3.15.0d Patch Notes

Are you all still playing this game? There are many other games out there, which make us real customers, also gamers with fun.

Just stop playing PoE, if GGG still doesn't realize the root problem. And if they're happy with the remaining players, it's good for them, and also good for us.
Last edited by k1y0#6380 on Jul 28, 2021, 9:10:40 AM
Briefly about the league.
Ruetoo Uninstall game
✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀
Last edited by spokipo#1869 on Jul 28, 2021, 9:41:15 AM
still dead
lethal_bear wrote:
These changes signify to me that either GGG aren't confident in their own changes and reverting them to suit the Tantrum-throwers on the subreddit, or they just didn't test the changes before implementing them into the game.

The flask changes confuse me - this puts some flasks, like Health Flasks in a better position than they were before and seems to be going against GGG's intended direction for flasks and ailments.

The mana multipliers change indicates a general lack of thought and insight into the initial change.

The heavy-handed buffs to some of the new skills show that the skills viability wasn't tested before release. What else could explain slapping a 400% more damage multiplier on to a skill?

I was in support of "nerf league" as a less-than-perfect step in the right direction for GGG's vision and preparation for POE2, but this just gives me the indication that they themselves don't know what they are doing and aren't confident in their own vision or how to reach it.

Okay, i'm still enjoying the game. Really — mechanically its awesome.

But, well, nobody like when their main build becomes weaker and weaker. The build i used to play (almost) every league is getting worse and it's not some meta-omg-zoom-zoom, just a simple cyclone.
I really like melee builds, but, well... Y'all know...

I'm trying new to me ranged builds now and it's kinda new and still interesting world (because of great game mechanics). But the most boring part in every league — acts — became just more frustrating.
And maps became a strange slo-mo-show as it was in, i dunno, 2014-2015. You increased the possible speed of everything through years of development and now just broke everything what we used to. And i don't see why.
shaunjik wrote:

I was in support of "nerf league" as a less-than-perfect step in the right direction for GGG's vision and preparation for POE2, but this just gives me the indication that they themselves don't know what they are doing and aren't confident in their own vision or how to reach it.

Guys you really have no idea of how a game works, if something needs tweaks, doesnt mean it wasn't tested. And of course this wasn't done for the people complaining in reddit too.

Dont worry devs know there's unssuportive people who always complain whatever they do no matter what, like you.


Game is perfectly fine, everyone is playing like usual, there's plenty of strong builds and even some of the new skills are being meta right now, like forbidden rite.

If GGG's losing playerbase, im happy with it, the one's leaving are only people who doesn't know how to play this easy game.

For the record: saturday morning sirus was already dead for one player, you can stop crying and do that too ^^

I have set --noasync --waitforpreload in steam launch options to load all textures before entering the map.

After this update this command no longer works and it lags massively on bigger fights.

There is literally 1 to 5 fps now in fights followed by death because server thinks i am idle. (before the update it was stable 60fps and smooth gameplay).

It is unplayable now. Early quit i guess...?
Nice with mana multipliers guys, now I cannot trigger Kitava's Thrist bc I went down to 98 mana from 102 -.-
Riverwind77 wrote:
shaunjik wrote:

I was in support of "nerf league" as a less-than-perfect step in the right direction for GGG's vision and preparation for POE2, but this just gives me the indication that they themselves don't know what they are doing and aren't confident in their own vision or how to reach it.

Guys you really have no idea of how a game works, if something needs tweaks, doesnt mean it wasn't tested. And of course this wasn't done for the people complaining in reddit too.

Dont worry devs know there's unssuportive people who always complain whatever they do no matter what, like you.


Game is perfectly fine, everyone is playing like usual, there's plenty of strong builds and even some of the new skills are being meta right now, like forbidden rite.

If GGG's losing playerbase, im happy with it, the one's leaving are only people who doesn't know how to play this easy game.

For the record: saturday morning sirus was already dead for one player, you can stop crying and do that too ^^

This is a free to play game. So they only make money if people are playing the game and spending money on micro transactions.

Literally half the players who started the league have already quit the league if not the game.

So to define the game as "Perfectly Fine" is plain wrong. If it was we would all still be playing, not uninstalling the game.

"Everyone Is Playing Like Usual" is a flat out lie.

"There's Plenty of Strong BuildS" There are about 4 builds capable of Sirus.

You like to throw unfounded insults like "he one's leaving are only people who doesn't know how to play this easy game."
I have been playing for years with several thousand hours in the game and have beat Sirus A8. I have also uninstalled the game at this point.

But hey, just because someone can beat all the bosses, they don't know how to play this "easy game".

This hotfix shows the dev's are reacting to the players leaving, but it should have happened Day 1. Too little, too late.

The game is losing 5-10k players per day since league launch. That is well above normal falloff.

Enjoy your Path of Nerfs.

They wanted shitty items to be useful, but in the end, the whole game became like these same items.

These pathetic fixes won't help...

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