[3.13] Aziire's CwC Hydrosphere Elementalist - Maven Ez Clap | Ritual League Starter

Could storm burst be swapped for another skill as in arc or spark?

Not really with the way I intend to play. To make Hydrosphere enjoyable / useable playing it while triggered will allow you to get far more damage with it. You could switch it up and do a two button play style however it would be quite different from the setup this build is running. It isn't an easy swap is the gist of the answer.

Awesome was waiting for someone to post a hydrosphere. I was screwed with cobra lash on release but lets go!

Reality is often disappointg D: I played Venom Gyre instead of Cobra back than, I lucked out and it was great. The saving grace in this build is that if Hydrosphere doesn't work we just take it out the links and run Storm Burst. It would function perfectly fine and no real changes would need to be made.

Sounds interesting. Think I might try it.

It should be "fine" pre-Impulsa, right?

Won't have the clear, but just from a pure starter?

Edit: Also, looking at it, we won't be 100% reflect immune without the hunter gloves?

Yeah we will be just fine without Inpulsa. The Herald of Ice will still be blowing up packs and our skill alone should be doing work. The Phys damage we do before Hunter gloves should be negligible enough to not have to worry about the Reflect. It would be only the base Phys Damage which might tickle at best (or I'm completely wrong, I will find out Day 1 for sure though).

Hello and thanks for your build mate !
Might try it aswell, looks cool and guide is well written.
Will it be ok without inpulsa at first as someone else also is asking ?
I'm a shitty player and i'll not have currency so quickly.
Any ideas if it will success vs bosses ?

Cheers :D

Yeah the guide will be fine without Inpulsa. It's just a cherry on top for aesthetics and explosions. Our Herald of Ice will do a lot of work. I actually think it will be great for bosses and should be good for the new Maven. I might be overestimating but I believe it will have no problem doing all content except maybe Tier 16+ 100% Delirium. I have never tried it however. This might be the league for it :)

I kind of missed the delirium league, how hard will it be to obtain the cluster jewels in upcoming league?

The jewels we are looking for should be relatively easy to get in a trade league. However if you play SSF than don't count on it as they can be awkward to craft and find yourself because RNG.
Nice then, gonna comeback in PoE with this build for sure. Thanks 👍
'been waiting for a hydrosphere build guide.
thanks a lot for making this.
Awesome work, and I love the idea of this build. I'm just hesitant to stand still channeling while 10 bosses are around... Do you think there is a viable version using cyclone CWC hydrosphere and then a Mjolnir to proc spells like Ball lightning or arc?
Last edited by BerkBear#5959 on Jan 15, 2021, 12:47:21 AM
Ahhh okay then so no arc obv cause not channeling so what about crackling lance or another channeling skill would that swap be easier? Or is storm burst used for a specific reason?
Nice then, gonna comeback in PoE with this build for sure. Thanks 👍


'been waiting for a hydrosphere build guide.
thanks a lot for making this.

Yeah the Hydrosphere guides really be lackin. It's aight tho, we all can just jump on this train and surely it all goes to plan.

Awesome work, and I love the idea of this build. I'm just hesitant to stand still channeling while 10 bosses are around... Do you think there is a viable version using cyclone CWC hydrosphere and then a Mjolnir to proc spells like Ball lightning or arc?

It's a fair point. I think it is a little rough having to stand still however I think I have the gamer instinct to dodge all the abilities as if I'm Neo or some shit. Mjolnir is a cool idea however the actual logistic of getting the right aps, trigger speeds, etc to get that thing off the ground isn't worth the migraine. The skills themselves are also relatively weak, however they do cast fast so there is that.

Someone with a bigger brain than me could probably come up with a really sick way to implement Cyclone and Hydrosphere. I played Cyclone CoC Discharge last league and got lost in the sauce. The amount of work to get that thing working was not worth it.

Ahhh okay then so no arc obv cause not channeling so what about crackling lance or another channeling skill would that swap be easier? Or is storm burst used for a specific reason?

I use Storm Burst as it has Phys and Lightning which you can scale quite easily into a lot of Damage. Divine Ire is actually the perfect swap and you could do so 1:1 as all the tags are the same. However Divine Ire is a burst so you won't be channelling Hydrosphere as much.

Converting from Storm Burst provides huge damage as we go Phys > Lightning > Cold. This also allows our Storm Burst to inflict both Cold and Lightning Ailments on the Hydrosphere so it too does 50/50 damage. It just has great synergy for the playstyle I am going for :D.
Was curious to see what you came up with for this league after running your steel build.
Hydrosphere piqued my interest, always fun to play with new toys.
I thought I had a starter picked out but no, you had to post something interesting last minute. I'll have to stop by the stream tomorrow while at work and see how this is going for you.
I think part of it might be how the resetting happens, if the orb keeps the ailment for as long as it exists and the secondary duration only applies to drenched then I think using arc and just keeping it active via resetting the orb is the way to go. If the orb needs to be reactivated fairly regularly then it becomes kinda clunky and the cast while channeling works better. It just all depends on the mechanics of it.
Last edited by Maethorr#2375 on Jan 15, 2021, 2:54:45 AM
Really really appreciate all the answers my man i will be starting this tomorrow for sure!
Awwww yes, someone finally post hydrosphere.

Looks fine by me, only worried about our survi - its kinda meh.

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