Content Update 3.14.0 -- Path of Exile: Ultimatum

Mathil you sexy thing =D
Nooo he stopped at page 48 sadge =((
Last edited by banished#4069 on Apr 14, 2021, 4:48:26 PM
Great changes! Keep it up.
Excited For the changes

Lagging (my own fault) prevented me from play Ritual

Lets go Ultimatum
Everyone is ignoring Vaal skill buffs not even giving a thought about possible broken builds that can be done around them. Vaal league and they are whining about golems and blade blasts.
Last edited by alex_disp#4958 on Apr 14, 2021, 4:54:52 PM
Conflicted for sure.

Harvest nerf disappointing as usual - not a fan of a company going back to promote gambling. That’s just unhealthy on so many levels.

However, explode and aoe nerfs good across the board. Slowing down the game is good. Screens blowing up was just ridiculous and needed to be reigned in.

Support or not to support, that is the question. I use the word “support” loosely since it’s more so buying that office a pizza than my $$ actually having any meaningful value considering their owner.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Apr 14, 2021, 5:45:42 PM
hype !!!
DarkJen wrote:

The problem is — they set course on equal low (by endless nerfs for the sake of nerfs), not on equal high level.

Latter is fun.

It was the "equal high level" that gave this game the fun it was during its peak (YEARS ago). If the "latter" is what GGG did from the very beginning then it would of never be at the insane level it is now.

If people really believe in GGG's vision then let them Omega nerf POE 1 to the levels of their POE 2 project and fine tune POE 1 till POE 2 launch. Because they already stated that POE 1 and POE 2 are going to sync together at end game. Which means the values of each skill and mechanics will be the same between both versions anyway.
kingkarlos19 wrote:
Oh boohoo to you and curly haired fuckboy.
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
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xPiranha wrote:
kingkarlos19 wrote:
Oh boohoo to you and curly haired fuckboy.

"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
Last patch my bleed Bow gladiator lost ~10% Damage. This patch another 10% because you deleted a bleed cluster on tree. And for the increased "blood and sand" mana reservation I need a replacement. Spend points into mana res nodes. On top of it the deleted "100% more damage with bleeding" mod on Bow. It's unlikely that it will be replaced with a 300% over time multi. Don't know if there is more. Harvest Gear is also not even a thing now. We are looking at a build that has 4kk to 10kk Boss dps with Puncture. With Assailum Snipe, glass cannon and Mirrorgear 35kk Boss dps maximum. Don't you think that is total overkill?

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