Content Update 3.14.0 -- Path of Exile: Ultimatum

G0RRASH wrote:
canith wrote:
I hate posting like this, but it's just a sad reality when patch notes like this come out.

I have friends I play this game with, who took a look at the fact that every one of the builds they play throughout a league just got nerfed, and not just by a little, and straight up said they were not playing till GGG "fixed their s*i*". And these builds were wildly different across the board. Heck, about the only builds I recall playing that didn't get nurfed was a flicker strike raider from last league and a long distant ed-c build that was nurfed defensively several leagues back.

As a result, I am debating even playing myself, and as a very long time player of this game, that saddens me. Maybe one day they will realize the answer is almost never "nurf-everything" and is more about determining what is under preforming, what is over preforming, and settle the bar somewhere in the middle and bring everything in line. (preferably closer to the top, instead of everything into the ground)

At least other games/xpacs/dlc's are comming out around the same time- less reason to actually put in time to a dying game.

How about you get past lvl 95 first dude? lmao, holy shit its atually true that the people commenting "im gonna quit" are the noobs

So getting past 95 means you are no noob?
GREAT!! I'm past 10K hours play time got 8 lvl 100's and 1 lvl 99..
I'm done to. Each and every past league was a hard nerf. Especially to the players you would expect GGG to cherish most! Those that squeeze every hour out of a league to min-max chars into perfection! But it's those hardcore fans that put in the most hours to be able to smoothly farm the hardest content they love to hit most each and every league! Deep delving? Why would you now? Build a 1500-2000 ex character?? for what? white maps??
Noob-No-noob it doesnt matter. i'm done! for the first time in i can't even remember i will skip an entire league. And im expecting retention ( you know when the foolish hypetrainbouble finaly pops ) to be horrible this league.

We'll see i guess...
Greetings * a noob *
Last edited by DemoNMasteR2486#3947 on Apr 15, 2021, 2:22:02 PM
LOL. Oh man what a read.[/quote]

The reply equivalent of "POG!"

Bug report Edit: I can't get reply to work in this post, it's very strange.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen#6153 on Apr 15, 2021, 1:54:10 PM
Where is my "Unimpressed" button? Big nothingburger this league
Does anybody knows, what is there to do now in the very end-game without 100% delirium maps? Like I will kill Sirus/Maven this weekend if I will play the league (not sure yet), whats next? why would I improve my character's power, to do what? Are ultimatums gonna be so OP and challenging they will replace super juiced up delirium maps? Removing super hard and rewarding content is weird to me and we don't have crafting anymore for high end items, it's all RNG mod gambling again... i'm confused about it all to be honest.
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
AlekzZz84 wrote:
Does anybody knows, what is there to do now in the very end-game without 100% delirium maps? Like I will kill Sirus/Maven this weekend if I will play the league (not sure yet), whats next? why would I improve my character's power, to do what? Are ultimatums gonna be so OP and challenging they will replace super juiced up delirium maps? Removing super hard and rewarding content is weird to me and we don't have crafting anymore for high end items, it's all RNG mod gambling again... i'm confused about it all to be honest.

Exactly my point.. finishing the endgame bosses = ez. unless you are a casual player or new to the game u can finish it in 1 week MAX ( if you take breaks a lot ) in a league that's supposed to keep you engaged for 3 months.
The 100% deli maps made the game playable and still somewhat exciting for those who can get a few 1000 ex each league. Give them a currency sink that they can spend on actually noticeable upgrades in content that needs more than a 10 chaos cookie-cutter setup. How did this hurt the noobs-casuals?

Fix 1 Increase drop rate of deli orbs substantially.. ( 100% deli maps still possible to make with them. )
Fix 2 Don't break the map copy system, which wasn't even broken, and simultaneously save deep delver players.
Last edited by DemoNMasteR2486#3947 on Apr 15, 2021, 3:10:48 PM
Navveo wrote:
Did you guys forget that Vaal Glacial hammer is a skill?
Multiple times now in patches when it says "We've looked at all strike skills and gave them improvments" while glacial hammer was untouched. Now again It's Vaal counterpart did not recive anything.
Vaal groundslam got a massive 100% (now 400%) better base dmg to its already huge AoE.
While Vaal Glacial hammer only got a 200% base dmg and to begin with it's a strike skill and it's under performing a lot.
Just wondering if you actually forgot to put anything here or if you've just accepted that the skill should be removed from the players inventory when they reach Lioneyes watch.

Dude did you even check poe ninja builds? there is a glacial hammer build making over 2 BILLION DPS... BILLION!!! Sure it is updated to showcase extreme damaga just for PoE ninja, but the playable version of it still about 1 bill dps
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
DemoNMasteR2486 wrote:
AlekzZz84 wrote:
Does anybody knows, what is there to do now in the very end-game without 100% delirium maps? Like I will kill Sirus/Maven this weekend if I will play the league (not sure yet), whats next? why would I improve my character's power, to do what? Are ultimatums gonna be so OP and challenging they will replace super juiced up delirium maps? Removing super hard and rewarding content is weird to me and we don't have crafting anymore for high end items, it's all RNG mod gambling again... i'm confused about it all to be honest.

Exactly my point.. finishing the endgame bosses = ez. unless you are a casual player or new to the game u can finish it in 1 week MAX ( if you take breaks a lot ) in a league that's supposed to keep you engaged for 3 months.
The 100% deli maps made the game playable and still somewhat exciting for those who can get a few 1000 ex each league. Give them a currency sink that they can spend on actually noticeable upgrades in content that needs more than a 10 chaos cookie-cutter setup. How did this hurt the noobs-casuals?

Fix 1 Increase drop rate of deli orbs substantially.. ( 100% deli maps still possible to make with them. )
Fix 2 Don't break the map copy system, which wasn't even broken, and simultaneously save deep delver players.

You have the 100% deli maps. But now you can't print currency with them by copying them endlessly. You will have to put in some more works and currency to get them. Also most of that 1000ex came from this so ... there is that. Also you getting 1000ex from 100% deli "hurts the noobs" as you put it, because it allow for ppl with 1000ex to control and destroy the economy of the game. When a "noob" finds a deli orb or a good zana map is worth nothing, because everyone that does deli just copies the same map over and over again. In every guild only one map was all that was needed to open deli farm for everyone that could do it. And so on ...
Last edited by smokedust#5942 on Apr 15, 2021, 4:11:12 PM
I'm okay with these nerfs. Some of them don't really make much sense though (Like reducing the mana regen on necro because "it was too much") among other things. However these changes are small and along with most other nerfs I am fine with them all.

However what I think is the biggest nerf of them all is this.
" Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown (previously 4 seconds)"

This affects SO MANY builds and it's sad to see. Autocasting things that apply exposure or Elemental Equilibrium, or autocasting curses for DoT builds was a good QoL aspect of those builds. Seeing this basically go away is unfortunate.

That's all I have to say about this.
nothing important
fk archnemesis.
Last edited by SuperDrop#0420 on Apr 15, 2021, 10:10:39 PM
Those nerfs affect so many nerfs!

Nerfs lives matter!!

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