Don't worry about harvest gone, it's ok
" Just so everyone knows, I did answer you (sans any insults btw). But then a mod in his infinite wisdom decided that since they'd woken up cranky that day, they needed something to assuage their irritability. And what better way than to interfere with others going about their business on the forums. As such, you'll never get to know the pertinent distinction between popularity and viability and why that matters. Take it up with the mods. They're never receptive in my experience, but hey maybe you'll have better luck. Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Mar 26, 2021, 7:06:45 AM
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My favourite rant from global the other day:
"The only people whining about loss of build diversity are the losers that go to uni on their parents dime and graduate with an art degree and then whine about job diversity" and then later on: "It's just like real world economics. Sure you can decide you're going to be the next Shakespeare but most people apply for compsci and eng because that's what the economy needs" and nine minutes later "I'd say 95% of SC players expect a build to be developed, tested, optimised, and waiting for them to copy on day one of a new league. No effort required, no creativity or risk involved" [19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
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^^^ Lol global.
Let me add a few: Engineering is basically watered down physics. Comp Sci plebs discovered statistics and called it 'data science', pouring old whine in new bottles. Heart of Purity
Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020. POE 2 is designed primarily for console. |
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i HATE ed/cont
never understood why people like it (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س
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" My RF bomber got 0 uniques and all are rares, which will probably cost much more than 20ex to pull of :) ofc it's far from being fully min-maxed, but still a lot of gear I self-crafted in harvest. but nice try trolling, ignoring other character :) this necro is just for boss killing. Last edited by gageris#1266 on Mar 26, 2021, 6:11:44 PM
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" cause it's dirt cheap. You can get to yellows with a pair of lifesprigs, or lifesprig + obliteration, or a 5l cane, and virtually any clothes that give you the socket colours you need. It sucks to play because you're self casting like, 3 different skills and a totem. Like, actually carpal tunnel city. But you don't care about most map mods and you can earn your investment back in a single unID'd corrupted rare map. If I don't expect to get very far in a given league because of time constraints, or family demands, or friends all bailing on league start, it's 20c well spent. Nobody is so in love with ed/c that they would pour mirrors into BiS caster bows and sicc ornate quivers or fractured tacati +2 proj weps. Once you do this you might as well do TR which is a lot more flexible and single-target friendly. But taht's another story. [19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
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Harvest is not gone, stop making shit up
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People are overacting as usual. Like nerco supposed to be dead every patch yet still chills in the back smoking a cigarette and pwns with chaos gear while your build gets wrecked with 5x the cost.
Any build that uses weapons will still be really powerful. Like I make my staff with roll phys chaos (still there) until high numbers came. Then added crit twice. The only difference is you gotta lock prefix's and reforge crits...maybe a few times to get 2 t1s. Caster same deal. Chests are more problematic.. but so long as you meld 2 prefix's and you want tagged 1-2 suffix's it's almost as easy. great example is elder/crusader for explody + % life then lock prefixs and reforge the two crits. We just won't be making really crazy stuff and will cost more because you will brick some stuff. Git R Dun!
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" GGG seems content to let those spammy 2-3 button builds remain overpowered and deliver 10s of millions of DPS so we all get carpel tunnel at 35. BFBB, miners, Necro DD, ED/C etc. Nobody likes any of them I bet but it's just META is all till they build their HH BV build with 500ex and blow up three screens at a time at warp 5. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Mar 27, 2021, 1:33:03 AM
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Still have never heard anyone explain what builds require Harvest gear to be viable.
I assume this is all about explodey chests for clearspeed? That affix needs to be freaking removed or relegated to a unique with downsides. The entire game can’t revolve around a single influenced affix on a single item slot; this is getting so silly. If we want to talk about clearspeed with certain builds (ie build balance), or on-death effects and the limited number of ways to destroy corpses, we can have that conversation separately - more productively, in fact, without perfect explodey astral plates being “mandatory.” We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
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