🎄Friendly and Active🎄 <Maven's Realm> recruits for the new PoE 1&2 season! (1k+ players, Discord✅)

I need one active guild pls. call me..
Hello I'm new to the game, my name is: StokeNorma, I'd like to join you
Hi, I'd be very interested as a casual/friendly player - I've been out of it for a few leagues but looking to get back into it! :)

My discord is just Gretik
I would love to join You guys :)
I'm starting fresh this league, had a very long break from PoE.
Have multiple 90+ chars and played mostly cyclone and RF in previous leagues.
This time trying something different, I was mostly focused on farming bosses previously
Applying for casuar player:
Account https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/BeNN__y/
Current chara: FarmerGrzybuw
Not sure where You guys posted DC so did not joined yet
Hi Im a new player looking for a guild to join ign: Katalanka. Looking for people to chat with and guide me to a better direction with builds and other game mech. Discord name: BllOoM
Last edited by BllOoM#4077 on Dec 25, 2023, 11:06:01 AM
Casual but active.
I'd be interested in joining, account name and current main character names are both Ezmyrian.
i would like to join your Guild
Im interested in joining your guild, im casual, i've had multiple 90+ characters almost every league I played
Currently playing on : FlechaCausticaAffli
Last edited by ZeZoO#1058 on Dec 30, 2023, 11:47:12 AM
ign charmingbackpacker

I have a 99 vaal ice shot in standard w. legacy gear. Been playing since sacrifice of the vaal. Would love to join an active league guild for my charms quest.

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