Awakened POE Trade for Mac! Updated for 3.23

The awakened POE trade crash when launched, it asks for permission when it's already checked.
Using an M1 mac.
Shift + Space brings up the overlay.
Search item is stuck on "gems", so I cannot perform a search.
Ctrl + D does not do anything. I cannot select an item. Alt + W does not work either.
I'm on an M1 Mac and have tried deleting and reinstalling several times with no luck. It always crashes as it asks me to enable permissions. I've tried unchecking/rechecking that in combination with the many reinstalls and haven't got it to load once. Not sure if there is anything else others have tried?
Hey, also got some issues on my MBP M1.
Program starts and it's running - shift+space settings menu is working properly, but price check, info and everything else is just not showing up, even when changing keybinds, killing off process and rerunning, etc.
Tried several times but it doesn't work, even with changing permissions over and over
Not work all released POB and Awakened PT. Crash after launch

Running it on mbp M1

Shift space works but the other shortcuts not.
I tried the command lines from the tutorial but the doesn’t work.

Any guesses why it doesn’t work 4 me ?
Crashes after asking for permissions. I tried to check the options and relaunch the app, but no luck.
Awakened POE trade is still running for me, but any bulk currency searches bring up the error: "Trade site request failed. Error: Temporarily unavailable; please use the new exchange engine."

Anyone else experiencing this? Any known fixes? Thanks in advance.
You are probably using the older version. I tried to update the app. due to that error and removed the old files before installing the new one. Now, I can't use the app. at all :>

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