Path of Building for Mac! 3.25-ready

<3 love ya
Looks like the update method doesn't seem to work with the 3.16 tree :/

edit: looks like the newest one isn't official, just in beta
Last edited by iisanoob on Oct 18, 2021, 9:05:53 AM
If you want to update to the dev version for 3.16, you just need to add one more line to the terminal commands posted in the original thread.


# This assumes you've installed the app PathOfBuilding to /Applications
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd PathOfBuilding
# The new line for early 3.16 version
git checkout dev
unzip -o lua/xml.lua lua/base64.lua lua/sha1.lua
rm -rf src/lua
mv -f lua src
cd src
cp -rf * /Applications/
cp -f ../manifest.xml /Applications/

# This line is needed to work around an issue with the pobfrontend and recent releases
# See
sed -i '' 's/function main:LoadPastebinBuild()/function main:LoadPastebinBuild()\
if arg == nil then\
return false\
end/' /Applications/
yardsale8 wrote:
If you want to update to the dev version for 3.16, you just need to add one more line to the terminal commands posted in the original thread.


# This assumes you've installed the app PathOfBuilding to /Applications
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd PathOfBuilding
# The new line for early 3.16 version
git checkout dev
unzip -o lua/xml.lua lua/base64.lua lua/sha1.lua
rm -rf src/lua
mv -f lua src
cd src
cp -rf * /Applications/
cp -f ../manifest.xml /Applications/

# This line is needed to work around an issue with the pobfrontend and recent releases
# See
sed -i '' 's/function main:LoadPastebinBuild()/function main:LoadPastebinBuild()\
if arg == nil then\
return false\
end/' /Applications/

This worked, but it looks like they merged the dev branch to master, so I don't think you need to check out that branch anymore
Works great with 3.16.
Thanks for your excellent work!
Thanks for your excellent work!
I've been using it on my machine at work during my spare time.
Will you be updating to the 2.10.0 version, OP? I'm not sure how to use git/what to do to make it easy. Is there a tutorial I can watch to update POB on a mac?
"Bonus points if it is Scion/Witch because they have nice knees. Ranger has ugly knees and other characters are men so playing them would be homoerotic." - CAKE, 10/20/21
Thank you for your work!
Works good so far, only issue is that the app overall looks a bit pixelated, low resolution. Is there a fix for it or beggars are not choosers?
I can not open this with the latest macOS system

The report is too long to post

Process: PathOfBuilding [5107]
Path: /private/var/folders/*/
Identifier: com.yourcompany.PathOfBuilding
Version: 1.0.0 (???)
Code Type: X86-64 (Translated)
Parent Process: ??? [5106]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2021-10-20 22:08:50.529 -0500
OS Version: macOS 11.6 (20G165)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 8045B006-F50D-0842-039A-5527FB1FC01A

Sleep/Wake UUID: 8DEB9C01-6558-4B76-A057-A033F1E95DED

Time Awake Since Boot: 48000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 47000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Notes: Translocated Process

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
terminating with uncaught foreign exception
abort() called
Any chance you'd wanna enable issues to be reported on the GitHub there instead of in thie thread?

Works ok for me but the font scaling is bonkers compared to buttons.. text goes outside of them etc.

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