POE trade macro / ItemInfo macro is working or not?

There's a workaround at the github for PoE Trademacro.
You will either have to edit \POE-TradeMacro\resources\ahk\POE-ItemInfo.ahk , or wait until the next update.

use a source code editor like notepad++ to avoid formating trouble)

the reason all PoE tools (that are parsing item text ingame) stopped working, is that GGG did slight changes to the the format.
Last edited by seisendrek on Apr 19, 2021, 2:12:42 AM
According to the GitHub Repo - GGG added an additional line to the way items are identified by the system. This in turn broke the TradeMacro. Developers are working on a fix
THIS WORKS!! https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/pull/1177#issuecomment-822774321
THIS WORKS!! https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/pull/1177#issuecomment-822774321

+1 for this, worked for me just now.
roninLS wrote:
THIS WORKS!! https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/pull/1177#issuecomment-822774321

its working for me
solution is to edit the file
Find this in _ItemInfoMain.ahk (Line:7244)


ParseItemName(ItemDataChunk, ByRef ItemName, ByRef ItemBaseName, AffixCount = "", ItemData = "")
isVaalGem := false
If (RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[1]), "i)^Rarity: Gem") and RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[2]), "i)Vaal")) {
isVaalGem := true

If (RegExMatch(ItemData.NamePlate, "i)Rarity\s?+:\s?+(Currency|Divination Card|Gem)", match)) {
If (RegExMatch(match1, "i)Gem")) {
ItemBaseName := Trim(RegExReplace(ItemName, "i) Support"))
} Else {
ItemBaseName := Trim(ItemName)
ItemDataChunk := SubStr(ItemDataChunk, InStr(ItemDataChunk,"`n") + 1)

add the last line, save and compile or run ahk...

add this line

ItemDataChunk := SubStr(ItemDataChunk, InStr(ItemDataChunk,"`n") + 1)

or if you use TradeMacro, edit the file and do the same change...

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