The Truth about Albino Rhoa Feathers

I don't think vendor recipes are in the game files. As far as art goes, I found nothing but some unique flasks, more unique items, shrines, charms and a special albino kiwi pet.
Maybe... mirror of kalandria can be used on stack of feathers?))
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jun 18, 2013, 8:39:10 AM
And thaaaa ... you got two stack of feathers. And no mirror anymore.

Crazy. German. Storyteller. Writer. Poet.
This is a list of items what you can find in game.
Do you find something strange?



Abyssal Axe
Abyssal Sceptre
Acid Scorpion Pet
Acid Weapon Effect
Added Chaos Damage
Added Cold Damage
Added Fire Damage
Added Lightning Damage
Additional Accuracy
Additional Cast per Power Charge
Agate Amulet
Albino Kiwi Pet
Albino Rhoa Feather
Alchemy Shard
Alder Spike Shield
Alloyed Spike Shield
Alteration Shard
Alternate Raise Spectre
Alternate Raise Zombie
Alternate Totem
Amber Amulet
Ambush Boots
Ambush Mitts
Amethyst Flask
Amethyst Ring
Ammonite Glyph
Ancestral Club
Ancient Gauntlets
Ancient Greaves
Ancient Spirit Shield
Ancient Sword
Angelic Kite Shield
Annihilator Casque
Antique Gauntlets
Antique Greaves
Antique Rapier
Apex Rapier
Arachnid Nest Map
Arcade Map
Arcane Weapon Effect
Arcanist Gloves
Arcanist Slippers
Archon Kite Shield
Arctic Armour
Arctic Breath
Arctic Footprints Effect
Arena Plate
Armageddon Casque
Arming Axe
Armourer's Scrap
Assassin's Boots
Assassin's Garb
Assassin's Mitts
Astral Plate
Auric Mace
Azure Weapon Effect


Baleful Gem
Bandit Mask
Barbed Club
Baroque Round Shield
Basket Rapier
Bastard Sword
Battered Cap
Battered Foil
Battle Buckler
Battle Hammer
Battle Lamellar
Battle Plate
Battle Sword
Bazaar Map
Bear Trap
Bent Horns
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Bladed Helmet
Bladed Mace
Blessed Orb
Blood Magic
Blood Rage
Blood Raiment
Blood Sceptre
Blood Slam
Blood Weta
Blue Cyclone
Blue Flame Incinerate
Blue Frog Pet
Boarding Axe
Bog Map
Bone Armour
Bone Bow
Bone Spirit Shield
Book of Regrets
Book of Skill
Boot Blade
Boot Knife
Branded Kite Shield
Brass Maul
Brass Spirit Shield
Brilliant Feathers
Broad Axe
Broad Sword
Bronze Gauntlets
Bronze Kiwi Pet
Bronze Plate
Bronze Sceptre
Bronze Tower Shield
Bronzescale Boots
Bronzescale Gauntlets
Buckskin Tower Shield
Buckskin Tunic
Burning Arrow
Burnished Foil
Burnished Spike Shield
Bust of Gaius Sentari
Bust of Hector Titucius
Bust of Marceus Lioneye
Butcher Axe
Butcher Knife
Butcher Sword


Cabalist Regalia
Canyon Map
Cardinal Round Shield
Carnal Armour
Carnal Boots
Carnal Mitts
Carnal Sceptre
Cartographer's Chisel
Carved Circlet
Carved Wand
Carving Knife
Catacomb Map
Cat's Paw
Cedar Tower Shield
Cells Map
Cemetery Map
Ceremonial Axe
Ceremonial Kite Shield
Ceremonial Mace
Ceremonial Mask
Chain Belt
Chain Boots
Chain Gloves
Chain Hauberk
Chainmail Coif
Chainmail Doublet
Chainmail Tunic
Chainmail Vest
Champion Kite Shield
Chance to Flee
Chance to Ignite
Chaos Orb
Chest Splitter
Chiming Spirit Shield
Chromatic Orb
Chrome Scorpion Pet
Citadel Bow
Citrine Amulet
Clasped Boots
Clasped Mitts
Cloth Belt
Cobalt Halo
Coiled Staff
Cold Grasp Effect
Cold Penetration
Cold Snap
Cold to Fire
Colonnade Map
Colossal Hybrid Flask
Colossal Life Flask
Colossal Mana Flask
Colossal Tower Shield
Colossal Weta Pet
Colosseum Plate
Colossus Mallet
Commander's Brigandine
Commander's Ring Coif
Composite Bow
Compound Bow
Compound Spiked Shield
Concentrated Effect
Conductive Quiver
Conjurer Boots
Conjurer Gloves
Conjurer's Vestment
Conquest Chainmail
Conversion Trap
Coolus Helmet
Copper Circlet
Copper Kris
Copper Mask
Copper Plate
Copper Sword
Copper Tower Shield
Coral Amulet
Coral Ring
Coronal Leather
Corroded Blade
Corroded Chain Coif
Corroded Tower Shield
Corrugated Buckler
Corsair Sword
Coves Map
Crematorium Map
Crested Helmet
Crested Tower Shield
Crimson Portal
Crimson Raiment
Crimson Round Shield
Crimson Weapon Effect
Critical Weakness
Crude Bow
Crusader Boots
Crusader Buckler
Crusader Chainmail
Crusader Gloves
Crusader Plate
Crusader's Chain Coif
Crypt Armour
Crypt Map
Crystal Sceptre
Crystal Wand
Culling Strike
Cured Quiver
Curved Horns
Cutthroat's Garb


Damage Infusion
Dance - Duelist
Dance - Marauder
Dance - Ranger
Dance - Shadow
Dance - Templar
Dance - Witch
Dark Forest Map
Darkwood Sceptre
Death Bow
Decimation Bow
Decorative Axe
Decoy Totem
Decurve Bow
Deerskin Boots
Deerskin Gloves
Demon Dagger
Demon Hand Cleave Effect
Demon King Horns
Demon's Horn
Desert Brigandine
Despot Axe
Destiny Leather
Destroyer Casque
Destroyer Regalia
Detonate Dead
Devouring Totem
Devout Chainmail
Diamond Flask
Diamond Kiwi Pet
Diamond Ring
Divine Orb
Divine Rhoa Pet
Divine Sign
Divine Weapon Effect
Dominating Blow
Double Axe
Double Strike
Dragon Fireball Effect
Dragonbone Rapier
Dragonscale Boots
Dragonscale Doublet
Dragonscale Gauntlets
Dread Maul
Dream Mace
Dried Lake Map
Driftwood Club
Driftwood Maul
Driftwood Sceptre
Driftwood Spiked Shield
Driftwood Wand
Dry Peninsula
Dry Woods Map
Dual Strike
Dunes Map
Dungeon Map
Dusk Blade


Eagle Claw
Ebony Footprints Effect
Ebony Scorpion Pet
Ebony Tower Shield
Ebony Weapon Effect
Eelskin Boots
Eelskin Gloves
Eelskin Tunic
Elder Sword
Elegant Foil
Elegant Ringmail
Elegant Round Shield
Elegant Sword
Elemental Hit
Elemental Proliferation
Elemental Weakness
Embroidered Gloves
Emerald Rain of Arrows Effect
Emerald Weapon Effect
Enameled Buckler
Encrusted Circlet
Enduring Cry
Engraved Greatsword
Engraved Wand
Etched Greatsword
Etched Shield
Eternal Orb
Eternal Rhoa Pet
Eternal Sword
Eternal Weapon Effect
Ethereal Knives
Ethereal Stars Effect
Exalted Orb
Exalted Rhoa Pet
Exalted Weapon Effect
Executioner Casque
Explosive Arrow
Exquisite Leather
Extra Gore
Eye Gouger
Ezomyte Axe
Ezomyte Blade
Ezomyte Circlet
Ezomyte Dagger
Ezomyte Spiked Shield
Ezomyte Staff
Ezomyte Tower Shield


Fancy Foil
Faster Attacks
Faster Casting
Faster Projectiles
Faun's Horn
Field Lamellar
Fiend Dagger
Fiery Visage
Finned Helmet
Fir Round Shield
Fire Penetration
Fire Trap
Fire Weapon
Fishscale Gauntlets
Flame Totem
Flanged Helmet
Flanged Mace
Flaying Knife
Flicker Strike
Footman Sword
Footman's Casque
Forest Hood
Fossilized Spirit Shield
Foul Staff
Freeze Mine
Freezing Pulse
Fright Claw
Fright Maul
Frontier Leather
Frost Wall
Full Chainmail
Full Dragonscale
Full Leather
Full Plate
Full Ringmail
Full Scale Armour
Full Wyrmscale


Gemcutter's Prism
Gemmed Circlet
General's Brigandine
Ghetto Map
Giant Life Flask
Giant Mana Flask
Giant Weta Pet
Gilded Axe
Gilded Buckler
Gilded Circlet
Gilded Helmet
Girded Tower Shield
Glacial Hammer
Gladiator Casque
Gladiator Plate
Glass Shank
Glassblower's Bauble
Gleaming Circlet
Glorious Leather
Glorious Plate
Gnarled Branch
Goathide Boots
Goathide Buckler
Goathide Gloves
Goat's Horn
Gold Amulet
Gold Kiwi Pet
Gold Ring
Golden Buckler
Golden Hand
Golden Kris
Golden Plate
Golden Radiance
Golden Wreath
Goliath Gauntlets
Goliath Greaves
Gore Footprints Effect
Gorge Map
Graceful Sword
Grand Life Flask
Grand Mana Flask
Granite Flask
Graveyard Map
Great Mallet
Great White Claw
Greater Life Flask
Greater Mana Flask
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Green Basilisk Pet
Green Frog Pet
Green Searing Bond Effect
Grinning Fetish
Grotto Map
Ground Slam
Grove Bow
Grove Hood
Gut Ripper
Gutting Knife


Haliotis Glyph
Hallowed Hybrid Flask
Hallowed Life Flask
Hallowed Mana Flask
Hammered Buckler
Harbinger Bow
Harmonic Spirit Shield
Harpy Rapier
Headman's Sword
Headsman Axe
Heathen Mask
Heavy Belt
Heavy Quiver
Heavy Strike
Hellion's Paw
Highborn Bow
Highborn Staff
Highland Blade
Holy Chainmail
Hunter Cap
Huntress Cap
Hussar Brigandine
Hydrascale Boots
Hydrascale Gauntlets


Ice Crown
Ice Nova
Ice Shot
Ice Spear
Imbued Wand
Immortal Call
Imp Dagger
Imperial Bow
Imperial Buckler
Imperial Casque
Imperial Chain Coif
Imperial Claw
Imperial Maul
Imperial Skean
Imperial Staff
Increased Area of Effect
Increased Burning Damage
Increased Critical Damage
Increased Critical Strikes
Increased Duration
Infantry Brigandine
Infernal Axe
Infernal Basilisk Pet
Infernal Blow
Infernal Footprints Effect
Infernal Scorpion Pet
Infernal Sword
Infernal Talc
Inlaid Chain Coif
Iron Gauntlets
Iron Greaves
Iron Grip
Iron Mask
Iron Ring
Iron Sceptre
Iron Staff
Iron Will
Ironscale Boots
Ironscale Gauntlets
Ironwood Buckler
Item Quantity
Item Rarity
Ivory Bow
Ivory Scorpion Pet
Ivory Spirit Shield
Ivory Weapon Effect


Jade Amulet
Jade Chopper
Jade Hatchet
Jagged Foil
Jasper Axe
Jasper Chopper
Jeweled Foil
Jeweller's Orb
Jingling Spirit Shield
Judgement Staff
Jungle Hood
Jungle Valley Map


Kaom's Greaves
Kaom's Plate
Karui Axe
Karui Chopper
Karui Maul
Karui Sceptre
Kiwi Pet
Kraityn's Amulet


Lacewood Spirit Shield
Lacquered Buckler
Lacquered Garb
Laminated Kite Shield
Lapis Amulet
Large Hybrid Flask
Large Life Flask
Large Mana Flask
Latticed Ringmail
Lavender Weapon Effect
Layered Kite Shield
Lead Sceptre
Leap Slam
Leather Belt
Leather Cap
Leather Hood
Leatherscale Boots
Legion Boots
Legion Gloves
Legion Hammer
Legion Sword
Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Life Gain on Hit
Life Leech
Light Brigandine
Light Quiver
Lightning Arrow
Lightning Footprints Effect
Lightning Penetration
Lightning Scorpion Pet
Lightning Strike
Lightning Warp
Linden Kite Shield
Lion Sword
Long Bow
Long Staff
Lordly Plate
Loricated Ringmail


Maelstrom Staff
Mage's Vestment
Mahogany Tower Shield
Majestic Plate
Maligaro's Spike
Mana Leech
Maple Round Shield
Maraketh Bow
Mark of the Phoenix
Maze Map
Medicine Chest
Medium Hybrid Flask
Medium Life Flask
Medium Mana Flask
Melee Damage on Full Life
Melee Physical Damage
Melee Splash
Mercenary Casque
Mesh Boots
Mesh Chain Coif
Mesh Gloves
Midnight Blade
Military Staff
Mine Map
Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance
Minion Damage
Minion Life
Minion Speed
Mirror of Kalandra
Mirrored Spiked Shield
Molten Shell
Moonstone Ring
Mosaic Kite Shield
Mountain Ledge Map
Mud Geyser Map
Murder Boots
Murder Mask
Murder Mitts


Nailed Fist
Necromancer Silks
Necropolis Map
Necrotic Footprints Effect
Necrotic Weapon Effect
Nightmare Mace
Noble Axe
Noble Claw
Nubuck Boots
Nubuck Gloves


Oak Buckler
Oak's Amulet
Occultist's Vestment
Ochre Sceptre
Oiled Coat
Oiled Vest
Omen Wand
Onyx Amulet
Opal Sceptre
Opal Wand
Orb of Alchemy
Orb of Alteration
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Regret
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Transmutation
Ornate Helmet
Ornate Mace
Ornate Ringmail
Ornate Spiked Shield
Ornate Sword
Overgrown Ruin Map
Overgrown Shrine Map


Padded Jacket
Padded Vest
Pagan Mask
Painted Buckler
Painted Tower Shield
Paua Amulet
Paua Ring
Petrified Circlet
Petrified Club
Phantom Mace
Phase Run
Pier Map
Pine Buckler
Pinnacle Tower Shield
Plank Kite Shield
Plate Vest
Plateau Map
Plated Gauntlets
Plated Greaves
Plated Maul
Platinum Kris
Platinum Sceptre
Playtest Bow
Playtest Maul
Playtest Rapier
Playtest Wand
Plinth Warp
Point Blank
Poison Arrow
Polished Helmet
Polished Spiked Shield
Portal Scroll
Power Charge On Critical
Power Siphon
Precinct Map
Prehistoric Claw
Primeval Rapier
Primitive Staff
Primordial Staff
Prismatic Ring
Projectile Weakness
Promenade Map
Prophecy Wand
Purple Scorpion Pet


Quartz Sceptre
Quartz Wand
Quicksilver Flask
Quilted Jacket


Radiant Footprints Effect
Radiant Weapon Effect
Rain of Arrows
Raise Spectre
Raise Zombie
Ranged Attack Totem
Ranger Bow
Rawhide Boots
Rawhide Gloves
Rawhide Tower Shield
Reaver Axe
Reaver Casque
Reaver Sword
Recover Cosmetic Effect
Recurve Bow
Red Frog Pet
Red Scorpion Pet
Reduced Mana
Redwood Spiked Shield
Reef Map
Regal Orb
Regal Rhoa Pet
Regal Weapon Effect
Reinforced Greaves
Reinforced Kite Shield
Reinforced Tower Shield
Rejuvenation Totem
Remote Mine
Return Projectiles
Rhoa Pet
Ribbed Helmet
Ribbon Spool
Righteous Fire
Ringmail Boots
Ringmail Coat
Ringmail Coif
Ringmail Gloves
Ritual Sceptre
Riveted Boots
Rock Breaker
Roseus Glyph
Rotted Round Shield
Royal Axe
Royal Blue Frog Pet
Royal Bow
Royal Circlet
Royal Green Frog Pet
Royal Red Frog Pet
Royal Sceptre
Royal Skean
Royal Staff
Ruby Flask
Ruby Ring
Rugged Quiver
Russell's Blade
Russell's Bludgeoner
Russell's Cleaver
Russell's Greatsword
Russell's Shank
Russell's Smasher
Russell's Wand
Rusted Casque
Rusted Hatchet
Rusted Helmet
Rusted Spike
Rusted Sword
Rustic Sash


Sacred Hybrid Flask
Sacred Life Flask
Sacred Mana Flask
Sadist Garb
Sage Wand
Sage's Robe
Saintly Chainmail
Saint's Hauberk
Samite Gloves
Samite Slippers
Sapphire Flask
Sapphire Ring
Satin Gloves
Satin Slippers
Savant's Robe
Sawblade Cyclone
Scale Doublet
Scale Vest
Scarlet Raiment
Scarlet Round Shield
Scholar Boots
Scholar's Robe
Scorpion Pet
Scroll Fragment
Scroll of Wisdom
Searing Bond
Sentinel Jacket
Serpent Wand
Serpentine Staff
Serpentscale Boots
Serpentscale Gauntlets
Serrated Foil
Sewer Keys
Sewer Map
Shabby Jerkin
Shackled Boots
Shadow Axe
Shadow Sceptre
Shagreen Boots
Shagreen Gloves
Shagreen Tower Shield
Sharkskin Boots
Sharkskin Gloves
Sharkskin Tunic
Sharktooth Claw
Shield Charge
Shipyard Map
Shock Nova
Shockwave Totem
Shore Map
Short Bow
Shrine Map
Siege Axe
Siege Firestorm Effect
Silk Gloves
Silk Robe
Silk Slippers
Silken Garb
Silken Vest
Silken Wrap
Silver Kiwi Pet
Silver Wings
Simple Robe
Skinning Knife
Slaughter Knife
Sleek Coat
Slink Boots
Slink Gloves
Small Hybrid Flask
Small Life Flask
Small Mana Flask
Sniper Bow
Soldier Boots
Soldier Gloves
Soldier's Brigandine
Sorcerer Boots
Sorcerer Gloves
Sovereign Spiked Shield
Spark Spiders Effect
Sparkling Claw
Spectral Axe
Spectral Basilisk Pet
Spectral Sword
Spell Totem
Spider Forest Map
Spider Lair Map
Spidersilk Robe
Spiked Bundle
Spiked Club
Spiked Maul
Spiked Round Shield
Spine Bow
Spiny Maul
Spiny Round Shield
Spiraled Foil
Spiraled Wand
Spirit Charm
Splendid Round Shield
Splintered Tower Shield
Split Arrow
Split Projectiles
Springs Map
Stealth Boots
Stealth Gloves
Steel Gauntlets
Steel Greaves
Steel Kite Shield
Steel Mask
Steelscale Boots
Steelscale Gauntlets
Stone Axe
Stone Hammer
Stormcloud Arctic Armour
Strand Map
Strapped Boots
Strapped Leather
Strapped Mitts
Studded Belt
Studded Hood
Studded Round Shield
Summon Skeletons
Summon Statues Skin
Sun Leather
Sun Plate
Sundering Axe
Supreme Spiked Shield


Tarnished Mask
Tarnished Spirit Shield
Teak Round Shield
Tempered Foil
Tempest Shield
Temple Map
Temporal Chains
Terror Claw
Terror Maul
Thaumetic Emblem
Thaumetic Sulphite
The Apex
Thicket Bow
Thicket Hood
Thicket Map
Thief's Garb
Thorium Spirit Shield
Thorn Rapier
Thresher Claw
Throat Stabber
Tiger Sword
Tiger's Paw
Tiki Totem Skin
Timber Axe
Timeworn Claw
Titan Armour
Titan Gauntlets
Titan Greaves
Titanium Spirit Shield
Tolman's Bracelet
Topaz Flask
Topaz Ring
Tornado Wand
Torture Chamber Map
Totemic Maul
Tower Key
Transmutation Shard
Trapper Boots
Trapper Mitts
Tribal Circlet
Tribal Club
Tribal Maul
Triumphant Lamellar
Tropical Island Map
Tunnel Map
Turquoise Amulet
Turquoise Weapon Effect
Twig Spirit Shield
Twilight Blade
Twisted Horns
Two-Handed Sword
Tyrant's Sekhem


Underground River Map
Underground Sea Map


Vaal Axe
Vaal Blade
Vaal Buckler
Vaal Casque
Vaal Claw
Vaal Gauntlets
Vaal Greatsword
Vaal Greaves
Vaal Hatchet
Vaal Pyramid Map
Vaal Rapier
Vaal Regalia
Vaal Sceptre
Vaal Spirit Shield
Valentine's Heart Weapon Effect
Vampiric Weapon Effect
Vanishing Dye
Variscite Blade
Varnished Coat
Velvet Gloves
Velvet Slippers
Verdant Weapon Effect
Victorious Wings
Vile Staff
Vine Circlet
Viper Strike
Void Axe
Void Sceptre


Walnut Spirit Shield
War Axe
War Buckler
War Hammer
War Plate
War Sword
Warlord's Mark
Waste Pool Map
Water Nova Effect
Waxed Garb
Weapon Elemental Damage
Weta Pet
Whalebone Rapier
Wharf Map
Whirling Blades
White Cyclone
White Weapon Effect
Widowsilk Robe
Wild Leather
Wooden Mask
Woodful Staff
Wool Gloves
Wool Shoes
Woven Ring Coif
Wraith Axe
Wraith Sword
Wrapped Boots
Wrapped Mitts
Wrist Chopper
Wyrmbone Rapier
Wyrmscale Boots
Wyrmscale Doublet
Wyrmscale Gauntlets



Yellow Weapon Effect
Yew Spirit Shield


Zealot Boots
Zealot Gloves
Zealot's Chain Coif
Zodiac Leather

Btw, if you belive in secret area place, look at interesting areas :)


Imperial Gardens
Wraeclast Pantheon [!!!]
Untainted Paradise [!!!]
Olmec's Sanctum
Mountain Town
Fairgraves Treasure Island [!!!]
Epic Aqueduct
Convent of the Twins' Flame
Arachnid Nest
Acton's Nightmare

Aaron Ciccheli, a guy who made millions running Diablo and PoE RMT sites, owns a significant portion of GGG. How's that for a conflict of interest? 7.5% of your supporter pack money goes to this guy.
Last edited by Pibadi#7330 on Jun 19, 2013, 1:49:52 AM
All these people who don't believe in fishing are going to look like a bunch of idiots when my unique comes out. Just sayin'.
A feather is used to make a quill and a quill is used to write on paper using ink. Paper = scrolls/scraps?
Last edited by hectavex#6209 on Jun 20, 2013, 6:16:22 PM
hectavex wrote:
A feather is used to make a quill and a quill is used to write on paper using ink. Paper = scrolls/scraps.

Feasther is used for wisdom/portal scroll recipe? WTB papyrus.

Chris know only one person who know recipe and this person is Chris.

"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Last edited by kamil1210#5432 on Jun 20, 2013, 3:30:42 PM
Put a stack in the vendor trade window and fill the rest with stacks of wisdom scrolls?
Pibadi wrote:
This is a list of items what you can find in game.
Do you find something strange?



Abyssal Axe
Abyssal Sceptre
Acid Scorpion Pet
Acid Weapon Effect
Added Chaos Damage
Added Cold Damage
Added Fire Damage
Added Lightning Damage
Additional Accuracy
Additional Cast per Power Charge
Agate Amulet
Albino Kiwi Pet
Albino Rhoa Feather
Alchemy Shard
Alder Spike Shield
Alloyed Spike Shield
Alteration Shard
Alternate Raise Spectre
Alternate Raise Zombie
Alternate Totem
Amber Amulet
Ambush Boots
Ambush Mitts
Amethyst Flask
Amethyst Ring
Ammonite Glyph
Ancestral Club
Ancient Gauntlets
Ancient Greaves
Ancient Spirit Shield
Ancient Sword
Angelic Kite Shield
Annihilator Casque
Antique Gauntlets
Antique Greaves
Antique Rapier
Apex Rapier
Arachnid Nest Map
Arcade Map
Arcane Weapon Effect
Arcanist Gloves
Arcanist Slippers
Archon Kite Shield
Arctic Armour
Arctic Breath
Arctic Footprints Effect
Arena Plate
Armageddon Casque
Arming Axe
Armourer's Scrap
Assassin's Boots
Assassin's Garb
Assassin's Mitts
Astral Plate
Auric Mace
Azure Weapon Effect


Baleful Gem
Bandit Mask
Barbed Club
Baroque Round Shield
Basket Rapier
Bastard Sword
Battered Cap
Battered Foil
Battle Buckler
Battle Hammer
Battle Lamellar
Battle Plate
Battle Sword
Bazaar Map
Bear Trap
Bent Horns
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Bladed Helmet
Bladed Mace
Blessed Orb
Blood Magic
Blood Rage
Blood Raiment
Blood Sceptre
Blood Slam
Blood Weta
Blue Cyclone
Blue Flame Incinerate
Blue Frog Pet
Boarding Axe
Bog Map
Bone Armour
Bone Bow
Bone Spirit Shield
Book of Regrets
Book of Skill
Boot Blade
Boot Knife
Branded Kite Shield
Brass Maul
Brass Spirit Shield
Brilliant Feathers
Broad Axe
Broad Sword
Bronze Gauntlets
Bronze Kiwi Pet
Bronze Plate
Bronze Sceptre
Bronze Tower Shield
Bronzescale Boots
Bronzescale Gauntlets
Buckskin Tower Shield
Buckskin Tunic
Burning Arrow
Burnished Foil
Burnished Spike Shield
Bust of Gaius Sentari
Bust of Hector Titucius
Bust of Marceus Lioneye
Butcher Axe
Butcher Knife
Butcher Sword


Cabalist Regalia
Canyon Map
Cardinal Round Shield
Carnal Armour
Carnal Boots
Carnal Mitts
Carnal Sceptre
Cartographer's Chisel
Carved Circlet
Carved Wand
Carving Knife
Catacomb Map
Cat's Paw
Cedar Tower Shield
Cells Map
Cemetery Map
Ceremonial Axe
Ceremonial Kite Shield
Ceremonial Mace
Ceremonial Mask
Chain Belt
Chain Boots
Chain Gloves
Chain Hauberk
Chainmail Coif
Chainmail Doublet
Chainmail Tunic
Chainmail Vest
Champion Kite Shield
Chance to Flee
Chance to Ignite
Chaos Orb
Chest Splitter
Chiming Spirit Shield
Chromatic Orb
Chrome Scorpion Pet
Citadel Bow
Citrine Amulet
Clasped Boots
Clasped Mitts
Cloth Belt
Cobalt Halo
Coiled Staff
Cold Grasp Effect
Cold Penetration
Cold Snap
Cold to Fire
Colonnade Map
Colossal Hybrid Flask
Colossal Life Flask
Colossal Mana Flask
Colossal Tower Shield
Colossal Weta Pet
Colosseum Plate
Colossus Mallet
Commander's Brigandine
Commander's Ring Coif
Composite Bow
Compound Bow
Compound Spiked Shield
Concentrated Effect
Conductive Quiver
Conjurer Boots
Conjurer Gloves
Conjurer's Vestment
Conquest Chainmail
Conversion Trap
Coolus Helmet
Copper Circlet
Copper Kris
Copper Mask
Copper Plate
Copper Sword
Copper Tower Shield
Coral Amulet
Coral Ring
Coronal Leather
Corroded Blade
Corroded Chain Coif
Corroded Tower Shield
Corrugated Buckler
Corsair Sword
Coves Map
Crematorium Map
Crested Helmet
Crested Tower Shield
Crimson Portal
Crimson Raiment
Crimson Round Shield
Crimson Weapon Effect
Critical Weakness
Crude Bow
Crusader Boots
Crusader Buckler
Crusader Chainmail
Crusader Gloves
Crusader Plate
Crusader's Chain Coif
Crypt Armour
Crypt Map
Crystal Sceptre
Crystal Wand
Culling Strike
Cured Quiver
Curved Horns
Cutthroat's Garb


Damage Infusion
Dance - Duelist
Dance - Marauder
Dance - Ranger
Dance - Shadow
Dance - Templar
Dance - Witch
Dark Forest Map
Darkwood Sceptre
Death Bow
Decimation Bow
Decorative Axe
Decoy Totem
Decurve Bow
Deerskin Boots
Deerskin Gloves
Demon Dagger
Demon Hand Cleave Effect
Demon King Horns
Demon's Horn
Desert Brigandine
Despot Axe
Destiny Leather
Destroyer Casque
Destroyer Regalia
Detonate Dead
Devouring Totem
Devout Chainmail
Diamond Flask
Diamond Kiwi Pet
Diamond Ring
Divine Orb
Divine Rhoa Pet
Divine Sign
Divine Weapon Effect
Dominating Blow
Double Axe
Double Strike
Dragon Fireball Effect
Dragonbone Rapier
Dragonscale Boots
Dragonscale Doublet
Dragonscale Gauntlets
Dread Maul
Dream Mace
Dried Lake Map
Driftwood Club
Driftwood Maul
Driftwood Sceptre
Driftwood Spiked Shield
Driftwood Wand
Dry Peninsula
Dry Woods Map
Dual Strike
Dunes Map
Dungeon Map
Dusk Blade


Eagle Claw
Ebony Footprints Effect
Ebony Scorpion Pet
Ebony Tower Shield
Ebony Weapon Effect
Eelskin Boots
Eelskin Gloves
Eelskin Tunic
Elder Sword
Elegant Foil
Elegant Ringmail
Elegant Round Shield
Elegant Sword
Elemental Hit
Elemental Proliferation
Elemental Weakness
Embroidered Gloves
Emerald Rain of Arrows Effect
Emerald Weapon Effect
Enameled Buckler
Encrusted Circlet
Enduring Cry
Engraved Greatsword
Engraved Wand
Etched Greatsword
Etched Shield
Eternal Orb
Eternal Rhoa Pet
Eternal Sword
Eternal Weapon Effect
Ethereal Knives
Ethereal Stars Effect
Exalted Orb
Exalted Rhoa Pet
Exalted Weapon Effect
Executioner Casque
Explosive Arrow
Exquisite Leather
Extra Gore
Eye Gouger
Ezomyte Axe
Ezomyte Blade
Ezomyte Circlet
Ezomyte Dagger
Ezomyte Spiked Shield
Ezomyte Staff
Ezomyte Tower Shield


Fancy Foil
Faster Attacks
Faster Casting
Faster Projectiles
Faun's Horn
Field Lamellar
Fiend Dagger
Fiery Visage
Finned Helmet
Fir Round Shield
Fire Penetration
Fire Trap
Fire Weapon
Fishscale Gauntlets
Flame Totem
Flanged Helmet
Flanged Mace
Flaying Knife
Flicker Strike
Footman Sword
Footman's Casque
Forest Hood
Fossilized Spirit Shield
Foul Staff
Freeze Mine
Freezing Pulse
Fright Claw
Fright Maul
Frontier Leather
Frost Wall
Full Chainmail
Full Dragonscale
Full Leather
Full Plate
Full Ringmail
Full Scale Armour
Full Wyrmscale


Gemcutter's Prism
Gemmed Circlet
General's Brigandine
Ghetto Map
Giant Life Flask
Giant Mana Flask
Giant Weta Pet
Gilded Axe
Gilded Buckler
Gilded Circlet
Gilded Helmet
Girded Tower Shield
Glacial Hammer
Gladiator Casque
Gladiator Plate
Glass Shank
Glassblower's Bauble
Gleaming Circlet
Glorious Leather
Glorious Plate
Gnarled Branch
Goathide Boots
Goathide Buckler
Goathide Gloves
Goat's Horn
Gold Amulet
Gold Kiwi Pet
Gold Ring
Golden Buckler
Golden Hand
Golden Kris
Golden Plate
Golden Radiance
Golden Wreath
Goliath Gauntlets
Goliath Greaves
Gore Footprints Effect
Gorge Map
Graceful Sword
Grand Life Flask
Grand Mana Flask
Granite Flask
Graveyard Map
Great Mallet
Great White Claw
Greater Life Flask
Greater Mana Flask
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Green Basilisk Pet
Green Frog Pet
Green Searing Bond Effect
Grinning Fetish
Grotto Map
Ground Slam
Grove Bow
Grove Hood
Gut Ripper
Gutting Knife


Haliotis Glyph
Hallowed Hybrid Flask
Hallowed Life Flask
Hallowed Mana Flask
Hammered Buckler
Harbinger Bow
Harmonic Spirit Shield
Harpy Rapier
Headman's Sword
Headsman Axe
Heathen Mask
Heavy Belt
Heavy Quiver
Heavy Strike
Hellion's Paw
Highborn Bow
Highborn Staff
Highland Blade
Holy Chainmail
Hunter Cap
Huntress Cap
Hussar Brigandine
Hydrascale Boots
Hydrascale Gauntlets


Ice Crown
Ice Nova
Ice Shot
Ice Spear
Imbued Wand
Immortal Call
Imp Dagger
Imperial Bow
Imperial Buckler
Imperial Casque
Imperial Chain Coif
Imperial Claw
Imperial Maul
Imperial Skean
Imperial Staff
Increased Area of Effect
Increased Burning Damage
Increased Critical Damage
Increased Critical Strikes
Increased Duration
Infantry Brigandine
Infernal Axe
Infernal Basilisk Pet
Infernal Blow
Infernal Footprints Effect
Infernal Scorpion Pet
Infernal Sword
Infernal Talc
Inlaid Chain Coif
Iron Gauntlets
Iron Greaves
Iron Grip
Iron Mask
Iron Ring
Iron Sceptre
Iron Staff
Iron Will
Ironscale Boots
Ironscale Gauntlets
Ironwood Buckler
Item Quantity
Item Rarity
Ivory Bow
Ivory Scorpion Pet
Ivory Spirit Shield
Ivory Weapon Effect


Jade Amulet
Jade Chopper
Jade Hatchet
Jagged Foil
Jasper Axe
Jasper Chopper
Jeweled Foil
Jeweller's Orb
Jingling Spirit Shield
Judgement Staff
Jungle Hood
Jungle Valley Map


Kaom's Greaves
Kaom's Plate
Karui Axe
Karui Chopper
Karui Maul
Karui Sceptre
Kiwi Pet
Kraityn's Amulet


Lacewood Spirit Shield
Lacquered Buckler
Lacquered Garb
Laminated Kite Shield
Lapis Amulet
Large Hybrid Flask
Large Life Flask
Large Mana Flask
Latticed Ringmail
Lavender Weapon Effect
Layered Kite Shield
Lead Sceptre
Leap Slam
Leather Belt
Leather Cap
Leather Hood
Leatherscale Boots
Legion Boots
Legion Gloves
Legion Hammer
Legion Sword
Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Life Gain on Hit
Life Leech
Light Brigandine
Light Quiver
Lightning Arrow
Lightning Footprints Effect
Lightning Penetration
Lightning Scorpion Pet
Lightning Strike
Lightning Warp
Linden Kite Shield
Lion Sword
Long Bow
Long Staff
Lordly Plate
Loricated Ringmail


Maelstrom Staff
Mage's Vestment
Mahogany Tower Shield
Majestic Plate
Maligaro's Spike
Mana Leech
Maple Round Shield
Maraketh Bow
Mark of the Phoenix
Maze Map
Medicine Chest
Medium Hybrid Flask
Medium Life Flask
Medium Mana Flask
Melee Damage on Full Life
Melee Physical Damage
Melee Splash
Mercenary Casque
Mesh Boots
Mesh Chain Coif
Mesh Gloves
Midnight Blade
Military Staff
Mine Map
Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance
Minion Damage
Minion Life
Minion Speed
Mirror of Kalandra
Mirrored Spiked Shield
Molten Shell
Moonstone Ring
Mosaic Kite Shield
Mountain Ledge Map
Mud Geyser Map
Murder Boots
Murder Mask
Murder Mitts


Nailed Fist
Necromancer Silks
Necropolis Map
Necrotic Footprints Effect
Necrotic Weapon Effect
Nightmare Mace
Noble Axe
Noble Claw
Nubuck Boots
Nubuck Gloves


Oak Buckler
Oak's Amulet
Occultist's Vestment
Ochre Sceptre
Oiled Coat
Oiled Vest
Omen Wand
Onyx Amulet
Opal Sceptre
Opal Wand
Orb of Alchemy
Orb of Alteration
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Regret
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Transmutation
Ornate Helmet
Ornate Mace
Ornate Ringmail
Ornate Spiked Shield
Ornate Sword
Overgrown Ruin Map
Overgrown Shrine Map


Padded Jacket
Padded Vest
Pagan Mask
Painted Buckler
Painted Tower Shield
Paua Amulet
Paua Ring
Petrified Circlet
Petrified Club
Phantom Mace
Phase Run
Pier Map
Pine Buckler
Pinnacle Tower Shield
Plank Kite Shield
Plate Vest
Plateau Map
Plated Gauntlets
Plated Greaves
Plated Maul
Platinum Kris
Platinum Sceptre
Playtest Bow
Playtest Maul
Playtest Rapier
Playtest Wand
Plinth Warp
Point Blank
Poison Arrow
Polished Helmet
Polished Spiked Shield
Portal Scroll
Power Charge On Critical
Power Siphon
Precinct Map
Prehistoric Claw
Primeval Rapier
Primitive Staff
Primordial Staff
Prismatic Ring
Projectile Weakness
Promenade Map
Prophecy Wand
Purple Scorpion Pet


Quartz Sceptre
Quartz Wand
Quicksilver Flask
Quilted Jacket


Radiant Footprints Effect
Radiant Weapon Effect
Rain of Arrows
Raise Spectre
Raise Zombie
Ranged Attack Totem
Ranger Bow
Rawhide Boots
Rawhide Gloves
Rawhide Tower Shield
Reaver Axe
Reaver Casque
Reaver Sword
Recover Cosmetic Effect
Recurve Bow
Red Frog Pet
Red Scorpion Pet
Reduced Mana
Redwood Spiked Shield
Reef Map
Regal Orb
Regal Rhoa Pet
Regal Weapon Effect
Reinforced Greaves
Reinforced Kite Shield
Reinforced Tower Shield
Rejuvenation Totem
Remote Mine
Return Projectiles
Rhoa Pet
Ribbed Helmet
Ribbon Spool
Righteous Fire
Ringmail Boots
Ringmail Coat
Ringmail Coif
Ringmail Gloves
Ritual Sceptre
Riveted Boots
Rock Breaker
Roseus Glyph
Rotted Round Shield
Royal Axe
Royal Blue Frog Pet
Royal Bow
Royal Circlet
Royal Green Frog Pet
Royal Red Frog Pet
Royal Sceptre
Royal Skean
Royal Staff
Ruby Flask
Ruby Ring
Rugged Quiver
Russell's Blade
Russell's Bludgeoner
Russell's Cleaver
Russell's Greatsword
Russell's Shank
Russell's Smasher
Russell's Wand
Rusted Casque
Rusted Hatchet
Rusted Helmet
Rusted Spike
Rusted Sword
Rustic Sash


Sacred Hybrid Flask
Sacred Life Flask
Sacred Mana Flask
Sadist Garb
Sage Wand
Sage's Robe
Saintly Chainmail
Saint's Hauberk
Samite Gloves
Samite Slippers
Sapphire Flask
Sapphire Ring
Satin Gloves
Satin Slippers
Savant's Robe
Sawblade Cyclone
Scale Doublet
Scale Vest
Scarlet Raiment
Scarlet Round Shield
Scholar Boots
Scholar's Robe
Scorpion Pet
Scroll Fragment
Scroll of Wisdom
Searing Bond
Sentinel Jacket
Serpent Wand
Serpentine Staff
Serpentscale Boots
Serpentscale Gauntlets
Serrated Foil
Sewer Keys
Sewer Map
Shabby Jerkin
Shackled Boots
Shadow Axe
Shadow Sceptre
Shagreen Boots
Shagreen Gloves
Shagreen Tower Shield
Sharkskin Boots
Sharkskin Gloves
Sharkskin Tunic
Sharktooth Claw
Shield Charge
Shipyard Map
Shock Nova
Shockwave Totem
Shore Map
Short Bow
Shrine Map
Siege Axe
Siege Firestorm Effect
Silk Gloves
Silk Robe
Silk Slippers
Silken Garb
Silken Vest
Silken Wrap
Silver Kiwi Pet
Silver Wings
Simple Robe
Skinning Knife
Slaughter Knife
Sleek Coat
Slink Boots
Slink Gloves
Small Hybrid Flask
Small Life Flask
Small Mana Flask
Sniper Bow
Soldier Boots
Soldier Gloves
Soldier's Brigandine
Sorcerer Boots
Sorcerer Gloves
Sovereign Spiked Shield
Spark Spiders Effect
Sparkling Claw
Spectral Axe
Spectral Basilisk Pet
Spectral Sword
Spell Totem
Spider Forest Map
Spider Lair Map
Spidersilk Robe
Spiked Bundle
Spiked Club
Spiked Maul
Spiked Round Shield
Spine Bow
Spiny Maul
Spiny Round Shield
Spiraled Foil
Spiraled Wand
Spirit Charm
Splendid Round Shield
Splintered Tower Shield
Split Arrow
Split Projectiles
Springs Map
Stealth Boots
Stealth Gloves
Steel Gauntlets
Steel Greaves
Steel Kite Shield
Steel Mask
Steelscale Boots
Steelscale Gauntlets
Stone Axe
Stone Hammer
Stormcloud Arctic Armour
Strand Map
Strapped Boots
Strapped Leather
Strapped Mitts
Studded Belt
Studded Hood
Studded Round Shield
Summon Skeletons
Summon Statues Skin
Sun Leather
Sun Plate
Sundering Axe
Supreme Spiked Shield


Tarnished Mask
Tarnished Spirit Shield
Teak Round Shield
Tempered Foil
Tempest Shield
Temple Map
Temporal Chains
Terror Claw
Terror Maul
Thaumetic Emblem
Thaumetic Sulphite
The Apex
Thicket Bow
Thicket Hood
Thicket Map
Thief's Garb
Thorium Spirit Shield
Thorn Rapier
Thresher Claw
Throat Stabber
Tiger Sword
Tiger's Paw
Tiki Totem Skin
Timber Axe
Timeworn Claw
Titan Armour
Titan Gauntlets
Titan Greaves
Titanium Spirit Shield
Tolman's Bracelet
Topaz Flask
Topaz Ring
Tornado Wand
Torture Chamber Map
Totemic Maul
Tower Key
Transmutation Shard
Trapper Boots
Trapper Mitts
Tribal Circlet
Tribal Club
Tribal Maul
Triumphant Lamellar
Tropical Island Map
Tunnel Map
Turquoise Amulet
Turquoise Weapon Effect
Twig Spirit Shield
Twilight Blade
Twisted Horns
Two-Handed Sword
Tyrant's Sekhem


Underground River Map
Underground Sea Map


Vaal Axe
Vaal Blade
Vaal Buckler
Vaal Casque
Vaal Claw
Vaal Gauntlets
Vaal Greatsword
Vaal Greaves
Vaal Hatchet
Vaal Pyramid Map
Vaal Rapier
Vaal Regalia
Vaal Sceptre
Vaal Spirit Shield
Valentine's Heart Weapon Effect
Vampiric Weapon Effect
Vanishing Dye
Variscite Blade
Varnished Coat
Velvet Gloves
Velvet Slippers
Verdant Weapon Effect
Victorious Wings
Vile Staff
Vine Circlet
Viper Strike
Void Axe
Void Sceptre


Walnut Spirit Shield
War Axe
War Buckler
War Hammer
War Plate
War Sword
Warlord's Mark
Waste Pool Map
Water Nova Effect
Waxed Garb
Weapon Elemental Damage
Weta Pet
Whalebone Rapier
Wharf Map
Whirling Blades
White Cyclone
White Weapon Effect
Widowsilk Robe
Wild Leather
Wooden Mask
Woodful Staff
Wool Gloves
Wool Shoes
Woven Ring Coif
Wraith Axe
Wraith Sword
Wrapped Boots
Wrapped Mitts
Wrist Chopper
Wyrmbone Rapier
Wyrmscale Boots
Wyrmscale Doublet
Wyrmscale Gauntlets



Yellow Weapon Effect
Yew Spirit Shield


Zealot Boots
Zealot Gloves
Zealot's Chain Coif
Zodiac Leather

Btw, if you belive in secret area place, look at interesting areas :)


Imperial Gardens
Wraeclast Pantheon [!!!]
Untainted Paradise [!!!]
Olmec's Sanctum
Mountain Town
Fairgraves Treasure Island [!!!]
Epic Aqueduct
Convent of the Twins' Flame
Arachnid Nest
Acton's Nightmare

albino kiwi pet...hmmm has me intrigued I saw one of the rogue exiles with one but how does one obtain such a pet
twistedforce wrote:
albino kiwi pet...hmmm has me intrigued I saw one of the rogue exiles with one but how does one obtain such a pet

You have to beat the game.
same name in-game

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