[3.15] AndreshKi's Blood Queen - Exsanguinate/Corrupting Fever/Petrified Blood/Absolution [SSF+HC]

Just switched for petrified blood and its kinda good(had 6.5k hp before switching to petrified blood)

I dont feel less tanky (pretty much the same i would say) but now i can use pain attunement and that is huge.

T8 boss melt in like 2sec which is decent i would say.

Will buy empower 4 probably tonight so that will give me +4 lv instead of +3 in my chest.
Last edited by dragonpowi#7298 on Apr 20, 2021, 9:14:57 AM
seems sovereignty would only be good while using spellslinger but once you switch to selfcast it becomes kinda redundant? Tree has quite a bit of cleaning up needed first I'd say. Also, these skills don't do chaos damage so why would we invest in getting chaos damage through trickster?
Last edited by Ballsmigue#1986 on Apr 20, 2021, 11:04:08 AM
I started with Cobra Lash because its a similar skill and used it until Exsang felt better.
Did some updates to the passive tree and gear, should be much more consistent now. I'll be doing further testing and see what else i can improve here.
AndreshKi wrote:
Did some updates to the passive tree and gear, should be much more consistent now. I'll be doing further testing and see what else i can improve here.

Which direction/priority do you suggest for the tree while leveling?
Rex_Urhole wrote:
AndreshKi wrote:
Did some updates to the passive tree and gear, should be much more consistent now. I'll be doing further testing and see what else i can improve here.

Which direction/priority do you suggest for the tree while leveling?

Whole left side first then the right side.
The left side will give you enough damage and and defences for the whole leveling experience.
Last edited by AndreshKi#1717 on Apr 20, 2021, 8:25:34 PM
Rex_Urhole wrote:
AndreshKi wrote:
Did some updates to the passive tree and gear, should be much more consistent now. I'll be doing further testing and see what else i can improve here.

Which direction/priority do you suggest for the tree while leveling?

I updated the POB with leveling trees!
AndreshKi wrote:
Rex_Urhole wrote:
AndreshKi wrote:
Did some updates to the passive tree and gear, should be much more consistent now. I'll be doing further testing and see what else i can improve here.

Which direction/priority do you suggest for the tree while leveling?

I updated the POB with leveling trees!

Noice! :)
Since you stated exsaguinate is a slow leveler and we're going mainly phys on the left side of the tree to level, any suggestions on main attack leveling skills/links that support the overall build and/or we can easily move off of as core skills become viable?

Just started a new char and my first scion.
Leveling is not slow, exs is okay on a 2 or 3 link but really takes off with either spellslinger and/or chain (it's very convenient).

Im rolling CIP cyclone cwc exs, did (flame)slinger already last league (for that, flame wall is likely a much better option dps and clear wise) so Im okay with playing a second tier guy.

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