✦ Foxy Shanks build directory ✦

Hey. I am doing some guides here on forums and even more guides in Youtube video format.

This topic is used for easy display of build items and Path of Building community fork Pastebin links.

These are not full guides, but rather builds showcased and explained under 15 min.


▶ YOUTUBE BIG BRAIN Shield & Brainless Zombies ▶
3.14 PoB Mahuxotl's Machination Baron Zombie Necromancer:

▶ YOUTUBE Mahuxotl's Fist is TO GOOD to be TRUE ▶
3.14 PoB Mahuxotl's Machination Doryani Fist Berserker:

This build need some extra polish and would be reedited at later date







▶ YOUTUBE ✦ CHAOS skeletons are Insane ✦ ▶
3.13 PoB Chaos Damage Skeleton Guardian:
3.14 PoB Chaos Damage Skeleton Guardian:

Last edited by Atataforthewin#6363 on Jun 11, 2021, 11:17:02 AM
Last bumped on Nov 13, 2021, 4:17:01 PM
See first post for PoB and item links under spoiler tabs.
Last edited by Atataforthewin#6363 on Jun 11, 2021, 11:06:32 AM
I am using this build and I really like it. Could you give me some tips on how to improve it for the endgame? Thank you!
wow thats a very cool Build!
What do you think, what dps can you achive with like 30 - 40 ex?.
Last edited by Wudy#2910 on Jan 28, 2021, 3:19:33 PM
I am using this build and I really like it. Could you give me some tips on how to improve it for the endgame? Thank you!

Wudy wrote:
wow thats a very cool Build!
What do you think, what dps can you achive with like 30 - 40 ex?.

There are relatively limited options in my opinion. If you want to maintain tank.

6-link Pledge of Hands for BV and Inpula as better clear tool are really solid for extra 5-10ex spent. After that I think there are other high budget builds that are interesting and build still do everything in game, just a bit slow. It was specifically designed as low-budget and simple league starter.

Added 2nd build of the league. This time a bit more gimmick stuff with Discharge.
Last edited by Atataforthewin#6363 on Feb 1, 2021, 11:34:12 AM
For the Golem build, the Inpulsa Armor works fine with Shaper of Storm Ascendency?
Last edited by ericut#0786 on Feb 12, 2021, 3:19:37 PM
Why the golem build dont use elemental equilibrium? What the reason to use cold snap cwdt without elemental equilibrium?
Any leveling section? Im kinda sucks on leveling this puild, wich skill do i need to use?
Something to note regarding 3.13 PoB CHAIN IGNITE ELEMENTALIST. A majority of the frenzy chests out there right now seem to also have exploding chest which seems to help damage but completely negates the ignite spread of Abberath's boots. I managed to grab one with frenzy on hit and add extra curse. Now... What second curse to use?
A majority of the frenzy chests out there right now seem to also have exploding chest which seems to help damage but completely negates the ignite spread of Abberath's boots.

+1 for this! Thank you for noting, i accindentaly bought an explode chest but managed to switch:)

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