🎄Friendly and Active🎄 <Maven's Realm> recruits for the new season! (1000+ players, Discord✅)

Hello I would love to join as an Active casual player
IGN -GoddessofLoveAndShadow
Last edited by LordSaren#4062 on Aug 1, 2023, 1:23:11 PM
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would love to join as casual please!
IGN- DeQuavis69

possible to join?
Hi, was looking for a PoE guild and found the post on the forums. I've played on and off for years, and am more casual than pro, though I am trying to teach myself crafting in prep for the new, upcoming league.

IGN: Sharanelle
Heya, I was looking to join the guild as a casual player.

IGN: Curse___Botz
Hi, I´m looking for a fun guild. Hope i can join as casual player.
IGN: Sampai_XVI
Last edited by Ronacek#4397 on Aug 6, 2023, 4:55:43 AM

50% casual + 50% pro here. Only calling myself 50% pro because crucible league was my first 40/40 challenges completed + first level 100 character, and also did several boss carries for newer players. I think I have good understanding of the game but still learning heh.

Would love to be part of an active guild for the upcoming league, current guild I'm in is really quiet.

Please let me know, thanks!
Hi all,

Mature player here for sure at 50 :) , played many MMO's over the years starting way back with Everquest 2 ,WOW, Guild Wars amongst others. Im really new to POE, currently have a 29 Ranger, im from the UK and medically retired so have lots of free time,looking for a friendly mature guild and this seems perfect for me if accepted as a casual player.

IGN: Spyike

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