3.14.3 Engine Patch Notes Preview

We have removed the button in the Options panel that allows you to clear your local cache. This can still be done manually by advanced users that have a specific reason to. The button was causing players to clear their cache, which removes the significant performance benefits of having a cache. The cache is automatically cleared once every league launch.

This is only a performance benefit for people with SSDs. People with HDDs should delete the cache each time they launch POE as it's faster to generate the shaders again than it is to load them from HDDs.
Commoble wrote:
We have removed the button in the Options panel that allows you to clear your local cache. This can still be done manually by advanced users that have a specific reason to. The button was causing players to clear their cache, which removes the significant performance benefits of having a cache. The cache is automatically cleared once every league launch.

This is only a performance benefit for people with SSDs. People with HDDs should delete the cache each time they launch POE as it's faster to generate the shaders again than it is to load them from HDDs.

Last edited by Voffon on Jul 4, 2021, 6:25:33 PM
good stuff
the new perf graph looks clean, thanks for the update!

i personally solved all my perf problems by just upgrading my CPU (from i3 4150 to i5 10400f) now the game is silky smooth!
Commoble wrote:
We have removed the button in the Options panel that allows you to clear your local cache. This can still be done manually by advanced users that have a specific reason to. The button was causing players to clear their cache, which removes the significant performance benefits of having a cache. The cache is automatically cleared once every league launch.

This is only a performance benefit for people with SSDs. People with HDDs should delete the cache each time they launch POE as it's faster to generate the shaders again than it is to load them from HDDs.

that's not true, you can cause the GPU to stall

loading from HDD can still be done asynchonously, so it should just result in longer loading screen or black texture / temp model being shown rather than stalling the GPU from too many shader compilation

anyways, the new graph will give people the correct answers either slow HDD access or slow shader compilation
Last edited by ryuukk33 on Jul 4, 2021, 6:46:43 PM
saDD3ath wrote:
Buff spectral throw and strikes

molten strike got nerfed. so by its point of view strikes are buffed, enjoy exile.

All these changes make me wonder if you could not simply have a little benchmark demo gameplay run and the game adjust paramters to archive the best FPS performance.

The benchmark demo could simply have some parameters to increase the amount of enemies, effects and stuff that happens, to a degree of whatever the player wants and see if it runs at all, or how good it will run.

To play around manually with all options and the like can lead to bad choices that might work in simple maps, but the moment stuff gets loaded in (like in harvest or events like legion, or the biggest issue with harbringers lagging) , a benchmark demo could cover these extreme scenarios and let the player adjust options easier or full automated try to adjust the values till it has the best fps possible.

Right now, players just try out vulcan, try to delete caches or fiddle around with options in text file configurations and what not ...
A simple benchmark to test the really bad scenarios would be much better to see what fps your system might be even capable to archive at all, before you get in that situation ingame when it suddenly lag spikes you to death out of nowhere.

And if someone has 16gb of ram, could actually use that RAM to load more stuff in RAM ahead of time, just to have it instead of relying on harddrives to load stuff that is needed immediately (as even an SSD is slower than having it in RAM).

And the biggest deal of such an benchmark demo mode ...
Players could much more reasonable help the dev team to find customizations and bottle-necks faster and reproduce the bad lag spikes more reliable than doing so ingame during juiced up maps.


Still looking forward for all improvements, as the game still runs fairly well for all the stuff thats exploding on screen.
where is the portrait mtx?
Have you seen the sun exile? THE TRUE SUN?
Lixy wrote:
An engine improvement patch right before a league launch?

These have never gone wrong before!

hurr hurr, they do them now so they can fix things before the actual launch.
Last edited by dachoppa on Jul 4, 2021, 6:56:51 PM
Finally, I love it! Jonathan talked about this years ago!
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