3.15.1 Patch Notes Preview

GGG, show some love for Earthbreaker Support (a buff/rework). :)
DeeUU8938 wrote:
vahu wrote:
From best company to worst. Shame on you.

You don't listen to the majority, remember beta days and later where you cared about feedback from players?

Is this actually true? Do you have any hard data to back up that the majority of players don't want these changes?

In comparison to Ultimatum league launch numbers vs current players 2 weeks into a brand new league, the drop off of players is close to the number of people who actually played expedition at launch for steam users.

Ulti launched at 155k, Expedition launched at 116k, 2 weeks into the league Expedition has a 50k peak, that's total players playing the poe steam client (including standard players AND Royale players, not just Expedition players), 2 weeks into a brand new league it has less than half peak player numbers than Ulti did after a month into the league.

Expedition league also has Royale as a baseline game mode so that 50k peak players 2 week into the league isn't even 50k players playing expedition, that number could be 40k or lower for all we know.
To remove Royale from the equation, give it a conservative 5% of the total steam players are playing Royale over playing the league then the number of people playing Expedition (including standard players as all leagues have) then Expedition will be half the amount of players playing 2 weeks into a brand new league than Ulti did a month into its league.
Considering the amount of patch notes that Royale has received since the start of this league, 5% would appear to be a very conservative number for this.

The forums are filled with negativity.
For the first time in i think 3 leagues? We've had a (actually 2) "mid" league patch notes announcement rather than just constant new mtx announcements
Even the twitch stats are lower than other leagues.

It's safe to say 3.15 is not popular with the majority.
Last edited by Thehealyhealy#1573 on Aug 5, 2021, 3:34:06 AM
yoshixd wrote:
a blank patch

fk archnemesis.
Good job.
Added vendor recipes for converting Instilling Orbs to Enkindling Orbs and vice versa. You'll need to discover these recipes for yourself, but they're not hard to work out.

but why do we need to discover them, just tell us ffs.
So it could be around a 50/50 split with the stand alone client numbers?
How about buff currency chests even though when you do hit remnants the boost chest drops! +400% chest drops and yet shit currency drops, like cmon..
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