Content Update 3.15.0 -- Path of Exile: Expedition
Joined since Bestiary, I remembered that a 250k dps build is considered fine/acceptable for endgame, stayed hooked venturing into trying lots of trash/meme builds, which is the main part of my Jam.
*NOTE: you don't really need "good" gears to be able to play into endgame with meme builds Was playing consistently for about 2 months each league, until GGG buffed monster/boss life (forgot which patch) This starts to hurt a lot, where meme builds couldn't really hold up anymore For plebs/normie like me, I kinda had to give in to the fotm/meta builds to "farm" and provide fuel for my meme build addiction at this rate, in my opinion, the cycle of the game has become 1) make a good league starter 2) re-roll into a superb meta farmer 3) burn your currencies to play the build you really wanted until Delirium, which I've played a full 3 months, cluster jewels brought a huge shake up for builds, which lit the fun for me again to try on new build ideas Skipped Harvest due to burned out during Delirium back to 2 months (almost) habit during Heist, league mechanic is alright, but some fun was killed as they nerfed quite a bunch of cluster jewels, which was understandable. and OH BOY, Ritual league, played a full 3 months again of that shit, that was my 1st taste on harvest mechanic, did not go ahead and sell crafts on TFT, instead rolled a lot of different build which was made possible with the easy access to harvest crafted gears, not 6 T1 gears, just reasonable gears. Ultimatum league, barely played into one month, tested the new skills, and that's about it. Harvest is pretty dead for normies, dont get me wrong, you can still earn ALOT like crap tons of currencies by doing TFT trades, which i denied doing so, i came to play POE not path of TFT, hence Harvest = dead for me. didn't bothered to redo the 1/2/3 cycle again as stated earlier. with 3.15 slowdown nerf/shakeup, it really does scream FUCK YOU NORMIES/PLEB, couldn't really see myself repeating below. 1) make a good league starter (ED/Contagion again?) 2) re-roll into a superb meta farmer (whatever fotm that GGG have yet to butcher) 3) burn your currencies to play the build you really wanted 4) AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ABOUT re-doing ATLAS/SYNDICATE/DELVE/HEIST GGG really does wants POE to stay to it's roots i guess, for hardcore lovers only as a pleb, i'd go fuck myself, peace. |
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" Am I missing something? Where are the ailments that don't scale from the damage of the hit? Because this looks like you made a gem that nerfs your ailment damage by 70%. Why? |
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My english is terrible,Only Chinese。
我感觉GGG从伟大走向平庸,当我第一次接触这个游戏(很多年前台湾服务器)游戏的货币机制、技能搭配方式等等,让我眼前一亮,当时用了很长的时间去了解游戏,了解技能,看很多大神讲解游戏的内容。随着时间越来越长(也可能是受到POE2开发进度影响),我感觉开发/创意团队慢慢走向了平庸,跟很多游戏公司一样了,单纯的去调整技能里面的游戏数值,而且还用了我觉得最恶心的话术就是“目前这个情况不是我们设计的初衷,我们不希望这样的情况出现”。你们觉得玩家打怪太快不好,你们觉得玩家无限喝药水不好,你们觉得游戏数字膨胀的过快了,都是你们觉得,游戏数字膨胀过快谁造成的?不是玩家,至少我是这样认为,举例子了如果最终的T20 Boss只有100生命,大家谁又会去无限的追求伤害呢?去扩大的这个数字呢。如果Boss 生命只有100,那我相信很多玩家都会去尝试新的技能,新的玩法、新的搭配,去完成游戏内更多别的内容。游戏就像生活一样,在普世价值层面里百分之90%的人甚至更多的人追求更强,而不是你们所想要游戏性,换句话说就是90%甚至更多的人认为更强就是游戏性。这就像生活一样,大多数人追求更好的生活,所以认真读书,认真工作。假如一个改造石就能让你通关游戏而且还能愉快刷图,大家谁还会去投入更多精力呢。同样这跟生活一样,如果你是MIT毕业的你肯定认为你至少是比RMIT要好的吧(我只是做个比喻RMIT的人别伤心)同样的道理,那些打怪快,跑的快,生存好的BD都是玩家通过自己不断积累,投入了大量的通货完成。 很多时候总能听到“平衡”这个词,上来就说这个BD打破的游戏的平衡什么的,比如几个赛季前的环妹,其实我想说,达成这个BD的配装,玩家是不是投入了大量的时间、通货,最终去完善了这个BD。我就想说这和现实社会一样,有人买法拉利也有人买大众,难道这是花钱买法拉利人的错误?你不应该买这么好的车这不公平。但是话说回来了,是不是买法拉利的人投入了更多的钱(通货)。 在很长一段时间里面我都认为GGG每个赛季都能做出一些新的东西,以前都是推出新的内容,让大家不在留恋老搭配,但是最近这一年多时间让我感到了失望,近几个赛季除了削弱以前的内容,调整所谓的不合理,调整所谓的这不是你们想要的效果,你们还做了什么新的内容,看看近几个赛季的在线人数这是最好的说明(当你们看游戏数据膨胀的同时希望你们看看在线人数),无论你们怎么做显得那么苍白,我建议GGG你们内部团队应该有一个KPI/ORK的机制,后台数据不理想的时候看看数据应该给一个PIP,哈哈! 减法,我觉得应该做就像一个公司一样,当有太多业务切不顺利的时候应该做减法,这样才能让大家更专注,但是我认为减法不能单单只从游戏技能上,药水上这些方面去看,单纯这样看我觉得这个一个非常不负责任的想法(比如:以前最常用的公司就是暴雪大家同吗?),我觉得做减法应该从游戏内的所有内容考虑。比如从通货,是不是有取消掉部分通货,合并那些不常用的等等,这是一系列的问题至少这是我认为,不是简单降低技能伤害增加怪物难度而完成。如果只是简单降低玩家伤害,增加怪物强度,是不是逼着所有的玩家去用相同的技能呢? 最后在吐槽一下6L就是高端进阶了,我想骂街“¥Y@^%*^&%$#”。。。这是又是你们自己的想法,玩家不能有6L 6L太强大的,我们不希望玩家有6L装备,我们只希望少数玩家拥有,哈哈!! |
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Awesome changes GGG!
One thing though, certain melee builds that are already so good got buffed to help with the support nerfs, but skills like my favorite, Righteous Fire, just get nerfed but aren't already widely used. My poor Righteous Fire got nerfed for three leagues, please give some loving, for this is number four. This makes an already underused skill, more unusable. Consider all skills please and build types, as righteous fire tank is getting harder to keep up with other melee tanks by a lot without legacy investment. Nerfs are needed, but some builds that are already insane got pillows, while others barely anyone uses have a hard fall. Happy with nerfs all around and glad they helped under used skills. But RF seems to be ignored in its drop. I'm guessing your aware of this so I trust you guys. Keep up the good work! |
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Path of Exile - Wasteland League.
Nobody left to play. |
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" Hi, since I've been playing ignite builds a lot, but I'm still confused by the mechanics sometimes too... from the wiki: The base duration of ignite is 4 seconds. The burning damage over time is 50% of the base damage of the hit of fire damage (before increased and more multipliers and resistance calculations), per second. I'd assume the 80% less Damage with Hits applies later, otherwise this gem would be totally useless ;) Edit: It's all about the skills base hit damage + flat damage from other sources like anger, items, jewels etc. Afterwards, all the modifiers apply seperatly to hit and ignite stuff This deadly ailment change actually makes elemental reflect less dangerous for ignite fireball/armageddon brand/etc builds - it's a buff :D Last edited by DerPestmann#0723 on Jul 20, 2021, 11:03:18 PM
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Bosses feel weak because you gave Players near unlimited options to burst them down. Place Totem, activate Vaal Skills, Warcryrota, Weaponswap, Gemswap, Frostbomb etc. This is why you can onshot most of them.
You have to rework burst damage. Look at POB when you uncheck most conditions. You just reduced overall damage. That is wrong. Now only the meta of the meta Builds will be played. And who wants to play Tempchains league anyway? Worst nerfs after AOE "rework" Last edited by SppokyVega#5475 on Jul 20, 2021, 10:28:22 PM
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So we get
- Less damage, less than half in most cases. - Massive mana cost increases. - Massive nerf to mana recovery. - Which means you can't afford to reserve much, if any, mana. So, even less damage - Nerfed defenses. - Slower movement speed and skill usage. - No reductions to monster damage. At all. - In fact, massive increases top all DoT damage - Along with less reliable, and much higher cost to remove ailments. - No mechanical changes (like Maven healing), DPS gated content left and right remaining. Which results in builds for most players doing less than half of effective damage, while keeping mechanics and design that insta-kills players is bad design. Kill quick or be killed has been the design for YEARS. Without changing the entire system, this is a terrible set of decisions. I will definitely be speaking with my wallet, by keeping it silent. |
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Man that's a lot of nerfs, but I don't get it, supports are destroyed but crits are stronger?
Most gems now only do like 20% more but added chaos still does 55% more? So crit poison meta incoming maybe? it was already so so hard making a build do 'meh' damage but all this nerfs might kill a lot of players, don't think people will be happy with a 200k dps build xD |
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No point in expressing my view on all this. It will just be removed by GGG.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone |
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