[3.14] No BS Storm Brand Hierophant | Tanky | League Starter | Good DPS & Clear

I want to try this in 3.14, but Im still fairly new. Could you possibly update the guide or just reply with what gems to take when? Priority for 3/4/5 links etc? Thanks!
jollathanRogers wrote:
I want to try this in 3.14, but Im still fairly new. Could you possibly update the guide or just reply with what gems to take when? Priority for 3/4/5 links etc? Thanks!

Sorry it's a little confusing, I'll update it when I get a chance. The reality of the situation here is that it's largely preference as to what you want and what links you have.

Focus on getting your 6link together whether it's on body amour or a staff.

After that prio is to get 4L Arcane cloak

After that I recommend a 3L of Flame Dash, Sigil of Power, and Second Wind (If you a 4L open you could add void Orb)

The last gem setup you need is a 3L Wave of Conviction, Hextouch, Conductivity (If you have a 4L you can add increased duration)

Once you have those you just have miscellaneous skill gems like Clarity, Golem, and Vaal RF left. You can put these in wherever you have room. I like to have wands with the crafted mod 'trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill' so I always have these skills going off. If you don't have that mod you can use a CWDT setup for this since we self-cast our guard skill.
Make Strom Brand great again.
hi there, im at work so i cant use PoB right now, and im lookin for my leaguestarter build.
just 1 question that maybe is obvs but i dont know
why we dnt use the brand ascendency? i think is "sign of" something, it is worst than the all others?
Last edited by SoiCriss#4700 on Apr 3, 2021, 10:09:24 AM
SoiCriss wrote:
hi there, im at work so i cant use PoB right now, and im lookin for my leaguestarter build.
just 1 question that maybe is obvs but i dont know
why we dnt use the brand ascendency? i think is "sign of" something, it is worst than the all others?

Ultimately it doesn't do as much as having charges or ailment immunity.
Make Strom Brand great again.
Do you think the new buffed 'Dance of the offered' could be something the build could run? the new stats are
60 Mana
30% lightning res
25% ms
onslaught while not below 50% mana

And if i were to run these boots should i path somewhere completely else as i wouldnt be taking agnostic on the passive tree as the boots would grant it for me, or are the mana nodes near agnostic still worth to go there for

Also is 'Explosive runes' notable something i should take?
Last edited by Nicosi#3053 on Apr 14, 2021, 9:56:24 AM
Nicosi wrote:
Do you think the new buffed 'Dance of the offered' could be something the build could run? the new stats are
60 Mana
30% lightning res
25% ms
onslaught while not below 50% mana

And if i were to run these boots should i path somewhere completely else as i wouldnt be taking agnostic on the passive tree as the boots would grant it for me, or are the mana nodes near agnostic still worth to go there for

Also is 'Explosive runes' notable something i should take?

The new dance of the offered seem like they could be incredibly good. My only hesitation is there are a couple notables and a bunch of health nodes in that part of the tree that you miss out on if you don't path down there.

Having said that I'm sure having a second cluster setup would probably be better although I haven't tested that out.

Explosive runes is decent I would spec into it until you have better things to spec into.
Make Strom Brand great again.
i feel like if you get Dance of the Offered, you could then use those points to spec down into Glancing Blows, then get a good wand + shield with spell damage and recover %mana or %life on block. feel like you'd be in a pretty good spot defensively to compensate for lack of those mana/life nodes toward agnostic. Mystic Bulwark + Sanctuary could also help you with some of the mana regen.
Last edited by jjmccaw#1502 on Apr 15, 2021, 9:21:30 AM
why u take nod "Dreamer" on the tree? (5% reduced mana cost of skills)
u can take "Forethought", 15% increased mana cost, and easily get +10% total dps (or more), because u use Archmage, am i wrong?
This is likely going to be my league starter for ultimatum league but had 3 quick questions.
1. I was looking at an Shadow variant and wanted to know what the big difference between the two is or why we take hierophant?
2. Why do we level 6 storm brands in the offhand?
3. What should I be looking for on a Body Armor while leveling before Cloak Of Defiance?
Last edited by Serious_SamOV#5894 on Apr 15, 2021, 12:21:18 PM
Serious_SamOV wrote:

2. Why do we level 6 storm brands in the offhand?

We level them in offhand so when they hit level 20, you can try to corrupt them to get level 21. Since it's possible to bork the gem when trying for this, you want to have many gems to try with.

Naturally, before you have space to level extra gems in offhand like this, just level up gems you can fit into your setup yet but need later etc.

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