Baeclast Podcast with Chris Wilson This Week
" I totally second that. I find the accents hard to understand and my hearing is just not that great. A transcript would help a lot in this. |
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" I think streamers should attend some basic speech articulation course. They tend to mumble or slur, and talk like they have a candy in their mouth. |
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1. Damage nerf = fine. It was needed one way or another. The true reason they changes this is the constantly increasing server performance/maintenance cost anyway :P
2. Timers still being held same as before = not fine. It punishes new/casual players too hard. Incursion especially needs timer removal or huge increase. Legion as well. 3. Niche skills needed a way bigger base buff. 20-25% did not compensate enough as many of those skills were already 500%+ behind the rest already. 4. Revert some of the awakened gem nerfs. 5. MOST IMPORTANT. Cut the time needed to fully watchstone your atlas in by least half. Maybe even more. Reduce the amount of unveils needed for recipes. Increase sulphite cap and start delve from monster level 70 instead so that it follows approx what map tier you are on. 6. Reduce the amount of maps back down to ~100. There are plenty of unpopular maps that can be scrapped. Bump up boss loot on maps with complex clear-layouts or particularly hard bosses. Last edited by arknath#4740 on Aug 10, 2021, 8:38:21 AM
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lmao, disscuss 3.16 changes when only 2 weeks into 3.15? sounds like u fked up 3.15
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i realy love this patch actually. player power has been brought down to where ive always been :D i think big part of the problem is that the game is more and more becoming its successor, but many players want to keep playing it the way they always have.
also the quasi-competitive nature of the game furthers fears of ones individual power to be brought down i believe. i wonder how many of those wishing 3.13 back were complaining about it just as much back in the day. all of reddit was for sure. |
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Main question, why are you making game slower and harder, having in mind that a lot of casual players doesn't even reach maps, and why are you killing all the good stuff and fun in game ? and why are you not fixing existing problems in game like performance issues and optimization ?
Last edited by medis13#4950 on Aug 10, 2021, 9:30:40 AM
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this people 85-90 talking about how the game is good... are u doing red maps? dieing to bleeding/poison/ignite, getting chills/freeze all the time no flask to do shit and stuck cause keeping die to one shot and no flasks against mass of mobs running with full speed...the reduction in the player base affect the trade league a lot the game feels like dead since the first week and u after play like 2 days say everything is fine lol
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The league is mostly good and fun, people just gotta shut up and learn how to play with the new flask management and around mana. Things that are not so ok are heist/harvest stacking aura mobs and too many splinters. I love that we got slowed down and don't faceroll everything in 2 days and the whole tantrum that the most vocal percentage of players (who barely played the game at all but for a couple of weeks so they would be goner anyways) is throwing is non-sensical especially when they start saying dumb stuff like "hope Poe 2 fails or that you lose all your employees". Like wtf dudes? Grow a backbone and stop screaming like a kid cause papa told you no.
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Keep in mind the people on the podcast represent a small percentage of the player base. With many of them only playing and talking about SSFHC. Even to the point of them outright dismissing opinions from SC trade players as they see them as not worthy to have opinions.
But that is a whole other issue altogether. How does GGG expect them to ask "hard hinting questions" when streamers depend on the success of POE for their living. |
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For the next Baeclast with Chris Wilson, I'd really like to see him adressing some "contradictions" the game currently has : they want to slow down the game, but what about everything that forces you (explicitly or implicitly) to speed up as much as possible ?
1°) The timer on almost every mechanic (breach, legion, abyss somehow, delirium, incursion, some syndicate encounters etc) 2°) The ultra spiky damage that forces you to kill everything before get killed while moving, 3°) All the gated RNG content that needs you to farm as fast as possible to "forces more dices to roll per minute" 4°) The over farming content you have to get through like watchstones, craftings, all the shit splinters that you'll never get a single full stack of (even once) because they have the same gated content while they were the main mechanics during their own league (with around 10 times more frequency). In fact, everything that has a timer forces you to speed everything up explicitly, but everything that is too gated behind RNG and/or with too spiky damage forces you to speed everything up implicitly. However GGG is immensely fond of RNG and spiky damage to stop even the most overpowered characters, how are they gonna address this very core contradiction ? I do think the futur of POE depends almost entirely on that single question, even more than the QOL ! Last edited by Dedisdead#2682 on Aug 10, 2021, 3:53:04 PM
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