[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)

Nugsterx wrote:

Maybe i'll re-roll trapper but the thought of spending 5 hours leveling again just makes me want to quit.... I can't see how a trapper would be any tankier than this

Trappers are tankier this specific patch because of how good and easy to get spell suppression is for them. They also have every slot free for high life rolls and chaos resist. And they too can cap armor with just determination and 1 potion. But more importantly trappers phase thru any boss even on tiny budgets. I played miner previous league and with 1ex of budget i was phasing thru bosses, instantly deleting conquerors and some people were doing maven in just tabula rasa+RF trick. It was day 2 red map speedcleans.
+you do not have to beg your minions to actually do the damage instead of standing around doing nothing like they love to, because you got full control over where the damage goes.

You can have trapper with 9000life and still outdps this build. It is the most painful gameplay experience tho. Especially miner version where you throw AND trigger, then they want you to manually cast 2 to 5 debuffs and stuff it is META and it is SUFFERING haha They also have great map clear, with BL for example, and the ball residue servers as shield for next few seconds that instant gibs anything that comes from offscreen.

I will never play trap/mine again. But It is godly at what it does (big deeps on tiny budget) Quality of life on those builds is 0 tho.

I'm alt spamming this atm, hope i will hit charges

I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
Last edited by CAKE#4700 on Nov 9, 2021, 3:05:16 PM
Hello @Deadandlivin and all you here

Thanks again for the discussion here, helped me a lot.

I currently run the crab version and I am stack somewhere between low and medium budget versions. The issue is that I have no currency for any important gear upgrades.

I tried to do various things this league (bosses, guards, mapping, heist, blight/uber blight, lookbooks) and the build feels fine.

The only issue is that there is no profitable thing I can do consistently (for example - I can kill all the guards relatively easy but sometimes I just insta die 6 times to minotaur and so on)

Can't find any way to farm currency for gear which is worth 10+ ex due to that.

Am I missing some cheaper upgrades/better things to farm or maybe you have other solutions?

The worst thing about 4 crushclaw vs sirus is that WHOLE screen is covereed with water effects and you simply don't see where the red damage dots are. It is so easy to die just cuz you don't see damage effects.
I tried A8 sirus with SO build and almost killed him 1st time (was literally 1hp left). Now i tried with crashclaws and just died 4 times due no vision from the crab cast effects and creeps around.
That's just annoying since you don't want too much clutter on the screen vs sirus, but crabs do the opposite.
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
Last edited by judikator#2053 on Nov 9, 2021, 3:23:15 PM

I can imagine much better result, spend total of 3ex on crafting it so at least it did not eat way too much currency.
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
Last edited by CAKE#4700 on Nov 9, 2021, 4:01:20 PM

I can imagine much better result, spend total of 3ex on crafting it so at least it did not eat way too much currency.

Honestly, I find the shield the #1 bossing DPS boost. If people are lacking bossing DPS for sure upgrade the shield if you are still running Victarios. If I recall correctly power charges work double for minions. Also the cold as extra chaos is a huge boost and if you can get double damage thats even better. You get +2 power charges, double damage chance, cold as chaos, and brittle for boss fights that victarios doesnt give. Its 3 or 4 more damager multipliers for roughly 3ex.

Just a QOL tio. Put the zombies in your boots and move hateed or skitterbots to shield. When you weapon swap you don't need to resummon zombies.
Last edited by Doritheexplorer17#1498 on Nov 9, 2021, 4:19:21 PM
Doritheexplorer17 wrote:

Just a QOL tio. Put the zombies in your boots and move hateed or skitterbots to shield. When you weapon swap you don't need to resummon zombies.

best advice ever heh, it was not possible in my old setup but now i can do this and get comfy swap. ty
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
judikator wrote:
The worst thing about 4 crushclaw vs sirus is that WHOLE screen is covereed with water effects and you simply don't see where the red damage dots are. It is so easy to die just cuz you don't see damage effects.
I tried A8 sirus with SO build and almost killed him 1st time (was literally 1hp left). Now i tried with crashclaws and just died 4 times due no vision from the crab cast effects and creeps around.
That's just annoying since you don't want too much clutter on the screen vs sirus, but crabs do the opposite.

This is true. I didn't find it annoying versus Sirus because I killed him so fast with my gear so he didn't get to do much.

However, I tried to kill Aul at 500 delve depth the other day and fight was literally impossible because crabs obscured my vision. Aul has 2 abilities, one that requires you to be behind him to not get oneshot and one slam that requires you to be at max range to not get oneshot.
My problem was I couldn't see what he was doing so it was 50/50 to dodge his stupid abilities.

Sirus will get better once dps increases, but the as you mentioned, the last phase can be impossible with the spinning cross laser if there's red pools on the ground and the crabs start throwing a discorave.
Last edited by Deadandlivin#2745 on Nov 9, 2021, 4:38:51 PM
imilenin wrote:
Hello @Deadandlivin and all you here

Thanks again for the discussion here, helped me a lot.

I currently run the crab version and I am stack somewhere between low and medium budget versions. The issue is that I have no currency for any important gear upgrades.

I tried to do various things this league (bosses, guards, mapping, heist, blight/uber blight, lookbooks) and the build feels fine.

The only issue is that there is no profitable thing I can do consistently (for example - I can kill all the guards relatively easy but sometimes I just insta die 6 times to minotaur and so on)

Can't find any way to farm currency for gear which is worth 10+ ex due to that.

Am I missing some cheaper upgrades/better things to farm or maybe you have other solutions?

I personally don't touch bossing too much until I feel that my dps is high enough where I can just oneshot the guardians. Not worth the headache to die to random Minotaur diglet attacks or Hydra balls when you try to slalom like some skating pro. I personally just save all my guardian maps and once I'm comfortable, I run all of them in a day when my dps is high enough to kill them before they do any abilities.

As for making money, yeah this is a poverty league for sure.
There are very good strategies for farming though. Expedition farming in Lira Arthain seems to be really good.

What you gotta do is just choose one thing to farm and comitt to it. For example, if you're gonna test expedition in Lira Arthain. Set yourself up to do 100 maps and just do them. Once done, do all the logbooks you got.
Then run Exilence Next on your stash tabs afterwards and see how much money you made.

I've primarily been delving and Heisting for money this league because I like the alch and go feel of it early game.
I decided to run every single contract I had, just finishing them up tonight.
After that I'm gonna half a million rogue markers and over 300 blueprint reveals and run blueprints a whole day.

I made 30 ex from doing 200 contracts.
Think I will get alot from the blueprints too.

Is there much work to try crab setup from my current gear? Have like 100 respec point so this shouldn't be an issue.
Also got 2b-2r-2g lords with EE in my stash.
question: Can I get a decent version of this for 15ex?
With decent I mean can do T16 confortably and also delve?
Last edited by taxi83pro#5062 on Nov 9, 2021, 6:13:55 PM

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