[Trade] 'Whisper' message includes unique name for unidentified uniques.

spaceace7373 wrote:

nice example as to why this needs to be fixed

Still doesn't make it a bug. Go post in the feedback forum if you want something changed.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
SirGuySW wrote:
At least this one hasn't been moved yet. lol
heh, I spoke too soon. I guess the whole thing is intended after all. How...bewildering.


Note: I do appreciate the notification this time that the thread moved. Haven't gotten one of those before.
Gameplay Help and Discussion

Well...I don't think I need help with this (unless someone knows a way to make *incoming* trade whispers somehow notate that the item is unidentified), but does anyone want to discuss ideas about why this is intended?

BTW I heard rumors that someone developed a simple 'plugin' for the trade site that injected the word "*Unidentified*" into any *outgoing* trade whisper involving unidentified uniques. Shame that as a third party 'plugin' it would only affect *putgoing* messages for people using it and doesn't do a thing for any *incoming* messages.
Last edited by SirGuySW#7930 on Jul 14, 2021, 2:21:49 PM
Having the trade message specify that the item is unidentified would help, but I think the bigger issue is not being able to search unidentified uniques by their names in the stash even though it works through the public stash API.

I do not know what would need to be changed in order for this to work however, since the stash search is based on the item text as I understood it, and that does not include the unique name yet.

One option would be for unique items to always display their name despite being unidentified, but I am not sure how difficult that would be to implement (although it would definitely be appreciated for things like item filters etc.).
I think the bigger issue is not being able to search unidentified uniques by their names in the stash even though it works through the public stash API.
I agree. This seems to be the real issue: Two GGG-controlled systems managing the same fundamental concept differently. The other issues here seem to just be symptoms of this larger issue.

Unidentified items are pretty core to PoE. When an item is unidentified there's no in-game way to determine what the item is (except for uniques by the 2d art, except when that art is shared by multiple uniques).

The trade API has introduced an out-of-game way to (partially) identify specific unidentified items (uniques) without marking them in-game as identified. This was previously impossible (and currently is impossible in-game) without permanently marking the item as 'identified'. If the data didn't come from GGG's official API I'd assume some sort of hack or exploit.

This is intended.
9 months later. I'm no closer to understanding this ... and it still feels terrible.

When I'm feeling particularly disappointed in the level (or lack) of developer involvement/communication I somehow find myself back in this thread trying to puzzle out that reply.

Some relevant metaphors (I think in metaphors). Why not? This bug report was downgraded from Bug to "Intended (thus can't be bug?)" to "Discussion". So I'll throw some discussion into the void:

Meet Timmy. Timmy is a bully. Meet Billy. Billy is ... Billy. Every day at school Timmy takes lunch money from Billy. Eventually Billy reports Timmy. Timmy gets called into the principle's office. The principle tells Timmy he must stop this bad behavior. Timmy says, "Relax Guy, this behavior is intended." The principle shrugs his shoulders and tells Billy there's nothing he can do. Billy cries his eyes out, resigned to give his lunch money to Timmy every day for the rest of his life.

Meet me. I'm a software engineer. I design and write web based code solutions for a small company. Meet Boss. Boss is my boss. One day Boss says, "Oi man! I need you to put this program 'in the cloud'. Ooooo." So I do. I throw the program into a sandbox and use a network sniffer to capture and then ensure that all the program's database queries are accounted for in the REST API I design.

Boss says, "Yo! Nice job man. But see here, I found a bug! When I submit this request (`1+1=?`) I get value '3', I want to get value '2'. What's going on man? Can you fix it?" I check my code. I check the corresponding query from the original program. Both result in value '3'. There is no 'bug'. My code is working perfectly. It is replicating the original program perfectly. I tell Boss, "This is intended." Boss says, "That's crazy man! 1+1=2 not 3! Hello man? You still there?" But I've already replied about this issue, so I keep quiet. Boss is not amused.

I don't hear from Boss anymore.

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