[RSC] 2 HARDEST points in Uncharted realms Complete

WTS 2 HARDEST points in Uncharted realms Complete Maven's the Feared from your device only for 1 ex fee (15-20mins avg). Important: I will keep all loot from the fight!
I'll run all bosses at my ho (cortex, chayula, UElder, UAtziri) and call you for boss competition, I provide all consumables. You can stay at the arena if you want , but I can't guarantee your safety. Change realm to Frankfurt. IGN: WTS_BOSS_SERVICE.

Last bumped on Feb 5, 2021, 3:30:32 PM
Fast and cheap, I recommend to everyone! <3
Absolutely awesome dude, fast & clean, guides you through the process properly with patience.

Loved his service, will avail again.

Fast, cheap, and friendly! thank you so much for the help!
Fast and relaible bosskiller, completed all encounters deathless. Properly explain everything throughout the service.

Vouched for Sanya the Kamen.
Fast,cheap and nice guy.
fast and reliable service

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