The Warlord Mystery Box

Well, if duplicates are still possible there is no way i am spending money on this. Your lootboxes in current form is basically scam.
Hands down best box ever!
Runslingan! The Power Of ~^S.W.E.D.E.N^~
Best names for sets ever.
Suffering is when you look at your gaming budget in 2021.
Misery is when you see all those nice new skins all over the town =)
Are you fucking kidding me???

My poor wallet :(
a mans gotta eat
Looks pretty good. :)
I'm confused. Warlord is already an influence type and conqueror of the atlas. What does this new mystery box have to do with that? What is the relationship between this mystery box and Drox? Is Drox a closet neon glow fanatic and has finally come out?
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Tbh. the twillight box was the prime of every visual mtx. It's hard to beat it.
Just want to say the rate of getting duplicates is downright awful. Bought 20 boxes 4 of them the same footprint effect 3 the same helmet effect and 2 of the same helmet. Glad I supported the game and will continue to but would like a limit on dupes.
unlucky for me :`(
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