Stress-Free PoE! RIGHTEOUS GOLEMS (RF): No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End! 3.13

Rex_Urhole wrote:
jesterx93 wrote:

what do you all think of this?

what kind of crafting would you do on it ?

Not much! That's a pretty solid scepter there. (see my earlier posts with WoD on RF beneficial mods).

You've got the most important mod for RF (Fire DoT) plus synergy with the increased fire damage and implicit elemental to boot.

So I really wouldn't change or chance anything unless you can roll another guaranteed "increased X" (burning, area, straight DoT etc)

Catalysts might bump some of the fire/elemental damage if you can get the right ones but as I said, I'd take that scepter over my current ones.....:)

TY so much for all you have done to help me =)
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
jesterx93 wrote:
Hey =)

SO I am maintaining RF. and my Son who is lvl 95 and mapping carried me through content and bought me some upgrades ...

I am wondering if there is a good benchmark for life at X level.

Like how much life should i Look to have at level 70,75,80,etc

Also I am never seeing ball lightning or my flammability PROC. so I am afraid to spec into EE. could someone look at my gear and gem setup and tell me what I'm missing? is there another good way to get the ele damage for EE? COme to think of it I dont see Purifying flame or wave or conviction proc either. Help?

any and all help is much appreciated.

thanx in advance
jesterx93 wrote:

what do you all think of this?

what kind of crafting would you do on it ?

Hey jesterx93,

The benchmark question is relative to 100 of different details. Obviously, you always want life, but you always want a good balance between life and damage. The levelling part of the guide mentioned simply "hug the right" of the tree without skipping any branches. It'd give you a good balance of offence and defence as you level. And with all your gear, you want life rolls. So it's just a matter of those two working together.

In regards to CwDT, it's based on the damage threshold. That damage threshold won't change as you level up because at some point the gem stops levelling...but the enemies' damage will improve as you level. So the farther along you go in the game, the more frequently you'll see the CwDT spell cast. Check out the example video to see how often my stuff happens. Also, the more people you play with, the more people the enemies have to hit (depending on their build).

You ask great questions. And nice weapon! I'm pretty sure that'd be stronger than my weapon. At this stage of your build, any Rare item should only have one mod added to it (and you already have a great one). Only consider using the multi-craft recipe once you really know what you want and how to get there. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
jesterx93 wrote:
Hey =)

SO I am maintaining RF. and my Son who is lvl 95 and mapping carried me through content and bought me some upgrades ...

I am wondering if there is a good benchmark for life at X level.

Like how much life should i Look to have at level 70,75,80,etc

Also I am never seeing ball lightning or my flammability PROC. so I am afraid to spec into EE. could someone look at my gear and gem setup and tell me what I'm missing? is there another good way to get the ele damage for EE? COme to think of it I dont see Purifying flame or wave or conviction proc either. Help?

any and all help is much appreciated.

thanx in advance
jesterx93 wrote:

what do you all think of this?

what kind of crafting would you do on it ?

Hey jesterx93,

The benchmark question is relative to 100 of different details. Obviously, you always want life, but you always want a good balance between life and damage. The levelling part of the guide mentioned simply "hug the right" of the tree without skipping any branches. It'd give you a good balance of offence and defence as you level. And with all your gear, you want life rolls. So it's just a matter of those two working together.

In regards to CwDT, it's based on the damage threshold. That damage threshold won't change as you level up because at some point the gem stops levelling...but the enemies' damage will improve as you level. So the farther along you go in the game, the more frequently you'll see the CwDT spell cast. Check out the example video to see how often my stuff happens. Also, the more people you play with, the more people the enemies have to hit (depending on their build).

You ask great questions. And nice weapon! I'm pretty sure that'd be stronger than my weapon. At this stage of your build, any Rare item should only have one mod added to it (and you already have a great one). Only consider using the multi-craft recipe once you really know what you want and how to get there.


I have all the health nodes for this build and am filling out damage. I guess what I am really wondering is if there is a goal for total Life or even what is your total Life. I am sure you can never get enough .. Im level 81 and sitting at 6330. am I on the right track? behind the curve? I dont feel squishy and am in teir 6-8 maps. IM looting good currrency and its not quite eating a hole in my pocket but I wonder if I should be upgrading now or saving for upgrades till later mapping? I Guess I am hearing you tell me to upgrade when i feel squishy. any way what is the experience of your self and others? as far as a possible max goal in life on this build?

PLease please please... and thank you
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
Last edited by jesterx93#2143 on Feb 5, 2021, 11:14:30 PM
2 things I ran into, and some other fun stuff.

Physical Reflect mods on maps are bad. Really really bad. I was hammering my brain (or what's left of it) about why on earth I was getting one-shotted. Turns out that both our CWDT spells are actual physical spells, and do enough damage to *reflect* enough damage to kill me dead in one hit, even with all my buffs up.

I got rid of the ball lightning since it seems to somehow either not trigger, or not hit anything, not sure what's going on there. Instead I got a +lightning damage modifier, which applies to cyclone, which seems to pretty much consistently keep EE triggered for fire and cold damage. I am not 100% sure of the mechanics on that one, though, so is that really functional like that, and not just confirmation bias?

The fun stuff:

I found

That... Seems to be tailormade for an RF build, really, and I'm very much enjoying it!

I also added a blink spell to an unset ring, and a vaal detonate corpse to a leftover slot in my chest piece (since that's a 4-link still), plus I replaced the fun-buff on the golems with a summon holy relic, especially at the start that helped me out very much.

I'm going to see how much Consecrated Path would be useful, but I remember that being somewhat unreliable for moving around.

jesterx93 wrote:

I have all the health nodes for this build and am filling out damage. I guess what I am really wondering is if there is a goal for total Life or even what is your total Life. I am sure you can never get enough .. Im level 81 and sitting at 6330. am I on the right track? behind the curve? I dont feel squishy and am in teir 6-8 maps. IM looting good currrency and its not quite eating a hole in my pocket but I wonder if I should be upgrading now or saving for upgrades till later mapping? I Guess I am hearing you tell me to upgrade when i feel squishy. any way what is the experience of your self and others? as far as a possible max goal in life on this build?

PLease please please... and thank you
Hey jesterx93!

Being over 6K life with RF is good. Trying to reach over 7K would be great but by no means expected. You can look at my example video and my gear to give you an idea of things like this. In the video I have 6900 life and some pretty good life rolls on my gear. The thing about this game is that there isn't ever going to be a specific set of numbers that you "have" to have. But when you compare to my stuff, you're very well set. So don't go out of your way for anything unless it's amazing. I took a look at your gear and you're looking great! I'll have to be a really nice drop for you to replace anything you have.

The idea with these kind of games is that you can hit "a wall" of progress if good enough gear hasn't dropped for you yet...while also, you're always looking for an improvement somewhere, even if you don't need it. All that being said, I think your gear can take you all the may be better than mine. But always be on the lookout for better things.

So I think you can sit back and just map, knowing that you're pretty set. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Splutty wrote:
2 things I ran into, and some other fun stuff.

Physical Reflect mods on maps are bad. Really really bad. I was hammering my brain (or what's left of it) about why on earth I was getting one-shotted. Turns out that both our CWDT spells are actual physical spells, and do enough damage to *reflect* enough damage to kill me dead in one hit, even with all my buffs up.

I got rid of the ball lightning since it seems to somehow either not trigger, or not hit anything, not sure what's going on there. Instead I got a +lightning damage modifier, which applies to cyclone, which seems to pretty much consistently keep EE triggered for fire and cold damage. I am not 100% sure of the mechanics on that one, though, so is that really functional like that, and not just confirmation bias?

The fun stuff:

I found

That... Seems to be tailormade for an RF build, really, and I'm very much enjoying it!

I also added a blink spell to an unset ring, and a vaal detonate corpse to a leftover slot in my chest piece (since that's a 4-link still), plus I replaced the fun-buff on the golems with a summon holy relic, especially at the start that helped me out very much.

I'm going to see how much Consecrated Path would be useful, but I remember that being somewhat unreliable for moving around.
Thanks for the feedback Splutty!

Cool changes! Let me know how they pan out in the high tier stuff! And nice find with the shield! Ya, it's pretty perfect for this build, isn't it.

Ya, Consecrated Path is tricky without accuracy. If you use is ONLY to get into combat, it works fine. If you're using it as an escape skill too, you'll want Resolute Technique.

And yes, adding any cold or lightning damage to Cyclone (never fire) will greatly benefit this build. It synergizes well.

Good luck! I hope it all works out. Thanks for the feedback. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
TonyyTony wrote:
Having a lot of fun with this build as this is my first time playing PoE. I'm working on completing the atlas and finding that my single target damage in boss fights is absolutely nonexistent until I have vaal RF going, which isn't always possible.

Anyone else running into similar issues? Currently capping at ~2.5M DoT dps with vaal R, but that drops to like 400k on normal RF.

Im only level 90 so maybe I just need to grind out another 2-4 levels before continuing onto finishing the red conqs
TonyyTony! This is your first time playing PoE? Your gear doesn't look like it at all. You look like you know what you're doing! ;). Good for you.

You have great gear that has some nice min/maxing added to it...and you've very nicely avoided the negative effects of EE as well. As long as you're not using Flash Dash too often (cause it Hits with Fire).

Obviously having a few extra levels helps but it shouldn't be necessary to complete the game. You have a better setup than I do for sure. RF, as all DOTs, is a little more dependant on gear than other skills. So, though your weapon is great, finding a weapon that has a higher amount of DOT multiplier would work nicely. There are also influenced items that really helps with damage as well (like nearby enemies having negative to fire resist).

I find, with RF especially, that map mods REALLY impact the boss battles. For example, if I give the Wasteland boss an increase to life, his innate life regen goes through the roof and makes the fight a pain. (Maybe I'll put that in the guide somewhere.)

Staves are also a great way to increase damage but at the cost of reduced survivability rolls on a shield.

Lastly, again at the cost of survivability, Respec'ing out of Bastion of Elements and selecting Heart of Destruction (ascendancy nodes) will be a huge improvement too.

Not all easy fixes but there are some options for you. I'm glad you're liking the guide though. Thanks for the kind words. I hope this helps a bit.

Thanks Wrecker! I made a few changes to my build and finding it a lot more satisfying. I admit the map mods were throwing me a bit, had no idea reflecting other skills like physical could hurt so bad (sextants make this go away) Probably was using flame dash a bit too much as well (saw the high damage,) but using it as a boss avoidance skill is still really handy.

Quick question regarding monster fire resist. The notes section says that that our wave of conviction/flammibility would over ride with its 50% curse any other fire exposures? Specifically I was looking at crafting a Flow of Life/Master of Fire cluster jewel, but my understanding of this section is the 10% fire exposure of master of fire would be overwritten anyways by our flamibility? If that is the case it might be best to just go with Flow of Life/Burning Bright.

Lastly has anyone had good luck with crafting a high Fire DoT Multi sceptre? My sceptre is lacking a bit in the fire dot multi department, but otherwise its too perfect to drop. Would be nice to self craft but with the harvest nerf I havent seen one in a few days...

Edit: Also trying out culling strike on the golems for better bossing. Is the general consensus culling strike is better than empower or blind support? Feels like most support gems are for golem survivability which is not an issue at all
Last edited by TonyyTony#4028 on Feb 6, 2021, 1:54:47 PM
Hi again gang?

I have a max of 4 Golems now???

is that a thing?

If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
jesterx93 wrote:
Hi again gang?

I have a max of 4 Golems now???

is that a thing?


Yup! As wrecker mentioned the extra 4th golem increases the overall buff of all the other golems but, having two of the same golem won't double up on the buff of that golem. Having 4 is good, doesnt matter what the extra guy is
got it .. thanks
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.

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