are insane.
mattermaster wrote:
Hey Guys,

I definitely appreciate the range fixes to the dangerous mob types, but can you have a look at the Maraketh Legion mobs too? (don't see them named in the notes) I believe the one in particular ss called the Wasteland Scout -- the snipe skill it uses has a ridiculous range.

I'll link Dan's death from last week showcasing what I mean:



I think you got the wrong link on this one bc I don't see any Wasteland scout or player death, just a small snippet of the Shaper Mechanics.

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