Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

well well well, half of my builds are dead now :(

Some small numbers won't do any difference but so many nerfs on damage and defense will cut more than you think. Small casual builds will suffer.

I'll just wait and see, so many things I want to test and then decide if it is a good choice or not
i also wish to add nerfing both flasks and mobility skills is indisputably stupid

"flasks were to good passive defenses/offense as you could have them on 24/7 spamming the flask keys so we nerfed them"

"mobility one of the only forms of active defense the game has with guard skill allowed players to not get insta killed by boss mecanics and the 500 cast on death mobs de added into the game league after league by engaging with the content and reacting to it and we couldn't have that"

pick a side ?

as standalone changes they are ok but together just no
Fun is ended now. F.
Why don't you just reduce enemy density so players can actually see effects in order to react?

Do you understand how many enemies curse players instantly and constantly from off the screen?

It's not even map modifiers. It's the blob of enemies. There are maps I'd be pressing to remove just curses more than I do with potion piano. That alone is a red flag on your mob density.

So I guess players just get cursed now and there's not much we can do about it.

..and please don't use the word "popular" when talking about balancing.
That just tells me you're looking at numbers instead of your game.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Nice, seeing ailment effect on yourself and enemies is priceless.
Also, yay for firestorm buff! Big boo for Inquisitor/Elementalist ailment immunity deletion. I knew it was going to be nerfed, but killed completely?

Sad to see Onslaught on kill jewel mod go. I used it on every character I could.
I'm new player, i started ~3 months after the start of the ultimatum league, i tried very hard to learn every mechanics of the game, I spent a lot of time suffering and understanding the crafts.. Now, after reading all of those nerfs I told myself that all this time spent was wasted and it just makes me want to change the game. I'm tired of having to suffer again especially after seeing your nerve for Aisling, please don't change anything about this !
I think if both defense and offense are nerfed at the same time i think monster should have a change too tho.
If they live longer that mean they will hit you more and if you have less way to mitigate the damage it will lead to a lot of anavoidable death especially since current monster are designed around power speed meta so they go really fast and even white can kill you in a second.

I think the monster change have to come at the same time or atleast really closely to this because if it doesnt the period in between the global change of both pace of gameplay by nerfing played stats + monster combat and interraction + progression in the game may feel pretty bad and inconsistant.
To vanquish without perils is to triumph without glory.
3.16 Patch Notes:

"We're distraught at the ratio of people playing Softcore instead of Hardcore. From now on, players in the Softcore league will de-level on death if the experience penalty would reduce them below 0% experience."
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
I've been coming back to this game from time to time but as a casual (as in not having that many hours to play each day due to work) this feels scary. On the one hand I can understand needing to reign in the highest damage dealers and also the need to redo the flask system (to save our poor hands). On the other hand it seems we will have both less damage and less survivability. The main reason people strive so hard to maximize dps is that tanking in this game sucks, all damage everywhere is way too high. I don't see how a top lvl character with xx amount of currency invested in gear being able to kill end game bosses "too quickly" is such a problem.

When it comes to flasks, I do appreciate the nerf but i expect some decent monster nerfs to balance it. Or at least i hope for some.

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