3.13 crashing and other bugs

Support, I made a thread on this on Reddit to poll users on how many were having crashes issues. It seems pretty widespread. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/l3nrwv/poll_is_anyone_else_getting_relentless/

Obviously, the % will be skewed higher from people coming to the thread after searching "path of exile crash" and people having a crashing issue being more likely to click on a thread about crashing.......but it still seems quite widespread.
Still haven't had a crash free session since day 1. Crashing at least once every hour. Tried changing every single game setting/graphic option, 64/32bit client, cleared shader/minimap folders. Graphic drivers up to date, Windows 64 bit up to date. Tried closing background applications. Already emailed GGG support with my DXdiag.

GGG you should really speak up on this issue. People are losing their HC characters, maps, heists, in some cases even their items. I am at the point where I dont want to progress my atlas in red maps because I am scared I will lose my character due to a crash. I even have to build my character around my game crashing. This is unacceptable.
I literally crash every 30 minutes or so , usually its related to loading items or moving items through my inventory or stash , or when items are getting dropped when I kill mob. It's really depressing. I was on Vulkan and playing on dynamic res, switched back to dx11 and disabled dynamic res, crashes still happening. Mostly game freezes and after 2-3 seconds it's closed without error or anything
Last edited by Slevinxd on Jan 24, 2021, 1:38:34 PM
My game keeps crashing every 30 mins.... not sure what they changed but they broke something.
My only crashes I experience are when going to hideouts, mine or other players.

It's about 50/50 on if my game disconnects me to login screen when entering a hideout, super annoying.
Game crashed when I was running maps. After that I can not enter any location, except of towns, cause game crashes.
So fun losing on average one portal per map to crashing...

It would be nice if GGG at least acknowledged that there is an issue.
My game crashes consantly its pointless to play right now. Sometimes I can go 3o min and then it crashes. I have no idea on what to do about it. i guess I just stop playing for now gg.
Yep, same issue here, i keep crashing, tried everything i could reinstalling/trying other drivers and game itself, switching from D11 to Vulcan, last league game was working smooth as butter for me i have no idea what they did to fuck up so badly. I literally cant level through acts on Hc without dying to crash this league

Frozen MAVEN in cells map unable to complete map rituals.


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