[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M

frannyx04 wrote:

Yes! Very high top damage and top for a bit faster mapping! Very, very fine and good!

At some step you cannot scale the spider damagepart higher. Then only scaling up the HoA works.

But don't forget: the spiders are offering 15 stacks of withers with withering touch support better than other minions and their AI is on mapping best, they attack everything on screen when you use ball-lightning. HoA attacks, ... building up the virulences slower, but much much harder on high gem + virulences level.

Trigger - wand is very fine! For sniper mark and desecrate with spirit offering best! Cast when stunned is only in some situations better because you don't need to use a skill with cast when stunned or cwdt.

11 mill you will not get with using arakaal and spiders. But they are better balanced for content when you want level high. I tried and enjoyed much the build with trigger wand too and it is very, very, very strong, but a bit sqishy / glascannonstyle compared to the Allstars, hehehe ;-)

Wooow! Top damage!!

After i tried so many different setups i still think akrakalli spiders are the best for mapping/clear speed.

As you mentioned skill gem slots are the main issue to balance some support skills

Hehehe! Arachnophilia! :-)
ShatteredEssence wrote:
Hello, can this buld be leveled with and improved gear wise as you play, or I need a starting budget to grab gear first? Thx

Hello ShatteredEssence,

Herald of Agony is levelling a bit slow but fine. I still didn't added leveling tipps. Summon raging spirits, flame wall, Zombies with meat shield or fortify, vaal skeletons, spectres, life on hit/ life-leech/ energy-shield-leech are good until you get in higher levels. Take some minion damage-passives on the way when you want and regret them when you get the cluster-jewels. Don't forget elemental resistances and upgrade your flasks levelling.

The build is getting strong when you get the dagger arakaali's fang. See spoiler "blizzard" to let the spiders play.

Some Gear can be expensive (see spoiler contra) like in other builds, but there are alternatives and you want best in slot only from Level 97, 98.

For gear in lower levels/ less currency take a look in the spoiler "FAQ" at the bottom of the build.
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Feb 7, 2021, 8:56:35 AM
Thank you, I was interested if it can be started on buudget, and I see, the answer is yes, will start the build today, thank you.
Another question. Is it possible to use Determination in Ritual league? My HoA has 45% mana reservation. 4% more than PoB link. I guess its because my Circle of Nostalgia is 20% reduced reservation for HoA vs 24% in PoB, but it seems 20% is now maximum. And with 45% on HoA, then 30% Discipline, and there is no space to fit 27% for Determination. Any advice?
Kaevar wrote:
Another question. Is it possible to use Determination in Ritual league? My HoA has 45% mana reservation. 4% more than PoB link. I guess its because my Circle of Nostalgia is 20% reduced reservation for HoA vs 24% in PoB, but it seems 20% is now maximum. And with 45% on HoA, then 30% Discipline, and there is no space to fit 27% for Determination. Any advice?

Hi Kaevar,

Determination is very important, almost most important for pdr, ar, es/ block.

You have to put 20x "fertile catalysts" on your circle-ring. These manaupgrades take your ring from 20% to 24% rmr.

For other manareservation: take a look at gear, skills, links ===》 spoiler circle of nostalgia. Inside that spoiler is a spoiler, lol :-) , "additional manamanagements" with a lot workarounds until you get enough mana.

Or use only 4 supportgems for the dirty scorpion (or supports with 0% manamultiply like knockback, blind, stun, etc.) until you get the fertile catalysts with trading/ delve/ metamorphs.

And limit ball-lightning, clarity and Nova to gemlevel 1. See spoiler gear, links, skills: gemlevelqualities.

Hope you enjoy and have fun! Yuchuu!
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Feb 7, 2021, 1:26:13 PM
Chromino wrote:
Kaevar wrote:
Another question. Is it possible to use Determination in Ritual league? My HoA has 45% mana reservation. 4% more than PoB link. I guess its because my Circle of Nostalgia is 20% reduced reservation for HoA vs 24% in PoB, but it seems 20% is now maximum. And with 45% on HoA, then 30% Discipline, and there is no space to fit 27% for Determination. Any advice?

Hi Kaevar,

Determination is very important, almost most important for pdr, ar, es/ block.

You have to put 20x "fertile catalysts" on your circle-ring. These manaupgrades take your ring from 20% to 24% rmr.

For other manareservation: take a look at gear, skills, links ===》 spoiler circle of nostalgia. Inside that spoiler is a spoiler, lol :-) , "additional manamanagements" with a lot workarounds until you get enough mana.

Or use only 4 supportgems for the dirty scorpion (or supports with 0% manamultiply like knockback, blind, stun, etc.) until you get the fertile catalysts with trading/ delve/ metamorphs.

And limit ball-lightning, clarity and Nova to gemlevel 1. See spoiler gear, links, skills: gemlevelqualities.

Hope you enjoy and have fun! Yuchuu!

Allright, the catalysts are what I was missing I think :).

Btw, If possible, I would advise to change the name of guide chapters. I mean, they make sense once you know what is in them, but finding the information you need as a newbie is kind of hard :P
Kaevar wrote:
Chromino wrote:
Kaevar wrote:
Another question. Is it possible to use Determination in Ritual league? My HoA has 45% mana reservation. 4% more than PoB link. I guess its because my Circle of Nostalgia is 20% reduced reservation for HoA vs 24% in PoB, but it seems 20% is now maximum. And with 45% on HoA, then 30% Discipline, and there is no space to fit 27% for Determination. Any advice?

Hi Kaevar,

Determination is very important, almost most important for pdr, ar, es/ block.

You have to put 20x "fertile catalysts" on your circle-ring. These manaupgrades take your ring from 20% to 24% rmr.

For other manareservation: take a look at gear, skills, links ===》 spoiler circle of nostalgia. Inside that spoiler is a spoiler, lol :-) , "additional manamanagements" with a lot workarounds until you get enough mana.

Or use only 4 supportgems for the dirty scorpion (or supports with 0% manamultiply like knockback, blind, stun, etc.) until you get the fertile catalysts with trading/ delve/ metamorphs.

And limit ball-lightning, clarity and Nova to gemlevel 1. See spoiler gear, links, skills: gemlevelqualities.

Hope you enjoy and have fun! Yuchuu!

Allright, the catalysts are what I was missing I think :).

Btw, If possible, I would advise to change the name of guide chapters. I mean, they make sense once you know what is in them, but finding the information you need as a newbie is kind of hard :P

Lol, yes!

It became such a long build and poe is not simple, heheehehee.

I love the spoilertitles and want to add instead a index/ Navigation for the FAQ and spoilers somewhere. Hehee.


You are helping a lot with the questions and with the input to improve a lot of thematics in build. Thank you and just ask, we have the answers ( -perhaps). :-) Arachnophilia! :-)
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Feb 7, 2021, 2:03:07 PM
Yup, leveling with this is a pain, but that was expected) Thank you for the build, and for the way you answer people on the thread.
Last edited by ShatteredEssence#5217 on Feb 8, 2021, 2:27:30 AM
"Grace / and vaal grace without iron reflexes are very, very strong too as an additional layer of defense and synergyse with the mechanics of molten shell and frostshield when you like it tanky. Like blind and dodge it offers a lot less micro stuns, micro chills and doubles the capacity of shell and shield skills because of less damage taken. And the damage without hatred is until full delirium multiple mods T19 more than enough."

But without iron reflexes evasion from grace is not enough to make any difference, no?
ShatteredEssence wrote:
"Grace / and vaal grace without iron reflexes are very, very strong too as an additional layer of defense and synergyse with the mechanics of molten shell and frostshield when you like it tanky. Like blind and dodge it offers a lot less micro stuns, micro chills and doubles the capacity of shell and shield skills because of less damage taken. And the damage without hatred is until full delirium multiple mods T19 more than enough."

But without iron reflexes evasion from grace is not enough to make any difference, no?

Grace/ evasion is without iron reflexes very strong for this build too. Until level 98 no problem without iron reflexes. From Level 98 I prefer iron reflexes, the high es/ block and physical damage reduction pdr is best.

Please take a look in the spoiler " gear, skills, links" in the spoiler"skin of the lords". There is a Ranking for skin of loyals, phase acrobatics, reduced damage from critical strikes, +2 (2x +1) to level of socketed gems etc. A skin of loyals without keynote etc. is working very, very good too until lvl 97, 98 when you start to never want to die because of exp-penalty.

For different socket- colours take a look in "the dirty scorpion tail".

Evasion doubles the capacities of molten shell and frostshield, yes. When you get a lot of big hits your molten shell protects longer, when you evade 50% or more of that hits. Try to get minions chance to blind on belt jewel or blind with grace on watcher eye: see spoiler "is only half of the truth". And of course you evade a lot of damage alone with grace/ blind. With glancing blows you block only 35% of the damage, so evasion alone protect you a lot! Without iron reflexes you get, when I remember correct, around 52 % evasion. With blind this raises to 76%. That is strong and you have a lot of dr, dodge, ar, avoidance etc. also. You evade 100% of the damage of evaded hits.

But best from T18 is 2400 es/ block and 120000 armour with iron reflexes - than armour starts to work against the very big physical hits also without loosing efficancy but most important 2400 es/ on block heals you in most dangerous situstions faster than 1200/ es on block and you still have 50% evasion from blind.

Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Feb 8, 2021, 10:55:41 AM

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