Ultimatum Atlas Passive Statistics

just wondering what you guys will "nerf" next league, or should I say, "destroy" next league and taking away fun
I like how they create some sorts of echo chamber when they basically confirm the obvious.

turtlex3 wrote:

I know this is off topic and i see lots of those Spectral Throw comments.
League started this on in 3.13 and gave my impression in the Spectral Throw feedback thread if anyone is interested.

Yeah this one (old 1.x skill) is in a waiting line for major changes since years not just slight numbers.
Guess they think it's fine having a clunky AF mechanic that gets canceled out by any fast moving enemy.

Conceptually it works maybe before 3.0 or even 2.0 when the game was a lot slower and sacrificing weapon damage(and scaling options via passive tree) ,relying on the buzzsaw mechic in exchange for innate pierce was a good trade off.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Jun 3, 2021, 6:15:20 AM
Why does everyone have a problem with Excel? I'm here for the information and not the fancy look lol
Uncharted realms node "Thaumaturgical Awakening" has incorrect description in Stats column. It's not Conqueror awakening gem increased drop chance, it is Sirus only increased drop chance of awakened gems, also not gems of awakening.

On topic, it is hard to tell what i/we want to see in atlas passives' changes next league because every time the game will be played around zana map device's mods present in certain league. I bet no one would ever run harvest as the main/semi source of currency farm if there was no map device mod for it.

Since it is only reasonable to play 6/6 party to efficiently run 100% delirious maps (which is not challenging at all, unlike soloing), solo mapping came back to zoom zoom meta around only few strategies which always/most of the time involve zana map device mod. I'd suggest adding MORE valuable zana mods to map device in every league like delirium, harvest, blight, legion, harbinger, essence etc etc ALL TOGETHER, this will make people to actually farm more different mechanics along the league instead of farming 1-2 of those in 1 month, getting bored and quit the league due to no other reasonable ex/hour strategies present.

All in all, 3.13 was a blast. We've been given a lot of options to play around, the only downside is that those are too easy to accomplish and require more movement speed instead of stronger defensive/offensive stats of the character (once again, no more 100% delirious maps for solo players).

As of now, i see 1/12 of my friendlist online consisting of people who play the game for few hours daily and haven't had much time to progress towards min/maxed gear or people who play standard/farm gear for their standard characters in league.
Last edited by aefoa on Jun 3, 2021, 6:57:33 AM
false statistics based on people are quit faster and faster every league pretty much.
Game overall feels empty after nerfs, there is nothing to do with atlas passives. Imagine killing your own game, just to not allow people having fun.
Good to already know all the nodes you gonna dumpster.
Anything above 40% is too much fun. Can't be allowed.
Stop trying to justify your nerfs, it's cringey. Yes some of the enrfed nodes are still popular, but that's because they are the best of a bad bunch, with the others being pointless.

The atlas passives feel very meh, compared to 3.13, which was the best league in a long time. The only reason it's numbers dropped off was because of the infamous Harvest manifesto turning alot of people off the league.
lets ruin end game...and not address ANYTHING from ANYONE about it -
"community based" YA OK maybe before CHINA bought you, but not now -
all you care about is pushing more MTX ... my god thats all i see is MTX pushes...relax
kareim wrote:
Good to already know all the nodes you gonna dumpster.
Anything above 40% is too much fun. Can't be allowed.

Yeah :/ They are just nerfing popular things, not the "game breaking" ones.

On side note. Can u GGG explain what every passive does? This spreadsheet is cool but no f***** way im gonna remember what every passive does in the game. Or do i have to visit wiki again for that? Pls no

Edit. Standard? Is it standard standard or ultimatum softcore? Why not just type ULT SC or ULT HC SSF?
Last edited by masive12 on Jun 3, 2021, 8:48:50 AM

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