Baeclast Podcast with Chris Wilson
" I'm 90% sure he didn't, as did not many others of his kind. They are talking shit about current PoE, saying how the game used to be hard, how it should be hard, how it's easy but they don't even do the hard content we have right now, like 100% deliriums, hell, most of them can't even do 60% deliriums and couldn't do uber elder, not to mention Sirus or Maven. They are also talking about how Harvest was an item editor and every casual was making mirror tier items left and right, but their character was wearing shitty rares that I wouldn't even bother selling on trade playing some slowpoke build with no clear. Just you watch, he's either going to do some retarded mental gymnastics trying to defend not being able to clear the hard content in current game (and advocating for even harder content he wouldn't be able to do) or won't answer you at all. |
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im preatty sure that Chris willson is not really understanding the concept of crafting, crafting is not rng rolling, rng rolling items is a gamble
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" I've already noticed a tendency that most of them are like that. ✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀
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" Yeah. What @spokipo said. Because you are the only one who seems to understand that the game became popular when it was accessible to more players. Instead they make the game more tedious and "hard mode" and what now? well the player base drop down fast. We down to 37.000 peak players yesterday on steam. - not counting the stand alone client. And also. WE NOT EVEN REACHED FIRST MONTH YET Last edited by Sazzbot#3867 on Aug 13, 2021, 3:11:29 PM
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" *sigh* The point of the game is not to beat Maven. It's the way to get there. I rather make new builds than grind Maps with builds that 1shot everything till I get there. It's just not gameplay that I enjoy. I usually lose interest after a few maps and try different builds. And this league I die quite alot, I have to admit. I only play SSF HC and have been experimenting quite a lot this league. Not that this is any of your business and in any way relevant to my argument - which is that it is GGG's vision to make the game more engaging and less of a walking simulator. You can dislike it all you want, that's just how it is. Looking up my profile does not change anything. Again, I personally look forward to hard mode. Why do you guys care so much about that? Just because Zoomers can't appreciate a hard mode does not mean that nobody does. You still have your SC trade cheater league where you can burn out to your hearts content - which by the way is exactly the reason you are so extremely salty over this game and differing opinions. Last edited by dyneol#3245 on Aug 13, 2021, 4:45:20 PM
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i want HardMode !!!
please make it.. like solo self that you can chose to play it anytime a different mode than hardcore leage and stuff,.. that at the start of league everyone who wants can join hardmode ! love it |
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first of all ill start by wow! it has been amazing stream and ive never seen such an honesty and open communication and im impressed and hyped ! thank you ! now ill start touching some subjects there and place my personal opinion mostly for ggg to see and know my opinion as players.. please guys dont judge and be aggressive im sure many wont agree but its ok for me and for everyone to have different opinion and taste for the game ! thanks for everyone who takes time to read and post his opinion ! 1: HardMode... i think this is actually amazing addition and im actually really looking forward hardmore because it will be like another mode to play and enjoy poe in different way than poe is right now.. and i dont really understnad why some people are so angry about it? its not going to effect the core game not softcore and not hardcore it will be just a new mode for anyone who want to try it and im excited ! i think right now PoE looks like a too complicated version OF Mu online where theres no balance you destroy everything too fast ground full of trash items .. 2:crafting.. im very happy that they are trying to ease on crafting and make crafting abit less complicated but from what spoken in the stream i think i would like to see abit more done about crafting to make it way more simple allow modes to be shown inside the game allowing you to see what kind of modes and options you have to chose or make some tutorial to crafting that let you make 1 endgame item (a weapon) for exmaple with game/quest currency step by step once a league to show you how all currency and crafting stuff are used to make endgame item.. the issue is i understand it might not look complicated for some dedicated crafting people who been crafting items for years... but for someone who want to get into crafting even if he played 10 times.. the system is so complicated require too many 3rd guides and videos and too many tasks in game to unlock the crafting to be nearly as worth it.. it demotivate people from trying to learn crafting.. and that should be changed.. i dont like the concept of having to unlock crafting options.. from so many stuff like delv/beast/betryal/and some maps.. i think crafting should be way more basic especially since PoE making items is complicated enough and has some rare modes from special items first it was just shaper and elder now its tons of options.. the crafting options should be either available from start or much much much much easier to unlock or.. add tutorial that make you unlock them 1 by 1 simply by following that tutorial in game ! 3: item drops... its abit connected to how crafting is the way to get good items but its also the fact that the game drops way too many items and 99.999999% of them are worthless that even if theres a chance 1 rare will be good which is too small already the amount of rare and shit drops dont encourage you to to loot them or check them... and right now its not exiting to farm mobs anymore .. nothing fun really drops nothing you need.. its just kill and kill and kill and hope sometimes good currency drop .. i hope they literally reduce drop by like 80% and make the drop quality alot better to make us want to pick up these rare items dropping . 4: juicy a map.. alittle bit like crafting this is so complicated for most players.. and i dont know many players who actually know how to fully juicy their map and it create a huge gap between players because this is possibly the best way to make currency and increase drop .. either make map juicying way less complicated or make a tutorial that guide you step by step how to use all the ways to increase drops and mobs untill you reach a point when you use all together .. showing it once to the players is best way to tech them.. becuase not many players want to read 10 hours guides and watch endless of videos to do that.. they just want to play... 5: bosses in hardcore. this one maybe many will hate me for saying it. but... having a practice mode for endgame bosses in hardmode feels really needed right now.. because lots of the bosses would instantly kill you if you dont know very well how to do them.. and unlike softcore where you can try again and again.. in hardcore if you die you die.. and it doesnt encourage less experienced players in hardcore to engage with endgame bosses even if their build can actually easily do them.. and i think that a practice mode that doesnt even drop any reward but is purely for practicing and learning the mechanic of the boss untill they feel comfident of doing the actual boss can help alot of semi casual players to actually get to the endgame and enjoy endgame in hardcore.. ! so please consider this ! 6: and rather short one is builds.. dont make leagues that force us into a specific game style like ultimatum really telling us do dot skill or high block beause if you stand to attack you just die.. its boring doing the same playstyle again and agian.. 7 and this is the last one and i saved it for last becuse its a tricky subject and suggestion might be abit long.. LOOT BOXES MTX! so... personally i dont hate loot boxes concept i think its a nice way to support GGG for their work .. but there are some stuff about it that i feel are bad unfair and negative .. i do understand that GGG gotta make money from loot boxes and i think with my suggestin they could make even more money ! i dont like that you have to wait quite a few months to be able to buy items you are missing from the loot box ok so how i see loot boxes is.. you are feeling motivated and hyped you want to kindly support GGG so you are like sure ill do loot boxes.. with my coins. alright you go on and start doing them lets say you wnnt to do 200 usd support but then when you are at 200 usd you lack 1 item that refuse to come out and without it your set dont look like set and you cant use it.. it create anger frustration and force you into investing more.. ok.. make sense.. but when it still refuses to come out the feeling is.. ok so i wanted to support ggg and outcome is im being kind of disrespected for that.. alot of anger frustration and feeling abused kinda.. but you do want to use the set on which you just spent like 300-400 usd but you still miss 1 item.. chosing between waiting almost half year to use it when you can buy that item on shop or being abused by ggg is just bad feeing .. and it only motivate you not to support GGG.. i think that loot boxes should either have the items from box released on shop along side the box.. or allow special salvage system that kinda protect you from these cases of 1 missing item and bad luck.. and i think its rather simple.. . my sugestion is consider to make salvage system that let you break down duplicated or none duplicate you dont want into special coins.. for example for this pack midnight coins.. at 10-15% of their valu.. so breaking down a pet would give you 10-15% midnight coins these are not normal coins and they ant be used in store they can only be used to craft an item from the midnight box at full value or a set value that ggg decide.. no one gonna break 20 wings to craft 1 wings.. also dont allow midnight coins to craft box only item.. this way people wont really benefit from it.. but someoe who spent 400 usd on box would be able to salvage all of his duplicated items to craft that 1 missing stubborn item and be happy with his set and with his support to GGG instead of feeling scammed and abused. :) thank you all for reading ! |
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Last edited by Sedes_Cruentes#2336 on Jan 5, 2024, 5:33:25 PM
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" Exactly. You know why? Cuz it's the opposite of what PoE offers right now. It does not have 50000000% AoE so that you actually get to interact with whats happening on the screen :D This is exactly why GGG has to do what they are doing right now. You'll see. Last edited by dyneol#3245 on Aug 13, 2021, 6:21:28 PM
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" What are you talking about? They're playing an arpg legend, the progenitor of the genre. You don't understand poe and why it has become so popular. ✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀 Last edited by spokipo#1869 on Aug 13, 2021, 6:23:50 PM
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