Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Something so wrong, I try to start the game get a fast updating splash screen, then nothing. Splash screen looks like it is trying to update but not on long enough to see it.

GGG should have reset the league,
(Note for future: RESET THE LEAGUE)

It has left a bad taste in everyone`s mouth on so many different levels,

It would have been better with a delayed start (pull the plug)on the servers and a league reset, than the clusterfuck GGG created on league start.

you guys must be really naive to think that development of an aaa title like poe2 is achieved by selling hats to the fanbase only. if there weren't streamers we wouldn't have this richness in content over the past leagues.
Last edited by Optimyst on Apr 18, 2021, 6:14:27 AM
AcidRizzle wrote:

To be fair here, if I were GGG I would rather watch a pile of money burn then watch streamers who dont play PoE stream this game to their thousands of viewers who don't play PoE that shows the game as a massive dumpster fire in which the servers can't be stable for more than 3 minutes at a time.

Now that’s actually the funniest aspect of the whole drama :)
Optimyst wrote:
you guys must be really naive to think that development of an aaa title like poe2 is achieved by selling hats to the fanbase only. if there weren't streamers we wouldn't have this richness in content over the past leagues.

You really like kissing ggg's and streamers a**es i noticed. Like someone else already said on this thread, vast majority of those streamers were already going to stream poe. They are already getting $ from ads/subs/donations, so getting paid for something they were already going to do AND priority to log in is an insult to us supporters. I think we can all agree that supporting ggg was intended as support to improve gameplay, conectivity etc, not to support a few individuals that are already gaining $ because of this game. And i think that many of those streamers viewers are already playing poe, so i don't see how could they bring a lot of new players.

About the league start, another exile said something about renting some server power for 1-2 for the league start. If that is possible, they should have done that. I've started playing this game only 4yrs ago, so i witnessed like 15-16 league starts so far. Every time same sh*t, so i think is fair to say that having a lot of players trying to connect on this league start wasn't going to be such a surprise.

Another exile said at one point that the game has only minor issues at the beggining of a league and that's it. I beg to differ. Heist league was a mess for 2 months! I couldn't do heists/blueprints because of random crashes in those areas. In another league i had random big black squares in the middle of the screen for weeks. 3 years ago i had an RF SR build, and it was impossible to use scorching ray in the lab because it caused crashes. That problem was present for at least 6 months until i abandoned the build. Last league a friend of mine stopped playing after 4 weeks because he had same issue with big black squares on screen (and he was on macOS, not win10 like me). He tried also to start this league, after 2 minutes ... big black squares. Another bug that i could replicate league after league : changing channels count in audio settings to anything else than medium would cause a lot of game crashes.

Also i think ladder system should be reserved only for races like those made by Ziz. Even without the streamers priority, every league star is not fair to all. Those who have tens of thousand in front of them in queue won't be able to be 1st to do this or that. Probably will even help with reducing the number of players trying to connect at league start.

more than 36h went by and no response or attitue of reseting the league.
Bex only replyes on reddits! you guys should bring this forum down and only use reddit. why bother? that's the official one anyway.

I do love your game thats for sure.. but this makes me so angry about how unfair it is. why just not restart the fking thing?

If the streamers were to wait in the queue while getting payed.. so what? that's your game! Make sure queues work properly instead of making workarounds and so they would stream the game for what it is and not for what you wish it would be.

Mathil did not get payed and even then in its stream an "official" poe account told him to restart the queue and voila! That is a "in record" fked up situation "in your face" second class citizens!

Last year i spent over 1000$ in poe.. no more. definitly. i supported you guys for the amazing product you have.. but the felling i have right now is that im dumb for doing so. I liked to play competively and always went for 40/40 challenges.

14h difference at league start DO make alot of diference. while they are selling boss drops for what ever price they want we are clearing mud flats and scrapping for alterations. So the "fresh economy" BS should be called streamers economy.

How can i now believe that there is not streamers drop luck? when there is clearly a whitelist?

I will skip this league (strugglying to, but i will resist the urge) and wont give you a dime this year for sure if i have get back on another league. Gladly steam has a ton of other games!

When i used to apraise and spread the word about your game im surely wont anymore. will re.write a proper review about this on steam as well.

Oh and yes, kudus to you chris for comming forward with this (tho you had no other option it was clear on streams all over) but sucks when you do nothing about it.. no action what so ever. I understant that the DC fixes were the priority but as soon as it was fixed you should have restart the damn thing and clear up this s**t.

Last edited by magicpt on Apr 18, 2021, 7:37:35 AM
The difference within VIPS and PLEBS. And after this umpteenth slap in face of the community, people is still playin! AND IS STILL BUYING! LOL!
Last edited by SkyzzoDeSky on Apr 18, 2021, 7:43:51 AM
Seriously, have you heard yourselves bitching n moaning over a couple of hundred streamers getting priority to bypass the queue, half of which they paid, so these streamers can show off their game (which is free). It's called marketing people, and lots of companies do exactly the same thing, and if you think they don't then you're highly delusional. Also, 90% of the streamers that did jump the queue are playing hardcore and or ssf, so this did not impact the economy 1 jot, so you can stfu about that too.

Also, on the misinformation still going round regarding streamer luck in terms of loot. THAT DOESN'T EXIST!! No matter what anyone spouts in terms of conspiracy theories regarding this aspect, it isn't true. Yes they got to jump the queue to show off their game, (which won't happen again), streamers DO NOT GET BETTER LOOT just because they are streamers!

Wind your necks in and stop being so damn entitled all the time. You dont wanna play the game, fine, don't let the door hit you on the way out. You don't wanna support the company. Fine, entirely your right to do so, but stop being so damn entitled that you think you deserve anything from anyone. Get over it. Life isn't fair.

Still sane exile? I am because i refuse to pander to whiney little entitled idiots.
Still couldnt play after the update at 3.14

its fucked up
i'm not kissing any a**es. i'm just aware this game still is a f2p game while consitently releasing more content than any other aaa arpg. there are several teams working on different content including new leagues and poe2 to maintain it's schedule. do you think they can be paid just by selling some hats as mtx? no. even bex isn't working for free.
Last edited by Optimyst on Apr 18, 2021, 8:07:14 AM

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