Path of Exile 3.15 Expansion Teaser

We graverobbin bois!
Dunno about the league, teaser shows nothing and we have to wait for the full trailer. But the new skills? Holy stones, these are beautiful!!! - Polish info hub
no drop? I will catch up whatever it is later then.
Don't be a poe stan. Use your fucking brain.
Raniu wrote:
Dunno about the league, teaser shows nothing and we have to wait for the full trailer. But the new skills? Holy stones, these are beautiful!!!

Teaser show what teasers suppose to show, what do you expect.
There are 4 new "Parties" and you can only join one per character and all give different loot and receipts depending on how high you lvled them. Complete their (daily) quests to earn the new currency* which you can use to improve their favour. At highest level, get access to buy exclusive unique stuff for new currency.

*new currency and their fragments is not part of any stash tab
boy, cant wait for yet another reskinned league that does nothing to fix the core problems of the game.
But here are some new skills/Mtx/uniques OOH SHINEY what was I thinking about?
Ppl complain a lot! But what they dont realise is that well have 4 new classes and a complete passive tree rework! The ascendancies for the little man will be Tyrion Lannister, Smurf Daddy and snow white sleeper! Poggy woggy :O
Smells like Legion and I am not interested already. Sad.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
first of all I suggest to nerf Harvest, auras and cyclone, later give us the manifesto

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