Baeclast Podcast with Chris Wilson This Week

x7yr wrote:
No Thank you. Not worth my Time.

The most correct answer, without throwing punches.

The usual excuses of circumstance are redundant in this situation.

And most of all your game has a lot of problems, not just 3.15 horrible.
Plz make tha game fast agein, no arpg is meant to be played slow. Make it harder, make it more grindy/longer but dont let us play like snails, it's just not fun.
Please talk about 3.13.
the direction of these past 2 leagues has me so sad and confused; it feels like my expectations have been jack-knifed (like a trailer-truck)
Last edited by WaitingTube430#0531 on Aug 9, 2021, 6:48:47 PM
This is a really good thing to organize, very glad there will be some open communication. My only worry is that most of the Baeclast cast have a very different view from "regular" softcore trade players, but hopefully the big issues the community has brought up in the last weeks will still be addressed.

What currently ruins the game for me are interestingly not the nerfs to player power, but the nerfs to movement speed (flasks) and mobility. Walking slooooow feels awful ngl.
I like my loot like my steak - RARE
Snorkle_uk wrote:
the changes wernt that drastic, im actually surprised by the size of the tantrum thrown by the player base over such a basic attempt to curb a small amount of the power creep thats been added.

monster damage is probably too spikey, but the reductions to player damage were needed and im rly happy with the direction of the game, im glad the balance is going both ways and "add even more insane power" isnt the only thing that happens.

Sure, if you're playing or always played an OP skill then yes, you can justify a bit of a power cut. However, for those of us who enjoyed mediocre skills in the past who were already using the best support gems to make the skill(s) feel somewhat decent then cut the power across the board they become garbage.

All I really want for 3.16 is for them to take a serious look at under-performing weak skills.
They really could just slow the game down to 1/5th of its current pace and make every monster pack be a strategic encounter.

But, they'd need to make it so everything gives 5 times the loot to keep people happy, which is something that GGG would never do.

Can't wait to see what Chris says! Hope they make game more rewarding and increase the pace.
I don't know, 3.15 is in a pretty good spot. Maybe revert the movement nerfs (ffs, let tyty be fast, what's the point) and leave some powerful early skills to carry plebs through the acts. Cap damage scaling at the top end (number of minions, projectiles, for each aura multiply the reservation etc).

Expedition is a very good league, everybody can enjoy it. Has content in areas/maps, in town/hideout and on it's own (logbooks). Let players be players, shitposters be shitposters.

On the other hand i don't get why something like Harvest is still in the game. It just serves the top ... 0.1% playerbase? Cmon, this is not where you get your revenue from...
DarkJen wrote:
Sarciss wrote:
cant wait for the echo chamber of nugi and raiz... each one yelling louder than the other one how great and fun the game is now and everybody else just needs to gtfo omegacringe

Actually Id better trust Raiz to lead interview, all others are feels like too spoiled and like even just strictly on salary, so they cannot allow non-pr-friendly tolks to happen. Current baeclasts are so "envisioned", feels like all participants just stopped at their playing in act 5 and very happy with it and with game overall. Really looks like that.

SenchuTen wrote:
I quit on day two since they nerfed the game hard wothout giving us anytjing inreturn.

GGG is like
"We want to reduce itemclutter."

Also GGG
"Here are like 7 new currencies, new öeague specific splinters and couple more gems and uniques no one will ever use since they are garbage.

Also GGG
"We WaNt YoU tO PlAy ThE gAmE hOw We WaNt (TeNcEnT)"

I dont mind the game being harder. Just give us a dicking deathlog and reduce monster oneshots. That is the lazyest designchoice ever in your entire game.

So I dont expect anything from your interview except some self ball licking and tellkng us how great you guys are again without delivering anything meaningful.

this is what happens when gamers are treated as addicts and not as customers.

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