The "Wealth" mod mentioned in the loading screens...

Has anyone EVER seen it? I may have gotten the name wrong, but I'm certain someone knows what I mean.

I've played a while. Never seen it. I understand it's "Very rare", but I haven't heard of anyone seeing it either.
Iv seen it in closed beta ..

it is VERY rare
Just a sec let me grab a beer...@#*@ Ok how did I die this time

Learn the rules, it's the only way to exploit them.
I've seen it in Open Beta. There was a pack of Wealth blue archers in The Ledge. Since then though, I can't say I remember seeing any other Wealth pack...
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:
I've seen it in Open Beta. There was a pack of Wealth blue archers in The Ledge. Since then though, I can't say I remember seeing any other Wealth pack...

Were their drops amazing, or meh? If it's so rare, I'd hope it is worth finding.
seen it 2x since open beta. once in a map, once in docks. its not really written 'wealth' under mob mods, its written 'drops more and better items', or at least damn similar to this. the drop is like 2-3 rares from a mob. guess u have seen em during lvling, but havent paid attention.
This screenshot was taken in CB, drops from a pack of wealthy zombies in a map. It has been changed to increased Rarity now, as far as I can see. A situation like this would repeat in case you were running a 6 man map party with high Quantity, that's for sure...

Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
mgasper0 wrote:
seen it 2x since open beta. once in a map, once in docks. its not really written 'wealth' under mob mods, its written 'drops more and better items', or at least damn similar to this. the drop is like 2-3 rares from a mob. guess u have seen em during lvling, but havent paid attention.

Interesting. I can't imagine how awesome it'd be to find one with high IIR/IIQ (200/100). That'd be awesome.

VenatorPoE wrote:
This screenshot was taken in CB, drops from a pack of wealthy zombies in a map. It has been changed to increased Rarity now, as far as I can see. A situation like this would repeat in case you were running a 6 man map party with high Quantity, that's for sure...

Edit: Holy crap. That's awesome.

Not a single unique? ... Too bad. :(
Last edited by TremorAcePV on Apr 4, 2013, 5:44:51 AM
Well on the other hand, just last night I dropped a Fairgraves cap from those red bugs in Normal City of Sarn. One drop from the whole pack, Unique. And it was a white pack. So yeah, RNG can be a bit**.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
rarer than an exalt imo
I got a skeleton on the Ledge on Normal difficulty which dropped a grand total of four items. Granted, one was a rare but it was still kinda :-(

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