Baeclast Podcast with Chris Wilson This Week

Malichus wrote:
I think this podcast is great news. Not because I expect that there really will be any hard-hitting questions that most of the players actually want the answers to asked, or that Chris will announce that he's reverting all the changes (change was needed, they just went too far in some things and tried to change too many systems at once). I think it's great news because it tells us for certain what we could only speculate before this...GGG is bleeding revenue as badly as players and is trying to stop the leak. As that is the only thing that will get their attention, it's a good thing.

Next pure trade SC player say "change was needed" XD XD

1) Bro. Here is no reason to next fcking nerfs (and delete defensive) when we have still aurastacking rares, offscreen oneshoting mobs, server issues in game omfg.
After solve this problems, we can talk about nerfs.
2) Why GGG balance game about SC trade stats? Its biggest bullshit.
SC trade players dont want harder game. They want fast and fun game.
Why balance game about SC trade, where you can buy everything, where exist farm bots, where you can buy challenges and where you cant die and lose items!

Players dont use own brain, want faster game today! You have community where players just copy/paste builds (bcs meta), use macros on everything and just hunt currency. You want player play whole league time? So make funny league. And dont nerf everything to dust. You make unfun league? Players force MTX and leave. You add nerfs to unfun playstyle? They leave much faster!

3) Why make harder SC trade shet, when exist SSF SC, HC and SSF HC?! There is choice to have harder game! When you try make trade SC harder, you make other game-mods unplayable. You delete easy and understable defensive options, so HC is still much more unplayable!!! Thx to destroy my full HC guild and my friendlist from HC ...
4) And ofc gamble (RNG) is problem too. Slam currency, where you dont know what happend. Its not funny GGG. Make normal craft system omfg. Why force players play delve just to find base link-crafting etc.???? Just make normal craft system where best and OP crafts can be hide in Harvest?
5) It seems like Chris love D2 so much ... from copy skills to make same gameplay in PoE. But he forgot on monsters setting ...

Sry for my bad english and for that, iam not streamer who live from PoE and iam not a gamer who play PoE 8h/day :(
Last edited by JuldaFulda on Aug 10, 2021, 1:05:35 PM
Just make a POE Classic with whatever Chris wants and start the "Retail" version back at 3.13.
Who cares about Chris receiving a massage from streamers for one hour?
If you think they represent the playerbase, even when some of them encourage players to leave the game if you don't agree with his delusional opinion, think again.

You know what most of the players want, do something about it or don't, it's your decision and also your problem. We have provided enough input already.
Make incursions longer, it is not doable in current state.
arknath wrote:
1. Damage nerf = fine. It was needed one way or another. The true reason they changes this is the constantly increasing server performance/maintenance cost anyway :P

2. Timers still being held same as before = not fine. It punishes new/casual players too hard. Incursion especially needs timer removal or huge increase. Legion as well.

3. Niche skills needed a way bigger base buff. 20-25% did not compensate enough as many of those skills were already 500%+ behind the rest already.

4. Revert some of the awakened gem nerfs.

5. MOST IMPORTANT. Cut the time needed to fully watchstone your atlas in by least half. Maybe even more. Reduce the amount of unveils needed for recipes. Increase sulphite cap and start delve from monster level 70 instead so that it follows approx what map tier you are on.

6. Reduce the amount of maps back down to ~100. There are plenty of unpopular maps that can be scrapped. Bump up boss loot on maps with complex clear-layouts or particularly hard bosses.

+1 and they have to do something with RNG carfting, a gamer should craft not gamble.
JuldaFulda wrote:
Malichus wrote:
I think this podcast is great news. Not because I expect that there really will be any hard-hitting questions that most of the players actually want the answers to asked, or that Chris will announce that he's reverting all the changes (change was needed, they just went too far in some things and tried to change too many systems at once). I think it's great news because it tells us for certain what we could only speculate before this...GGG is bleeding revenue as badly as players and is trying to stop the leak. As that is the only thing that will get their attention, it's a good thing.

Next pure trade SC player say "change was needed" XD XD

1) Bro. Here is no reason to next fcking nerfs (and delete defensive) when we have still aurastacking rares, offscreen oneshoting mobs, server issues in game omfg.
After solve this problems, we can talk about nerfs.
2) Why GGG balance game about SC trade stats? Its biggest bullshit.
SC trade players dont want harder game. They want fast and fun game.
Why balance game about SC trade, where you can buy everything, where exist farm bots, where you can buy challenges and where you cant die and lose items!

Players dont use own brain, want faster game today! You have community where players just copy/paste builds (bcs meta), use macros on everything and just hunt currency. You want player play whole league time? So make funny league. And dont nerf everything to dust. You make unfun league? Players force MTX and leave. You add nerfs to unfun playstyle? They leave much faster!

3) Why make harder SC trade shet, when exist SSF SC, HC and SSF HC?! There is choice to have harder game! When you try make trade SC harder, you make other game-mods unplayable. You delete easy and understable defensive options, so HC is still much more unplayable!!! Thx to destroy my full HC guild and my friendlist from HC ...
4) And ofc gamble (RNG) is problem too. Slam currency, where you dont know what happend. Its not funny GGG. Make normal craft system omfg. Why force players play delve just to find base link-crafting etc.???? Just make normal craft system where best and OP crafts can be hide in Harvest?
5) It seems like Chris love D2 so much ... from copy skills to make same gameplay in PoE. But he forgot on monsters setting ...

Sry for my bad english and for that, iam not streamer who live from PoE and iam not a gamer who play PoE 8h/day :(

I totally agree, especially with NRG crafting!!!
Fixing the game is simple, and it doesn't involve reverting any of the changes done in 3.15, I made a post about this after the 3.14 manifesto talking about what will be the implications of the changes done that patch, and wanted to mention it again because I saw that Grimro did a very very good video on it - wantch it, it will shed some light onto why the game feels bad.

Players stopped playing because there is no reason to, not because the game is harder, every player that plays ARPGs is used to a hard game, we play ARPGs because they are hard.. but we want to be rewarded for that - and the game doesn't feel rewading.

Enable 100% delirium farm, let us fracture deli maps like we could before 3.14 and the game will be up and running again.

Why 100% deli.. because it's the content that enables everything in the game, blight farming, scarabs for juiced maps, emblems, simulacrum, deep delve... everything.

Enabling this, you fix the market, everyone has more currency, everyone can make gear that can handle the new changes, everyone has something exciting to farm.
Last edited by AngryC00kieZ on Aug 10, 2021, 3:19:30 PM
Baeclast... lol hope they don't have a "vision" and think this 3 or 4 streamers represent the community.

What they are trying to achieve here? 

Who they are trying to reach?
hope for good stuff
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arknath wrote:
1. Damage nerf = fine. It was needed one way or another. The true reason they changes this is the constantly increasing server performance/maintenance cost anyway :P

2. Timers still being held same as before = not fine. It punishes new/casual players too hard. Incursion especially needs timer removal or huge increase. Legion as well.

3. Niche skills needed a way bigger base buff. 20-25% did not compensate enough as many of those skills were already 500%+ behind the rest already.

4. Revert some of the awakened gem nerfs.

5. MOST IMPORTANT. Cut the time needed to fully watchstone your atlas in by least half. Maybe even more. Reduce the amount of unveils needed for recipes. Increase sulphite cap and start delve from monster level 70 instead so that it follows approx what map tier you are on.

6. Reduce the amount of maps back down to ~100. There are plenty of unpopular maps that can be scrapped. Bump up boss loot on maps with complex clear-layouts or particularly hard bosses.

Totally agreed!!

I'm a casual player that can't simply stay in front of PC playing for much time. Also, the game turns bored for me on atlas because of the time you spend with maps based on the same layout of acts.

We still run 10 acts to have more 10 acts broke into 160 maps. For me this workflow is useless.

The more quick usual players can finish the atlas, the more we can test new builds and have fun. I always wanted to play with poison builds, but I never had time to farm enough to play with it.

Also, the rework GGG made is based now on 3 characters, and considering we have the biggest skill tree of all games, there's no reason to create a meta game.

For me GGG must to refine everything before release new mechanics. We already have more than 20 if you count the core mechanics.

The part you said about the maps being reduced to 100 or less for me is perfect. I would just add the unique layout for each map instead of use pieces of acts.

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