Content Update 3.15.0 -- Path of Exile: Expedition

ffogell wrote:
Path of Exile X Dark Souls - I'm so hyped for this league! Best changes and direction for POE, sucks some people are complaining about the many small nerfs but you cant make everyone happy.

Please stop insulting Dark souls :P

Please stop acting like POE is anywhere near the level of Dark Souls as far as difficulty... POE is a grinding game like any MMO where the more you grind the easier the content.
this suck ducks

Build back better.

Pog first post
leemiller wrote:
in this league i will play on twitch, save my hands, mouse and gpu


I wish POE had a build-in spectate mode like Royale had, so i can watch live playthrough without supporting "1percenters", so they can feel our pain too.
Meh, there is always youtube to watch some plays...

Steps for coping with POE addiction built in years:
1. stop posting in forum/reddit
2. stop playing
3. stop watching live streams
4. stop reading news/forum/posts
5. take a deep breath
6. start new addiction ^^
Patchnotes that once more show how out of touch you guys are with what is good game design. The inconsistency and randomness. From 3.13(content wise really good, not in terms of your engine obviously .. ever most likely?) to this non-sense .. what a downgrade. Your entire approach of "artificial slowdown" especially during A1-10 progress is turning new players towards other games before they even see maps. On top of destroying your existent playerbase before they even get a chance to see PoE2 .. good thing you cashed out already ;)
IGN: IamMookz | elitemodeldotcom | 27.11.2013 CHN | r>=0
Ouchie...Evasion is not lookin so good. Guessing block and ward will be the bread and butter with all the focus on shields all of a sudden.

Abyss jewels not rolling onslaught anymore is a bummer. That was a big part of my early game income.

I can't even wrap my head around what flasks will be like now. Especially with new currency to add things, and having to invest passive points to make flasks work more efficient.

Ya definitely shook the snow globe with this one!
When reading the Manifesto yesterday I was exited what we will get as compensation for all the nerfs to keep the game fun, loot2.0 or something big and fun and refreshing.

Cada nova versao menos vontade de jogar... Jogadores que tem tempo de sobra conseguem boas builds. Jogadores casuais cada vez mais menos motivados... só nerf and nerf...
maybe that's why fewer and fewer players online
I don't want to play that.
✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀

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