Path of Building for Mac! 3.25-ready

Kill3dP3anut wrote:
Anyone know if this works on Sonoma yet? Just wanted to check before I update lol

I'm on Sonoma and it seems to run fine
andyflip wrote:
Dumb answer for the next person:

rm -rf ~/Path\ of\ Building

this will clear your session data, you'll lose your saved builds, you'll need to get a new poesessid. it's possible

rm ~/Path\ of\ Building/Session.xml

will also work.

Did you even look in the folder you're telling people to delete? There's no "session data" (whatever that is). All it holds is your builds and the app's global settings.

Also, this is not a thing: rm ~/Path\ of\ Building/Session.xml
Deliver pain exquisite
Is there any way to display POB content for Mac in higher resolution (not being blurry)? I'm talking about laptops with "displayed" resolution being 1440x900 while actual real numbers are twice as high
Just updated to the latest version!
Hello after i have went into settings and press open, it still does not open the app. It says contact developer.

how do I allow it for the security issue?

I am talking about the newest version. Had no trouble on the previous version.

I open terminal and this is the error

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTVNSt3__13pmr25monotonic_buffer_resourceE
Referenced from: /Applications/
Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
in /Applications/
Abort trap: 6

someone please help me.

I tried to update using terminal and still does not work.

When I click the application it just bounce once and nothing happens after =(((
Last edited by faynop on Dec 4, 2023, 8:16:04 AM
hey @arciinus

are the updates seamless now? I don't see a new tag on github 🤔
You still have to re-download it. I created a new tag (v2.34.1) but the date may be wrong since I reused an old draft.
Is necessary, or does it just work out of the box? I dont want to tinker with any settings. And, thank you for this awesome post.
And UI scaling is way too high on my 13.3" MBP, how can I fix this?

faynop wrote:

someone please help me.

I tried to update using terminal and still does not work.

When I click the application it just bounce once and nothing happens after =(((

Save here, bounce once and nothing happens. Haven't had any issues with previous versions, just 2.35.2

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