bring back 3.13
dead game
bring back 3.13
Posted byTainted_Fate#2799on Aug 10, 2021, 12:14:37 AM
I have a point I want to say and a question I want to ask.
First nerfing the top end or everyone all the time really leaves me and most of the person I play with feeling very meh when we think about spending most of the league grinding hard into one build and feeling growth along the way. I don't expect to be blasting sirus 8 week one in a few seconds by I don't want to do my first kill at 5 mins and my 30ths kill at maybe 4 mins. If you truely want to make the game harder just ruin everything early game but there should be thresholds we can hit where we can be doing 30 second bosses or what was the point of spending hundreds of hours grinding for more power which is kind of core to long term goals in an arpg. Yes, I know you can still do that but the builds that can keeps getting more limited or have to give up a lot in the form on defense and I though you wanted us to think about layers of defense but in this direction it seems you just want everyone to be a glass cannon which isn't fun I feel.
Now for my question. I get you think all progression needs to be this big jabait of a gambling simulator but every time you nerf what I feel is good and engaging crafting, I feel less like I want to engage with game mechanics and more like I should just trade for everything and ignore a large aspect of the game. We have this brilliant future that is private leagues why can't we get one that is voided and has a crafting system turned on like harvest? I'm sure I am not the only person that would rather pay you money every league for a version of poe we loved instead of losing it forever because the small minority can trade for all progression in hours.
Posted bySourFae#6974on Aug 10, 2021, 12:18:07 AM
Tell us how you tested the new flask mechanics
Second-class poe gamer
Posted bypr13st#1040on Aug 10, 2021, 12:18:11 AM
What's the point of a podcast? Chris will say that he will not change anything, and will add that in the next league everything that remains playable in this game will nerf. One hope is for the kind people from tencent who will see the dropped income from the game and fix everything.
Posted byFaerys#1061on Aug 10, 2021, 12:22:33 AM
vio wrote:
SantaClaus1024 wrote:
1. Trading. Which are respectful for my time and fun.
2. Crafting. Understandable, predictable. Harvest 3.13 was a good example.
3. AOE-looting
4. Flask piano
5. A lot of QOL
6. Revert the all nerfs from 3.15
7. Make a lot of compensations
Probably then GGG has a chance.
But, TBH, I believe the return to good, will take 1 year.
The 3.16 and 3.17 - the "visionary" and "team" still do their visionary things.
Before 3.18 or 3.19 - the owners must change these "visionaries" to another team.
Therefore - only summer or fall 2022 - is the time when I hope to return to POE.
If I still remember what is POE.
Baeclast team to pull no punches when bringing up topics for this discussion!!!!
whats the point of the podcast then , please chris stop with this non sense.
chriss knows what we need and what we want , and ignores every thing to destroy the game with this patch ,
easy solution bring 3.13 back , all the fun all the crafting , all the deep delve and end game , do what you know people want u to do , fix the things we need u to fix .
every one will be happy , ur pockets will be full . why all the non sense we got this league .
any thing other than this , im really starting to hate this game and all this talk about philosophy and biology and chemistry,
i dnt want poe 2 if it will destroy poe 1 .
Posted byMRLAVA#5959on Aug 10, 2021, 12:25:12 AM
AHAHAHA GGG Srly? delete all this new npc from the game and start from Tujen who killed economy of game, simulacrum and etc. i guess 60% of pleyers who left farm now tujen in ho lol. An need rename POE: expedition to POE: TUJEN. but may be need leave it in the game for people who wont die in end game over and over for nothing.
Last edited by CrazyEmkido#4082 on Aug 10, 2021, 12:34:55 AM
Posted byCrazyEmkido#4082on Aug 10, 2021, 12:28:12 AMBanned
Kulthanel wrote:
Community_Team wrote:
We've asked the Baeclast team to pull no punches when bringing up topics for this discussion. The intent is to have a very candid chat about Path of Exile's past, present and future and to answer any big picture questions about the current state of Path of Exile.
So basically PR/control damage questions and answers..
Why would you even say this to begin with then?
Having the lead dev sitting on a stream for 1 hour talking about how his team think they are right and this is the way from now on while the rest of the players that are sitting outside of this league waiting for changes wont do anything for them.
As usual with these kind of interviews I'm just going to wait for a tl;dw thing.. but like I said before more control damage and "we're right, we know what fun means and our fun will be your fun too"
yes what you said exactly , and im soo happy , because if this what really happens , we soon will have a new management for poe , cause their losses this league is huge and 10 cent will not just keep watching
Posted byMRLAVA#5959on Aug 10, 2021, 12:32:22 AM
KaseyM21 wrote:
xXIce_MaidenXx wrote:
Can't wait for the apologies....
It'll never happen again.......
Can't wait for your disappointment. They aren't going to backtrack the nerfs.
If they apologies and revert to 3.13 , we win and they win !!!
If they dnt and keep this mess , we will also win but they will lose ,
they already lost 90% of players , and 10 cent will take their jobs soon if they keep this up.
note on the 10% left
what u see playing now are bots and some streamers because they make a living out of it , some of the rmt guys also , and some people with multiple accounts to squeeze more loot ...
now what we will win is new management similar to the Chinese version of the game where things are much more qol and much more fun.
Last edited by MRLAVA#5959 on Aug 10, 2021, 12:42:48 AM
Posted byMRLAVA#5959on Aug 10, 2021, 12:42:32 AM
oudinm wrote:
Please revert reward systems to pre-3.14 patch:
-Atlas passives
-Delirium orbs
-Crafting (not harvest crafting, you guys included many bad mods in the mod pools of various items; bleed suffix (phys tag), warstaves, rune dagger)
You are destroying your own game by trying to make player crawl at the pace of slugs, hoping that this increases player retention. It's annoying and certainly not engaging. POE has evolved since it's pre-beta farming Piety days. Please, move with the times or your players will move along aswell.
Making a powerful character in your game in pointless, change the reward systems.
I completely agree
Posted byFinallf_Exiled#3951on Aug 10, 2021, 12:52:13 AM
Kwyjibo20 wrote:
The question here is are we going to get doubling down on the current patch, with Chris simply providing more "context" and "background" for his vision? If so, frankly that does nothing for me. There are plenty of other games out there that are enjoyable to play and I don't need to go through a miserable time simply in order to justify a developer's philosophy on game mechanics. If, on the other hand, there are signs of a return to the way things used to be I might jump in this league or next.
Some background, I started playing relatively recently (Harvest). I found the game pretty daunting, but gradually got really into it, bought a bunch of supporter packs, and managed my first Sirus kill of any type (A0) last league with an archmage BF/BB raider. I know that was a meta build and many people do A8, but for me, I was proud of that. When I read the patch notes this league and saw that archmage and raider were heavily nerfed, meaning I couldn't play my old character in standard, I was bummed. When I saw the rest of the patch notes suggesting that the game as a whole would be more of a slog due to defensive changes I decided to give this league a pass. I feel totally vindicated in that decision by how people have reacted. I already have a major uphill battle trying to get any of my friends to play this game due to its enormous complexity and the fact that new players are overwhelmed with mechanics from past leagues and a skill tree that can break your character if you don't follow a build guide from a third party website. Most people bounce off of that in favor of other games with lower barriers to entry, and I can't say I blame them. But sadly, the 3.15 patch seems to have made that problem worse.
I'm cautiously optimistic because the last time I had a major problem with the game (queue times at launch last league) the devs were very apologetic. But we'll see.
I completely agree
Posted byFinallf_Exiled#3951on Aug 10, 2021, 12:55:58 AM