<Tribe> Looking for more mature players. New players are welcomed!
hi there would love o join your guild, coming from PS ' crashed ' and now going newbie on pc play, time to learn the ropes of Mouse and Keyboard now xD
Ign VgtPeacefullman cheers |
I would love to join!
IGN: Owliee |
IGN: Tornado_Tits
Would love to play with you guys! I've been playing since Metamorph league, usually kill A8 sirus once or twice per league and grind the league mechanic. Have yet to play the same build twice but I usually only play 1 char per league because of limited time. I'm tired of playing alone and I'd love to explore the mechanics of playing in groups and up my skill and PoE knowledge. thanks! |
If you are still looking for noobs I would be happy to join :)
IGN: Alkazad |
Hey interested, played blight and just coming back. IGN _iLL_
This guild sounds up my alley and like the guild tag. Would love an invite :D
IGN: Jyber
Hi I would like to join please. Am new player only started recently. Still need to learn a lot.
If yall still willing to add another I've been looking for a group to join in on and play pretty often
Long time player looking for a home, inv :D