New Microtransaction: Necrotic Character Effect

GGG rdy to support when u do someth with my cursed rng... found only 1 trialmaster after 1.5 months and it was bugged... ruined... wasted!

pls just change challenge or buff spawn rate trialmaster (even if u nerf his drop/reward/anyth) or do someth else to fix this trash!!!!

its not normal at all what u did with challenge conditions for trialmasters and how rare his is!
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Nope, not one pfinnig more from me.
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Conjure the dead

If it does not grant CWDT linked to desecrate Im gonna be angry.
Reshemin wrote:
Inscaped wrote:
mtx team has nothing to do with game development on this scale

... i'm getting somewhat tired of reading this non-argument over and over again.

For the record: Grinding Gear Games is a company. A company has divisions. One such division is the MTX/Graphics department, development is another. That is correct so far...

... But: That does not matter. Not at all. Because what these departments do, and when, and how they do it, is decided by the companies' management. Who are ultimately (har, har) responsible for anything anyone does in any way at GGG.

Posts like this pretty, concise little pearl

Außenseiter wrote:
Fire artists.
Hire coders.

are not directed at the guys who did the current shiny shader pack of the day, the intended recipients are other people. It should not be necessary to point out who exactly n'est-ce pas?

And how productive his (and this, and quite probably all) posts in (not only) this direction are can, sadly, be quite easily seen by comparing the current state of the game with the date of the above post... sigh. Sigh, and double-sigh.


That was kinda eye-opening not gonna lie. Never thought of that it might be game director's unwillingness and not just lack of workers in that division. This explains why PoE's recent choices were kinda bad.

Another thing that stroke me recently. All comments that say "vote with your wallet" means nothing. It is clear that the target audience is located in china, therefore i wouldn't be surprise if ggg would one day close all non-chinese servers and just focus on the asian one(and still earn same, if not more money). Fool's errand if one would call it.

For now we are useful as cosmetic slaves. Wonder how long that will last.

Very nice, much better than the Pestilence character effect I'm currently using. I might have to pick this one up.
this is amazing but for a green character effect wish i could just remove the spining skulls on my 440 point spectre character effect...
MTX looking nice, It would be nice if we can get toxic rain with the same effect
Keep up the good work, MTX Team! You're doing great. Fine work, as always! Take an extra victory lap while the kids cry to you about things you can't do anything about!

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