Community Designed Microtransaction - Theme Suggestions

Celestial Cat Spark
This :D (gif inside)

Hypno Cyclone above

or.. Psy-clone

Visual inspiration:
Last edited by Haddoq on Apr 26, 2021, 9:31:46 AM
Elder Earthshatter where instead of spikes tentacles appear and color scheme is matched
Something like a fire-nado with real fire, not just a orange re-color, and a burned path trail with smoke.
Lady Dialla, The Gemling Queen says:

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your consort and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here is Wraeclast.
melee splash

something more elegant and less disturbing. imagine it on SRS build
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Please please please make it a giant cartoony tornado sorta like anything from your favourite copyright protected mid 1900's cartoon
Ying/Yang? => Solaris/Lunaris..

and one for puryfying flame too some days, that shit hurts my eyes
Vagan Blade Vortex MTx (same as the blades spin arround him on Betrayal encounter)

Xoph's Blade Vortex MTX (Flame Blade Vortex like Xoph's has) good for Chieftains

Piety's Scorching Ray Effect

Celestial Ground Slam & Vaal Ground Slam Effect

Lightning Ball Spark (same as the Pet but in Spark)

Enygmatic Herald Effect (an effect that mobs would implode, and just disappear like a television turning off example in this youtube video: )

Last edited by AlexandreBackes on Apr 26, 2021, 10:06:38 AM
How about a toucan skin for fist of war, with the sound and everything :D
Cyclone turns into a lot of cats to chase a ball of yarn.

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